4.1.0 • Published 5 years ago

react-delay-input v4.1.0

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Last release
5 years ago

react-delay-input npm

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React component that renders an Input, Textarea or other element with a delayed onChange event. Can be used as drop-in replacement for <input type="text" /> or <textarea />.

Fork of react-debounce-input to add options (delayMax, leadingNotify and trailingNotify), minor code improvements and changes to make cross platform maintenance more palatable.

React Delay Input



npm install --save react react-delay-input

Don't forget to manually install peer dependencies (react) if you use npm@3.

Script Tag:

<script src="https://unpkg.com/react@16.0.0/umd/react.production.min.js"></script>
<script src="https://unpkg.com/react-delay-input/build/react-delay-input.js"></script>
(Module exposed as `DelayInput`)




import React from 'react';
import ReactDOM from 'react-dom';
import {DelayInput} from 'react-delay-input';

class App extends React.Component {
  state = {
    value: ''

  render() {
    return (
          onChange={event => this.setState({value: event.target.value})} />

        <p>Value: {this.state.value}</p>

const appRoot = document.createElement('div');
ReactDOM.render(<App />, appRoot);


element : PropTypes.string or React.PropTypes.func (default: "input")

You can specify element="textarea". For Example:

<DelayInput element="textarea" />

Will result in

<textarea />

Note: when rendering a <textarea /> you may wish to set forceNotifyByEnter = {false} so the user can make new lines without forcing notification of the current value.

This package has only been tested with <input /> and <textarea /> but should work with any element which has value and onChange props.

You can also use a custom react component as the element. For Example:

<DelayInput element={CustomReactComponent} />

Will result in

<CustomReactComponent />

onChange: PropTypes.func.isRequired

Function called when value is changed (debounced) with original event passed through

value: PropTypes.string

Value of the Input box. Can be omitted, so component works as usual non-controlled input.

minLength: PropTypes.number (default: 2)

Minimal length of text to start notify, if value becomes shorter then minLength (after removing some characters), there will be a notification with empty value ''.

delayMax: PropTypes.number (default: undefined)

The maximum time (in ms) that a change is allowed to be delayed before onChange is invoked.

delayTimeout: PropTypes.number (default: 100)

Notification debounce timeout in ms. If set to -1, disables automatic notification completely. Notification will only happen by pressing Enter then.

Note: If delayTimeout is 0 and leadingNotify is false, onChange is deferred until to the next tick, similar to setTimeout with a timeout of 0.

forceNotifyByEnter: PropTypes.bool (default: true)

Notification of current value will be sent immediately by hitting Enter key. Enabled by-default. Notification value follows the same rule as with debounced notification, so if Length is less, then minLength - empty value '' will be sent back.

NOTE if onKeyDown callback prop was present, it will be still invoked transparently.

forceNotifyOnBlur: PropTypes.bool (default: true)

Same as forceNotifyByEnter, but notification will be sent when focus leaves the input field.

inputRef: PropTypes.func (default: undefined)

Will pass ref={inputRef} to generated input element. We needed to rename ref to inputRef since ref is a special prop in React and cannot be passed to children.

See ./example/Ref.js for usage example.

leadingNotify: PropTypes.bool (default: false)

True if onChange should be invoked on the leading edge of the timeout.

Note: If leadingNotify and trailingNotify are true, onChange is invoked on the trailing edge of the timeout only if changes happen more than once during the wait timeout.

trailingNotify: PropTypes.bool (default: true)

True if onChange should be invoked on the trailing edge of the timeout.

Arbitrary props will be transferred to rendered <input>

  onChange={event => this.setState({value: event.target.value})}
  className="user-name" />

Will result in

  className="user-name" />

Development and testing

Currently is being developed and tested with the latest stable Node 8 on OSX.

To run example covering all DelayInput features, use yarn start, which will compile example/Example.js

git clone git@github.com:waynebloss/react-delay-input.git
cd react-delay-input
yarn install
yarn start

# then
open http://localhost:8080


# to run ESLint check
yarn lint

# to run tests
yarn test

# to run end-to-end tests
# first, run `selenium/standalone-firefox:3.4.0` docker image
docker run -p 4444:4444 selenium/standalone-firefox:3.4.0
# then run test
yarn e2e
