0.4.8 • Published 3 years ago

react-fluid-swiper v0.4.8

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Last release
3 years ago


Smooth, cross platform swiping, scrolling and dragging.


  1. Features
  2. Install
  3. Usage
    1. Basic usage
    2. More advanced usage
    3. Unfocused mode
    4. Custom transform
  4. Tips
  5. API
    1. useSwiper
    2. Swiper component
    3. makeEase


  • 👆 Swipable, scrollable and draggable on all devices
  • 💊 "Focused mode" (centered + selected item) and "Unfocused mode"
  • ♻️ Transform items based on scroll position
  • 🛠️ Methods and state to create navigation buttons and indicators
  • ☁️ Minimal styling included


$ npm install react-fluid-swiper --save


$ yarn add react-fluid-swiper


You can find some code snippets down below or go to this CodeSandbox to play around with it.

Basic usage

import { Swiper, useSwiper } from "react-fluid-swiper";

const Component = () => {
  const { swiperProps } = useSwiper();

  return (
    <Swiper {...swiperProps} className="my-swiper">
      <div>item #1</div>
      <div>item #2</div>
      <div>item #3</div>

More advanced usage

import { useEffect } from "react";
import { Swiper, useSwiper, makeRotationTransform } from "react-fluid-swiper";

// Built in example of a transform function, Apple cover-flow like
const transform = makeRotationTransform({ threshold: 300, maxRotation: 60 });

const Component = () => {
  const { active, swiperProps, next, previous, isFirst, isLast } = useSwiper({
    defaultActivated: 1, // indexed based
    dynamicHeight: false,

  useEffect(() => {
    console.log(`Active item index is ${active}`);
  }, [active]);

  return (
    <div className="track">
      <button disabled={isFirst} onClick={() => previous?.()}>
      <Swiper {...swiperProps} style={{ height: "50vh" }}>
        <div>item #1</div>
        <div>item #2</div>
        <div>item #3</div>
      <button disabled={isLast} onClick={() => next?.()}>

Unfocused mode

In unfocused mode there is no active item and there are no spacings before the first and after the last item. In this case Swiper works more like a normal carousel component where next and previous animates to the next/previous page. Think "Nextflix carousel" here.

import { Swiper, useSwiper } from "react-fluid-swiper";

const Component = () => {
  const { swiperProps, next, previous, atStart, atEnd } = useSwiper({
    unfocusedMode: true,

  return (
    <div className="track">
      <button disabled={atStart} onClick={() => previous?.()}>
      <Swiper {...swiperProps}>
        <div>item #1</div>
        <div>item #2</div>
        <div>item #3</div>
      <button disabled={atEnd} onClick={() => next?.()}>

Custom transform

The transform function is just a function that takes the current scroll position and item position and returns a css transform value. Some tips are provided below.

import {
} from "react-fluid-swiper";

const THRESHOLD = 300;
const MIN_SCALE = 0.6;
const transform: TransformFunction = (pos, [left, right] = [0, 0]) => {
  const scaleBefore = makeEase([left - THRESHOLD, MIN_SCALE], [left, 1]);
  const scaleAfter = makeEase([right, 1], [right + THRESHOLD, MIN_SCALE]);

  const scale =
    scaleBefore(pos) ??
    scaleAfter(pos) ??
    (pos > right || pos < left ? MIN_SCALE : 1);

  return `scale(${scale})`;

// .item {
//   width: 250px;
//   min-height: 250px;
// }

export const Component = () => (
  const { swiperProps } = useSwiper({ transform });

  return (
    <Swiper {...swiperProps}>
      <div className="item">1</div>
      <div className="item">2</div>
      <div className="item">3</div>
      <div className="item">4</div>
      <div className="item">5</div>


  • Set your vertical padding in the Swiper track on .fluid-swiper-inner and height calculations will take that into consideration when having dynamicHeight set to true (default) like so:
.fluid-swiper-inner {
  padding: 40px 0;
  • If setting dynamicHeight to false the surrounding element or the Swiper component itself need to have a height defined.

  • Be careful of setting state on position change using the onPositionChange callback. This will get called every frame (most often 60 frames per second) and your state component and all children will be re-rendered equally often and you might run into performance issues.

  • Positions, correct height (if dynamicHeight: true (default)) and other measurements are done on window resize. If you're doing style changes on the fly, use recalculate (returned from useSwiper) if you need to update stuff for things to look correct.

Creating transforms



Available options to pass to the useSwiper hook. See examples in above code snippets.

  // Start at this index. Only available if focusedMode is set to true. (0)
  defaultActivated?: number;

  // Default time in ms for the duration of transitions when invoking next, previous and transitionTo methods. (250)
  defaultTransitionDuration?: number;

  // Default easing function to use for transitions. Take a look in src/easings.ts for avaiable options. (easeInOutQuad)
  defaultTransitionEasing?: Easings;

  // Calculate height based of the tallest item. (true)
  dynamicHeight?: boolean;

  // Focused mode will have an active/selected item in the middle of the Swiper track.
  // If set to false there will be no active item and there will be no spacings before/after first/last item. (true)
  focusedMode?: T;

  // If provided, this callback will be called on every frame update during scroll/drag/transition.
  onPositionChange?(scrollPosition: number, middlePosition: number, trackWidth: number): void;

  // If provided, this function will be called on every frame with the current scroll position and item position.
  // Expects a css transform value back, like "scale(0.5) rotate(45deg)" for ex.
  transform?(middlePosition: number, itemPosition: [number, number]) => string | undefined;

useSwiper returns the following methods and state:

// For both focused and unfocused mode:
  // true if scroll position is at 0.
  atStart: boolean;

  // true if scrolled all the to the end.
  atEnd: boolean;

  // List of starting positon and end position for each element in the Swiper track.
  itemPositions: [number, number][],

  // Necessary props to be spread on to the Swiper component.

  // If doing style changes on the fly you might need to call this to recalculate height and positions etc.

// When focused mode is enabled (default) the useSwiper return object also contains the following
// properties. Most of them are undefined on first render due to
  // Currently active item (indexed based).
  active: number;

  // true if the first item is active.
  isFirst?: boolean;

  // true if the last item is active.
  isLast?: boolean;

  // Transition to the next item. If loop is set to true the first item will be transitioned to if the
  // current one it the last.
  next?: (loop = false) => void;

  // Transition to the previous item. Will transition to first from last if loop is set to true.
  previous?: (loop = false) => void;

  // Manually transition to a specific item. Possible to provide custom easing function and duration.
  transitionTo?: (index: number, easing?: Easings, ms?: number) => void;

// In unfocused mode the following properties are available:
  // Transition to the next "page" of items. Will transition to the next not fully visible item.
  // Optionally provide an offset to scroll further/less than normal, easing and duration for other
  // values than defaultTransitionEasing and defaultTransitionDuration.
  next?: (offset?: number, easing?: Easings, duration?: number) => void;

  // Same as above. The other way around.
  previous?: (offset?: number, easing?: Easings, duration?: number) => void;

Swiper component

You will need to spread swiperProps returned from useSwiper on to this component (see examples above). Other available props are ref, style and className that will be attached to the underlaying div element.


Pre-defined transform generator for creating a cover flow like effect where items rotate independently based on scroll position. Use the result of calling this function as the transform property to the useSwiper hook. See example use above.


makeRotationTransform(options: {
  // Number of px to start/stop rotating before/after the edge of the item crosses the middle
  // position in the Swiper track. (300)
  threshold?: number;

  // Maximum positive/negative rotation value in degrees. (60)
  maxRotation?: number;
}) => TransformFunction


makeEase is a helper function to easily create correct transform values based on the scroll position. It's usable when you're creating your own custom transform functions. makeEase basically takes a from position and value and the final to position and value together with an optional easing (defaults to linear) and returns another function that will take the current position value. The result of calling this created function with a position is a value between those from/to values if the position is inside of the from/to position range or null otherwise.


  from: [position: number, value: number],
  to: [position: number, value: number],
  easing = "linear"
) => (value: number) => number | null;

Simple example:

const ease = makeEase([100, 25], [200, 50], "linear");

ease(90); // null
ease(100); // 25
ease(200); // 50
ease(150); // 37.5
ease(201); // null

You can see a more realistic example Custom transform above.


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