1.0.0 • Published 8 years ago

react-dynamojs v1.0.0

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Last release
8 years ago


A React implementation of jdan's dynamo.js plugin. Relies on CSS3 transitions instead of JS animations. As such it will not work as intended for IE9 users; however it does provide minimal support by swapping out text without animation.

While react-dynamo would have been a logical name for the project, I did not want to generate any confusion with utilities relating to AWS's DynamoDB service and opted to add the js instead.

This project was bootstrapped using generator-react-component.

Demo & Examples

Live demo: rhoffmann8.github.io/react-dynamojs

To build the examples locally, run:

npm install
npm start

Then open localhost:8000 in a browser.

Tests are written with Enzyme, Mocha, Chai, and Sinon. Run them with the following command:

npm test


The easiest way to use react-dynamojs is to install it from NPM and include it in your own React build process (using Browserify, Webpack, etc).

You can also use the standalone build by including dist/react-dynamojs.js in your page. If you use this, make sure you have already included React, and it is available as a global variable.

npm install react-dynamojs --save


var Dynamo = require('react-dynamojs');

<p>This text can <Dynamo delay={1000} speed={500} lines={['change','mutate','vary']}/><p>


The properties are virtually identical to dynamo.js, with some additions:

  • lines: (Required) Text items to cycle through. Can be provided as a string or JSX object (see examples below).
  • autoAlign: Boolean property, does not take a value. If you plan on changing the font-size or line-height properties of the page dynamically, this property will recalculate properties of the Dynamo <span> on each render to align it properly. Not enabled by default to avoid unnecessary calculations.
  • callback: A function to be called when a cycle has been completed.
  • center: Center the text.
  • delay: Time (ms) to wait between transitions. Defaults to 3000ms.
  • onClick: A function to be called when the text is clicked. This can be used in conjunction with the pause property to advance the text by one line per click, by accessing the Dynamo instance through a ref attribute and invoking advance().
  • pause: Stop transitioning.
  • speed: Speed (ms) of the transition. Defaults to 350ms.


Pass autoAlign property if line-height or font-size are subject to change after initial render:

<Dynamo autoAlign lines={['one', 'two', 'three']}/>

JSX or ReactElements can be passed instead of a string, for example rotating links:

<Dynamo lines={[<a href="#one">One</a>, <a href="#two">Two</a>, <a href="#three">Three</a>]}/>

Attach a handler to the callback property to pause after one completed cycle:

onCallback() {
    pauseDynamo: true

render() {
  const lines = ['change', 'rotate', 'cycle'];
  const pause = this.state.pauseDynamo;

  return (
    <p>This text will <Dynamo lines={lines} callback={this.onCallback.bind(this)} pause={pause}/> only once.</p>

Fire a manual transition (useful if Dynamo is paused, or a quick alignment is necessary after a font-size/line-height change):

someEvent() {

render() {
  return <Dynamo ref="dynamo" pause lines={[...]}/>;


If using on mobile, don't forget the viewport meta tag:

<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1, maximum-scale=1" />

Otherwise, all text will appear out of alignment.

The main Dynamo span is rendered with class dynamo, while each text item has a class dynamo__text.

For height calculations, a line-height value of normal is approximated to 1.2.

Known Issues

  • As stated above, if font-size or line-height is modified after initial page render, Dynamo elements will be knocked out of alignment until the next tick, provided they have autoAlign enabled. However, paused elements will not adjust themselves since the render() function is not called. To get around this, advance() can be called on a reference to the Dynamo instance. This method can also be leveraged to do a quicker alignment fix on an element with a substantial delay which would normally take longer to correct itself.
  • If an element's font size becomes equal to or greater than its line height, some clipping will occur. This is an issue with the original dynamo.js, and while this implementation has taken steps to mitigate it with margin and padding tricks, there is a limit to how much discrepancy between the two properties can exist before usage becomes impractical.

Development (src, lib and the build process)

NOTE: The source code for the component is in src. A transpiled CommonJS version (generated with Babel) is available in lib for use with node.js, browserify and webpack. A UMD bundle is also built to dist, which can be included without the need for any build system.

To build, watch and serve the examples (which will also watch the component source), run npm start. If you just want to watch changes to src and rebuild lib, run npm run watch (this is useful if you are working with npm link).


See LICENSE.txt for details.