1.0.0-beta.2 • Published 4 years ago

react-date-range-next-freeze v1.0.0-beta.2

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4 years ago


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⚠️ Warning: the current branch represents the new pre-release version. Legacy version deprecated.

A date library agnostic React component for choosing dates and date ranges. Uses date-fns for date operations.

Why should you use react-date-range?

  • Stateless date operations
  • Highly configurable
  • Multiple range selection
  • Based on native js dates
  • Drag n Drop selection
  • Keyboard friendly

Live Demo : http://adphorus.github.io/react-date-range


Getting Started


yarn add react-date-range@next

If you don't use yarn

$ npm install --save react-date-range@next


You need to import skeleton and theme styles first.

import 'react-date-range/dist/styles.css'; // main style file
import 'react-date-range/dist/theme/default.css'; // theme css file


import { Calendar } from 'react-date-range';

class MyComponent extends Component {
		console.log(date); // native Date object
		return (
				date={new Date()}

DateRangePicker / DateRange

import { DateRangePicker } from 'react-date-range';

class MyComponent extends Component {
		// {
		// 	selection: {
		// 		startDate: [native Date Object],
		// 		endDate: [native Date Object],
		// 	}
		// }
		const selectionRange = {
			startDate: new Date(),
			endDate: new Date(),
			key: 'selection',
		return (


PropertytypeDefault ValueDesctiption
localeObjectenUS from localeyou can view full list from here. Locales directly exported from date-fns/locales.
classNameStringwrapper classname
monthsNumber1rendered month count
showSelectionPreviewBooleantrueshow preview on focused/hovered dates
showMonthAndYearPickersBooleantrueshow select tags for month and year on calendar top, if false it will just display the month and year
rangeColorsString[]defines color for selection preview.
shownDateDateinitial focus date
minDateDatedefines minimum date. Disabled earlier dates
maxDateDatedefines maximum date. Disabled later dates
directionString'vertical'direction of calendar months. can be vertical or horizontal
disabledDatesDate[][]dates that are disabled
scrollObject{ enabled: false }infinite scroll behaviour configuration. Check out Infinite Scroll section
showMonthArrowBooleantrueshow/hide month arrow button
navigatorRendererFuncrenderer for focused date navigation area. fn(currentFocusedDate: Date, changeShownDate: func, props: object)
ranges*Object[][]Defines ranges. array of range object
moveRangeOnFirstSelection(DateRange)Booleanfalsemove range on startDate selection. Otherwise endDate will replace with startDate.
onChange(Calendar)Funccallback function for date changes. fn(date: Date)
onChange(DateRange)Funccallback function for range changes. fn(changes). changes contains changed ranges with new startDate/endDate properties.
color(Calendar)String#3d91ffdefines color for selected date in Calendar
date(Calendar)Datedate value for Calendar
showDateDisplay(DateRange)Booleantrueshow/hide selection display row. Uses dateDisplayFormat for formatter
onShownDateChange(DateRange,Calendar)FunctionCallback function that is called when the shown date changes
initialFocusedRange(DateRange)ObjectInitial value for focused range. See focusedRange for usage.
focusedRange(DateRange)ObjectIt defines which range and step are focused. Common initial value is [0, 0]; first value is index of ranges, second one is which step on date range(startDate or endDate).
onRangeFocusChange(DateRange)ObjectCallback function for focus changes
preview(DateRange)Objectdisplays a preview range and overwrite DateRange's default preview. Expected shape: { startDate: Date, endDate: Date, color: String }
showPreview(DateRange)booltruevisibility of preview
dragSelectionEnabled(Calendar)booltruewhether dates can be selected via drag n drop
onPreviewChange(DateRange)ObjectCallback function for preview changes
dateDisplayFormat(DateRange)StringMMM D, YYYYselected range preview formatter. Check out date-fns's format option
renderStaticRangeLabel(DefinedRange)FunctionCallback function to be triggered for the static range configurations that have hasCustomRendering: true on them. Instead of rendering staticRange.label, return value of this callback will be rendered.
staticRanges(DefinedRange, DateRangePicker)Arraydefault preDefined ranges-
inputRanges(DefinedRange, DateRangePicker)Arraydefault input ranges-

*shape of range:

		startDate: PropTypes.object,
		endDate: PropTypes.object,
		color: PropTypes.string,
		key: PropTypes.string,
		autoFocus: PropTypes.bool,
		disabled: PropTypes.bool,
		showDateDisplay: PropTypes.bool,

Infinite Scrolled Mode

To enable infinite scroll set scroll={{enabled: true}} basically. Infinite scroll feature is affected by direction(rendering direction for months) and months(for rendered months count) props directly. If you prefer, you can overwrite calendar sizes with calendarWidth/calendarHeight or each month's height/withs with monthWidth/monthHeight/longMonthHeight at scroll prop.

	// shape of scroll prop
  scroll: {
    enabled: PropTypes.bool,
    monthHeight: PropTypes.number,
    longMonthHeight: PropTypes.number, // some months has 1 more row than others
    monthWidth: PropTypes.number, // just used when direction="horizontal"
    calendarWidth: PropTypes.number, // defaults monthWidth * months
    calendarHeight: PropTypes.number, // defaults monthHeight * months


  • Make mobile friendly (integrate tap and swipe actions)
  • Add complex booking customization example with exposed dayRenderer prop
  • Add tests
  • Improve documentation