0.3.1 • Published 4 years ago

react-floatybox v0.3.1

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4 years ago

react-floatybox 🎈🎁🎉

A React component for positioning floating components such as tooltips, dropdowns, selects etc. Avoids screen edges!


  • Handles all your bubble positioning
  • Avoids screen edges
  • Bubble size and position can be determined automatically, specified widths and heights not required
  • Built in support for positioning of tails (those little pointy things at the bottom of tooltips)
  • Built in behaviour to open and close via hover or click, and to close via click-outside or ESC key
  • Can use its own state or can be controlled
  • Uses React portals via the react-useportal hook


yarn add react-floatybox



import React from 'react';
import {useCallback} from 'react';
import FloatyBox from 'react-floatybox';

const Basic = (props) => {

    let tooltip = useCallback(() => {
        return <div>I am a tooltip</div>;
    }, []);

    return <FloatyBox open="hover" bubble={tooltip}>hover over me!</FloatyBox>;

With a tail

import React from 'react';
import {useCallback} from 'react';
import FloatyBox from 'react-floatybox';
import Point from 'react-floatybox/Point';

const WithTail = (props) => {

    let tooltip = useCallback(({tailProps}) => {
        return <div>I am a tooltip <Point {...tailProps} color="#000" /></div>;
    }, []);

    return <FloatyBox open="hover" bubble={tooltip} tailSize={20}>hover over me!</FloatyBox>


import React from 'react';
import {useCallback} from 'react';
import FloatyBox from 'react-floatybox';

const Basic = (props) => {

    let tooltip = useCallback(() => {
        return <div>I am a thing</div>;
    }, []);

    return <FloatyBox open="click" side="top" align="left" bubble={tooltip}>click me!</FloatyBox>;

See more examples



children: React.Node

The React element that the bubble is tethered to, called the "anchor". It can handle click and hover events to control the open state of the bubble.


bubble: ({close, isOpen, tailProps}) => React.Node

A function for FloatyBox to call to render the floaty box. It's recommended you wrap this in a useCallback hook to improve rendering performance. The function is passed an object with a few properties:

close() => voidA function that can be called from inside the bubble to close itself.
isOpenbooleanA boolean indicating if the bubble is open.
tailProps{side: string, size: number, style: Object}An object that can be spread onto a tail component such as react-floatybox/Point.


open?: "click"|"hover"|"always" // optional

If provided, this sets the kind of interaction that will open and close the bubble.


side: "top"|"bottom"|"left"|"right" = "top"

Chooses the preferred side of the anchor that the bubble should appear on.


align: string = "center"

Sets the bubble's preferred alignment in relation to its tail.

  • When side is "top" or "bottom", valid values are "center", "left" or "right".
  • When side is "left" or "right", valid values are "center", "up" or "down".


alignInner: string = "center"

Sets the tail's preferred alignment in relation to the anchor.

When building things with small anchors and large bubbles, such as tooltips, this prop is usually best on its default "center" setting. But if your anchor is larger than your bubble then this alignment becomes more useful.

  • When side is "top" or "bottom", valid values are "center", "left" or "right".
  • When side is "left" or "right", valid values are "center", "up" or "down".


flip: boolean = false

Set to true to allow FloatyBox to flip the bubble to the opposite side of the anchor if there is not enough space to fit it on the preferred side.


slide: boolean = false

Set to true to allow FloatyBox to slide the bubble across the side of the anchor if there is not enough space to fit it at the preferred alignment.


trap: boolean = false

Trap will prevent the bubble from ever leaving the screen.


gap: number = 10

The gap between the bubble and the anchor, in pixels.


edge: number = 10

How close the bubble is allowed to be posiitioned near a screen edge, in pixels.


zIndex: number = 100

The zIndex of the bubble element.


closeOnOutsideClick: boolean = true

A react-useportal option that lets the bubble close when you click outside of it.


closeOnEsc: boolean = true

A react-useportal option that lets the bubble close when you press the escape key.


tailSize?: number // optional

If a tail is used on your bubble, tailSize must be set so FloatyBox can adjust its positioning.


wrap: React.Component = "span"

The component that the FloatyBox anchor gets wrapped in.


forceUpdate: Array<any> = []

The forceUpdate prop allows you to force the bubble position to update. Pass it an array of values, and when any of these values change then the bubble position will be recalculated.


isOpen?: boolean // optional

If provided, FloatyBox won't keep its own state and will just be open when this boolean is true.


onChange?: (isOpen: boolean) => void (optional)` // optional

If provided along with isOpen, this will be called when FloatyBox wants to change state.


React-floatybox is written and maintained by Damien Clarke, with feedback from others at 92green. All online library discussion happens over on Github.

I hope this library helps solve some React positioning problems for you. 🎉