0.1.0 • Published 2 years ago

react-forms-js v0.1.0

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2 years ago

React Forms JS

A thin wrapper over React Final Form and Chakra UI to build forms with JSON payload data.


Building forms are annoying. We want to specify payloads and the rest is handled for me. The styles and layouting can all be done easily.


Simple example of using the form

      type: "header",
      id: "4s",
      label: "The following is that",
        "This is the lorum ipsum This is the description an this is very long blah blaj This is the description an this is very long blah blaj",
      id: "1222as",
      type: "text",
      label: "Email",
      isTextArea: true,
      description: "This is the description an this is very long blah blaj",
      validation: {
        minLength: 2,
        maxLength: 10,
      type: "text",
      id: "2sss",
      halfSize: true,
      validation: {
        regex: {
          regex: "^[a-zA-Z0-9_.+-]+@[a-zA-Z0-9-]+.[a-zA-Z0-9-.]+$",
          patternName: "email",
      type: "checkbox",
      id: "checkbox-3",
      label: "Email",
      halfSize: true,
      description: "This is the description an this is very long blah blaj",
      defaultValue: true,
      validation: {
        required: true,
      type: "radio",
      id: "radio-4",
      label: "Email",
      description: "This is the description an this is very long blah blaj",
      selections: [
        { label: "name", value: "value" },
        { label: "name1", value: "value1" },
        { label: "name2", value: "value2" },
        { label: "name3", value: "value3" },
        { label: "name4", value: "value4" },
      defaultValue: "value2",
      validation: {
        required: true,
      type: "file",
      id: "file-5",
      label: "Email",
      acceptableFiles: [".png", ".jpg", ".pdf"],
      description: "This is the description an this is very long blah blaj",
      validation: {
        required: true,
      type: "select",
      id: "select-5",
      label: "Email",
      description: "This is the description an this is very long blah blaj",
      defaultValue: "3",
      selections: [
          value: "1",
          label: "This is the lable1",
          value: "2",
          label: "This is the lable2",
          value: "3",
          label: "This is the lable3",
      type: "date",
      id: "date-5",
      label: "Email",
      description: "This is the description an this is very long blah blaj",
            (values: {[id:string]: value}) => {
                //Submit code here

Sample Form generated from payload above

Screenshot 2022-01-09 at 6 15 38 PM

IComponent the payload field above has the datatype of Array<IComponent>. The fields of IComponent is specified below.

export interface IComponent {
        type: string;
        id: string;
        label?: string;
        halfSize?: boolean;
        isReadonly?: boolean;
        description?: string;
        validation?: IValidation;
        defaultValue?: any;
typeCurrently Header, radio,checkbox,text,file,date,select only, other values will not be rendered unless create componentn plugins for the form
idThe identification value for each fields, cannot be a number in string e.g '1'
halfSizeOccupies half the width of the form.
isReadonlySpecify the field to be readonly
descriptionDescription for the field
validationThe key value pairs in IValidation default supported only required : true or false minLength: number eqLength : number maxLength : number``regex : 'regex string' or {regex:'regex string', patternName:'eg. email'} if specify other rules, it will be disregarded unless created validation plugins for the form
defaultValueThe default value of the field


Other than default components that we have specified, you can create your own components and validations. Don't like our form components or validation rules, override them.

    validationPlugin={Array<IValidatorOutput<any, any>>};
    payload={//Array of json payload here}
            (values: {[id:string]: value}) => {
                //Submit code here

Create New Component or override

export interface IBaseComponentOutput {
  render: React.FC<IBaseComponentProps>;
  type: string;

export interface IBaseComponentProps {
  props: FieldRenderProps<any>;
  payload: IComponent;
  id: string;

Provide the object with the structure of IBaseComponentOutput where type is the type in IComponent, render a React component with IBaseComponentProps as props. If you specified type as any default keys e.g 'select', you will override the default select component and use your own implementation. To use your new component, specify type as your new IBaseComponentOutput type in the payload array. Check React Final Forms for FieldRenderProps.

Create New Validator or override

export interface IValidatorOutput<T, V> {
  validateFunc: (
    inputValue: T,
    ruleValue: V,
    fieldName: string
  ) => void | { [_: string]: string };
  validatorName: string;
  dataType: string[];

export interface IValidation {
  [id: string]: boolean | string | object | number;

Just provide an object with the structure IValidatorOutput<T, V> into validationPlugin in BaseForm. validatorName is the key used by IComponent in the validation field of type IValidation. If you specified existing validatorName, the default validator will be overridedn. dataType is the list of strings of data types of field values where this validator can be applied to.

Let's take the validation in IComponent validation: {'required': true } as example.

validateFunc takes in 3 fields, inputValue, ruleValue and fieldName and returns void or {[fieldName]: 'Error message'}. Input value is what the use inputs into the field, ruleValue in this case is true, fieldName is same as id in IComponent. So you can use these 3 fields to check wheather it passed the validation rule if all good return nothing void else return {[fieldName]: 'Error message'}

UI elements overrides

--To be continued--