react-dir-config-script v1.0.0
This is a simple Node command-line scripts that will install tools and set up your directory for building a React project. Pretty basic config and tooling which should be sufficient for most beginners and useful to many masters!
Depending on the project more advanced devs prefer: Yarn > npm Webpack > Parcel
NOTE -- I have left several dev comments and todo's in the code. While the project does what I want it to now, in the future I want to add more advanced options seelections for maximum customizability. The comments are trains of thought I think will be helpful for me when I come back to this project.
npm i react-strt
npm install react-strt
USAGE: (see numbered list below for details on what its doing)
react-strt -a
react-strt -A
( means any other argument -- Installs only dependencies, no dev dependencies)
NOTE -- if you do not run: 'npm init' before running 'react-strt' this script will run 'npm init -y'
OPTIONS: For now the only supported option is: -a/-A which stands for ALL -- installing EVERY tool listed above supplying NO argument options will default to -a (ALL)
** My option parsing game in this script is pretty weak. For future updates I may employ a package called 'minimist' ( which is a really cool project that has pretty nice option arguments parsing features.
** For what I wanted to get done (which was automating tools installation and config) adding advanced options processing was looking like it was going to take more time than I would have liked so I short-circuited much of the options logic for now! (it might look a little weird -- if you glance at the code, but Im leaving it for preservation of train of thought for when I pick it up again!)
Currently this script will: 1. Run: 'npm init -y'
(if npm project is not already started -- i.e. no package.json file is detected) Warning: Only run this script in the root directory of your project
- Install all of the following as dev dependencies: "prettier", "eslint", "eslint-config-prettier", "parcel", "@babel/eslint-parser", "eslint-plugin-import", "eslint-plugin-jsx-a11y", "eslint-plugin-react", "eslint-plugin-react-hooks",
using 'npm i -D _'
Create the followng simple config files in current directory (should be Root of your project):
.prettierrc: {} .eslintrc.json:
{ "extends": "eslint:recommended", "plugin:import/errors", "plugin:react/recommended", "plugin:jsx-a11y/recommended", "prettier" , "rules": { "react/prop-types": 0, "no-console": 1, "react-hooks/rules-of-hooks": 2, "react-hooks/exhaustive-deps": 1 }, "plugins": "react", "import", "jsx-a11y", "react-hooks", "parserOptions": { "ecmaVersion": 2018, "sourceType": "module", "ecmaFeatures": { "jsx": true } }, "env": { "es6": true, "browser": true, "node": true }, "settings": { "react": { "version": "detect" } } }
.gitignore: node_modules/ .DS_Store .cache/ dist/ coverage/ .vscode/ .env/
Adds the following 'npm scripts' to package.json for manual execution of the tools
"scripts" :
{ "dev": "parcel src/index.html", "dev:mock": "cross-env PET_MOCK=mock npm run dev", "format": "prettier \".//*.{js,html,json}\" --write", "lint": "eslint \"src//*.{js,jsx}\" --quiet", "test": "echo \"Error: no test specified\" && exit 1" },
- Run any of the above with: 'npm run ____'
ex. npm run dev
*** NOTE -- "test" is the default script that is created when package.json is created... I just left it there
When I have some time and do some more research on cli app conventions and best practices, specifically regarding options parsing and processing I will make this 'configuration'/'set-up'/'tooling' script more robust and experiment with more customizability.
I want to be able to easily select from the best tools and automatically set up my react project directory the way I want
In the future I aim to add support for yarn and other tools that I have undoubtedly not discovered yet...
Also, if it wasnt clear already I want to be able to specify select combinations of all tools for fully customizatible configurations depending on how light-weight or robust of a React project I will be building.
Another thing I realized while building this was the posibility of using the power of npm to shortcut a lot of the work (maybe)
Since npm (and Im assuming yarn I havnt used it much yet but it seems pretty similar) allows you to install all pre-set dependencies after downloading the package -- using 'npm i' or 'npm install' (longhand)
I/me/you/one could implement a CLI script like this (react-strt) by adding the preferred tools to: -- 'devDependencies': {} & -- 'dependencies': {}
in package.json -- using some file system read and write libs and then finally running 'npm install'
This seems to prevent the need for making any execution calls to the command line (aside from maybe 'npm init')
Leaving npm to handle all the installation itself... nice 😎.
3 years ago