react-formctrl v1.4.3
React Form CTRL
A declarative form controller and validator for ReactJS.
Bundle size: 6.9 KB gzipped
- No schema
- Declarative
- Extremely reusable forms
- Field level reusability
- Built-in and custom validators
- Controlled inputs
- With decorators
1. Getting started
npm install --save react-formctrl
1.1. Wrap all your application with:
export function App(props) {
return (
{'... your app ...'}
1.2. Create and decorate your field component:
let InputField = ({label, placeholder, name, type, required, onChange, onBlur, value}) => {
const getLabel = () => {
return required ? `${label}*` : label
return (
<label for={name}>{getLabel()}</label>
<input id={name} name={name}
placeholder={placeholder || label}
InputField = controlledField()(InputField)
Now, your field component will need two required props:
- form: the name of the form that the field is attached to;
- name: the name of the field;
And will have some optional properties too:
- type: The input field type.
- required:
if the input field is required. - pattern: The regex to validate the field pattern.
- integer:
if when the Field type property is "number" and should validate to integer value. - match: Another field name that the value of this field should match.
- min: The min number value of a field with type "number".
- max: The max number value of a field with type "number".
- minLength: The min string value length of a field.
- maxLength: The max string value length of a field.
The controlledField
decorator will inject a ctrl
property which can be used to access the field state:
- valid/invalid: The field validation state;
- pristine/dirty: The field modification state;
- untouched/touched: The field access state (changed on blur);
- unchanged/changed: The field change state (initial value comparison);
- errors: An array of the validation errors: (
[{key: 'email', params: {value: 'email@'}}]
The controlledField
decorator automatically handles the value
, onChange
and onBlur
properties, so you just need to bind them to a input.
1.3. Build and decorate your forms:
let PersonForm = ({form, formCtrl, onSubmit, person = {}}) => (
<Form name={form} onSubmit={onSubmit}>
<div class="fieldset">
<div class="fields-container">
<div class="buttons-container">
<button type="submit" disabled={formCtrl.invalid || formCtrl.unchanged}>Save</button>
<button type="reset" disabled={formCtrl.unchanged}>Reset</button>
PersonForm = controlledForm()(PersonForm)
Now, your field component will need a required props:
- form: the name of the form that the controller will be attached to;
The controlledForm
decorator will inject a formCtrl
property which can be used to access the form state:
- valid/invalid: The form's fields validation state;
- pristine/dirty: The form's fields modification state;
- untouched/touched: The form's fields access state (changed on blur);
- unchanged/changed: The form's fields change state (initial value comparison);
- values: The values of the form (
{[fieldName]: 'fieldValue'}
); - files: the selected files of the form (
{[fieldName]: File[]}
If you need to programatically change a field's value, use: formCtrl.setFieldValue('fieldName', 'newValue')
Just be careful about the phase that you trigger the change, because this will trigger the Form and related Field update phase. So, ensure the form component update effects don't triggers setFieldValue
again infinitely.
1.4. Finally, use and reuse your forms!
function CreatePersonRoute() {
return <PersonForm form="createPersonForm" />
function EditPersonRoute() {
const person = {
name: 'Leandro Hinckel Silveira',
email: ''
return <PersonForm form="editPersonForm" person={person} />
2. Adding custom validation
2.1. Create a class that extends CustomValidator
class NoStupidPassword extends CustomValidator {
constructor() {
validate(formCtrl, props, value, files) {
return !/^123456789$/i.test(value)
The string parameter of super
constructor determines the key name of the validator to use it later.
2.2 Declare it on FormProvider component
function App() {
return (
<FormProvider validators={[new NoStupidPassword()]}>
<UserForm form="userForm">
2.3 Then activate the validator
Use the validator's key name passed to the super
constructor to activate the validation:
let UserForm = ({form, formCtrlm onSubmit}) => (
<Form name={form} onSubmit={onSubmit}>
label="Confirm password"
<button type="submit" disabled={formCtrl.invalid || formCtrl.unchanged}>Save</button>
UserForm = controlledForm()(UserForm)
3. Reach field level reusability
The field level reusability means that even the specific forms fields can be reusable thanks to Form and Field decoupling.
3.1 Create form's part components
function UserInformationsFields({form, user = {}}) {
return (
label="Full name"
label="Confirm e-mail"
function UserCredentialsFields({form, user = {}}) {
return (
label="Confirm password"
3.2 Reuse them in different forms
let QuickUserRegistrationForm = ({form, formCtrl, onSubmit}) => (
<Form name={form} onSubmit={onSubmit}>
<UserCredentialsFields form={form} />
<button type="submit" disabled={formCtrl.invalid || formCtrl.unchanged}>Save</button>
let FullUserForm = ({form, formCtrl, onSubmit, user = {}}) => (
<Form name={form} onSubmit={onSubmit}>
<UserInformationsFields form={form} user={user} />
<UserCredentialsFields form={form} user={user} />
<button type="submit" disabled={formCtrl.invalid || formCtrl.unchanged}>Save</button>
QuickUserRegistrationForm = controlledForm(QuickUserRegistrationForm)
FullUserForm = controlledForm(FullUserForm)
Full documentation
The component that controls all form values and events. There may only be one instance of this component in the application.
Name | Type | Default value | Description |
validators | Validator[] | [] | An array of custom validators. |
The component responsible for form's registration and submit handlers.
Name | Type | Default value | Description |
name | string | The form id and name | |
className | string | The CSS classes for the native form component rendered by this component | |
onSubmit | Function | A submit handler function which receives the form values object by parameter: (formValues) => doSomething(formValues) | |
onReset | Function | A reset event handler function: () => doSomething() |
Component responsible for injecting the controller of a form into a child component.
Name | Type | Default value | Description |
form | string | The name of a registered form (or to be registered later by an Form component) | |
onChange | Function | A change event handler function which receives the form controller by parameter: (formCtrl) => doSomething(formCtrl) | |
inject | Function | A function responsible for transforming the form controller into an object containing as key the name of the property to be injected and the value of the property: (formCtrl) => ({injectedFormNameProp: formCtrl.formName}) |
Name | Type | Description |
formCtrl | FormStateController | The form controller |
Name | Type | Description |
formName | string | The name of the watched form. |
valid | boolean | true if the form is valid. |
invalid | boolean | true if the form is invalid. |
untouched | boolean | true if all fields of the form are untouched (field blur). |
touched | boolean | true if any field of the form was touched (field blur). |
pristine | boolean | true if all fields of the form never changed it's value since it's loaded or reseted. |
dirty | boolean | true if any field of the form has changed it's value one or more times since it's loaded or reseted. |
unchanged | boolean | true if all fields values of the form are exactly equals it's initial values. |
changed | boolean | true if any field value of the form aren't exactly equals it's initial value. |
values | object{string: string} | The fields values of the form: {[fieldName]: [fieldValue]} . |
files | object{string: File[]} | The selected files of each file field of the form. |
fields | object{string: FieldStateController} | The fields controllers of the form: {[fieldName]: [fieldCtrl]} |
setFieldValue | Function | Method to programmatically change a field value: props.formCtrl.setFieldValue('fieldName', 'newValue') . |
reset | Function | Method to programmatically reset all form instances with this form name: props.formCtrl.reset() . |
Component that injects an form's field control properties to it's child.
Name | Type | Default value | Description |
name | string | The name of the field. | |
form | string | The name of the field's form. | |
className | string | The CSS class to inject into it's component child. | |
required | boolean | false | true if the field is required. |
pattern | string|RegExp | The regex to validate the field value. | |
type | string | text | The input field type. Supports all types, but currently only the "email" and "number" types has out of the box validation. |
integer | boolean | false | true if when the Field type property is "number" and should validate to integer value. |
match | string | Another field name that the value of this field should match. | |
min | number|string | The min number value of a field with type "number". | |
max | number|string | The max number value of a field with type "number". | |
minLength | number|string | The min string value length of a field. | |
maxLength | number|string | The max string value length of a field. | |
initialValue | Date|number|string | The field's initial value. | |
inject | Function | A function responsible for transforming the Field component injection properties into an object containing as key the name of the property to be injected and the value of the property: (field) => ({injectedOnChange: field.onChange}) | |
onChange | Function | Field change event handler called after "react-formctrl" state change cycle. (fieldCtrl) => foo(fieldCtrl) | |
onBlur | Function | Field blur event handler called after "react-formctrl" state change cycle. (fieldCtrl) => foo(fieldCtrl) | |
onReset | Function | Handler called when the form that this field is attached is reseted. (fieldCtrl) => foo(fieldCtrl) |
Name | Type | Description | |
name | string | The name of the field. | |
form | string | The name of the field's form. | |
className | string | The CSS class to inject into it's component child. | |
required | boolean | false | true if the field is required. |
pattern | string|RegExp | The regex to validate the field value. | |
type | string | The input field type. | |
onChange | HTMLEventHandler | The field change event handler: (e) => handleChange( . | |
onBlur | HTMLEventHandler | The field blur event handler: (e) => handleBlur( . | |
value | string | The current field value. | |
files | File[] | The selected files of the field. | |
ctrl | FieldStateController | The field controller. |
Name | Type | Description |
valid | boolean | true if the field is valid. |
invalid | boolean | true if the field is invalid. |
untouched | boolean | true if the field is untouched (field blur). |
touched | boolean | true if the field was touched (field blur). |
pristine | boolean | true if the field never changed it's value since it's loaded or reseted. |
dirty | boolean | true if the field has changed it's value one or more times since it's loaded or reseted. |
unchanged | boolean | true if the field value is exactly equals it's initial value. |
changed | boolean | true if the field value isn't exactly equals it's initial value. |
value | string | The value of the field. |
files | File[] | The field selected files. |
errors | ValidationError[] | An array of strings with all current validation errors of the field. |
props | FieldStateProperties | Some properties of the Field. |
Name | Type | Description |
type | string | The input field type. |
required | boolean | true if the input field is required. |
pattern | string|RegExp | The regex to validate the field pattern. |
integer | boolean | true if when the Field type property is "number" and should validate to integer value. |
match | string | Another field name that the value of this field should match. |
min | number|string | The min number value of a field with type "number". |
max | number|string | The max number value of a field with type "number". |
minLength | number|string | The min string value length of a field. |
maxLength | number|string | The max string value length of a field. |
initialValue | Date|number|string | The field's initial value. |
Name | Type | Description |
key | string | Validation error message key. |
params | object{string: any} | Validation error message parameters. |
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