0.0.5 • Published 7 years ago
react-excel-workbook2 v0.0.5
React Excel Workbook
React Excel Workbook is a library for defining downloadable excel workbooks with react components.
import Workbook from 'react-excel-workbook'
const data1 = [
foo: '123',
bar: '456',
baz: '789'
foo: 'abc',
bar: 'dfg',
baz: 'hij'
foo: 'aaa',
bar: 'bbb',
baz: 'ccc'
const data2 = [
aaa: 1,
bbb: 2,
ccc: 3
aaa: 4,
bbb: 5,
ccc: 6
const example = (
<div className="row text-center" style={{marginTop: '100px'}}>
<Workbook filename="example.xlsx" element={<button className="btn btn-lg btn-primary">Try me!</button>}>
<Workbook.Sheet data={data1} name="Sheet A">
<Workbook.Column label="Foo" value="foo"/>
<Workbook.Column label="Bar" value="bar"/>
<Workbook.Sheet data={data2} name="Another sheet">
<Workbook.Column label="Double aaa" value={row => row.aaa * 2}/>
<Workbook.Column label="Cubed ccc " value={row => Math.pow(row.ccc, 3)}/>
render(example, document.getElementById('app'))
Workbooks can have multiple sheets. Sheets can use the same or different data sets(an array of objects). Sheets have columns. Columns define a column label and value. Values can either be a string(the property name) or a function that takes the current object and returns a value.
This package uses file-saver and xlsx packages. I am only familiar with webpack and in order for everything to work with webpack you must use the json-loader and have this defined in your webpack config.
node: {fs: 'empty'},
externals: [
{'./cptable': 'var cptable'},
{'./jszip': 'jszip'}
See the example
directory for a working example.
I have no idea how to test this.