2.0.0 • Published 3 years ago

react-final-form-redux-submit v2.0.0

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3 years ago

Final form submission binding to redux


This package binds form submission into a Redux action and then waits for the submission resolution (success or error) using Redux Promise Listener package.


Final Form uses promises for submission. In case you use e.g. Redux Saga middleware for async / business logic you have no way to be informed about the form submission since Final Form doesn't use Redux.


1. Setup Redux Promise Listener

First, you need to setup Redux Promise Listener and export its promiseListener object.

2. Create action creators

Then you create Redux action creators that are dispatched when a form is submitted. The package exports convenient helpers createFormActions for that. Action creator functions have toString method that returns the action type (similar to Redux Toolkit API).

import { createFormActions } from 'react-final-form-redux-submit'

const formActions = createFormActions('MY_FORM');

3. Create submit hook and use it in a form

First, you need to create a hook for form submission with a factory function. Then you use the hook in your form.

Tip: Create the useSubmitForm hook just once in a project and export it.

import { Form } from 'react-final-form'
import { createSubmitFormHook } from 'react-final-form-redux-submit'

import { promiseListener } from './store'
import { formActions } from './types'

const useSubmitForm = createSubmitFormHook(promiseListener)

const MyForm = () => {
    const onSubmit = useFormSubmit(formActions);

    return (
        <Form name="myform" onSubmit={onSubmit}>
            {(formProps) => <>...</>}

4. React in a saga

Now when the form is submitted FORM_SUBMIT action is dispatched with form values in payload and Redux saga can react to it with e.g. takeEvery effect. The form submit handler won't resolve until SUCCESS or FAILURE action is dispatched. Final form handles the form state like submitting flag or errors.

import * as formActions from '../actions';

function* handleFormSubmit(action: Action<FormValues>) {
    try {
        // Make API call or any other logic
        yield call(apiRequest, config.api.login, action.payload); 
        yield put(formActions.submitSuccess());
    } catch (error: Error) {
        const errorMessage = constructMessage(error);
        yield put(formActions.submitFailure(errorMessage));

export default function* form() {
    yield takeEvery(formActions.submit.toString(), handleFormSubmit);


createSubmitFormHook: (listener: ReduxPromiseListener) => (actions: FormActions) => Function

A factory function for creating the hook that accepts FormActionTypes and returns onSubmit handler that can be passed to Form.

createFormActions(formPrefix: string): FormActions

An utility for creating FormActions.