1.0.4 • Published 6 years ago

react-declarative-fetch v1.0.4

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6 years ago



A Declarative Way To Make HTTP Requests in React.


The process of making external API requests in a react component often repeats itself and I found myself handling the same state changes in different components to many times.
For example, showing a <Loader /> component while fetching and taking into account the different responses from the API i.e Error or Success.


In most cases, when making an async external call from a component you will want to account for three different phases in the request lifecycle:

  1. Fetching
  2. Success
  3. Error

REACT-DECLARATIVE-FETCH aims to give a dead simple and declarative API for handling the different state changes in an API call.


npm i react-declarative-fetch
import { Fetch } from 'react-declarative-fetch';
const ImageGallery = () => {
  return (
    <Fetch url="https://www.someImageApiUrl">
      <Fetch.Error>Error while loading the images</Fetch.Error>
      <Fetch.Fetching>show loader</Fetch.Fetching>
        {({ data }) => data.map(img => <Image {...img} />)}

more examples

Each of the compound components will only get rendered when the appropriate state is set, i.e when fetching <Fetch.Fetching> will get rendered and at the end of the request either <Fetch.Success> or <Fetch.Error> will get rendered.


Both <Fetch.Success> and <Fetch.Error> can be used as a render props and they will be invoked with the current state.
The <Fetch> component can also be used alone as a render props component and will be invoked with the current state.


urlstringyesthe url to make the request from
optionsobjectno, the default method is GEToptions to pass to the request agent (i.e axios) like method, headers, etc...
withCachebooleannoif present the results would be cached and would be retrieved from the cache on following requests
delaynumbernodelay the request X amount of milliseconds

State - render props components will be invoked with the state object

fetchingbooleanIs in process of fetching the data
successbooleanDid the request ended successfuly
dataobjectThe current request respones
errorErrorThe current request Error
resetCachefunctionfunction that resets the cache when invoked


expose reset cache api outside of the component.
add examples and use cases.
move to the native fetch instead of axios.