0.0.4 • Published 8 years ago

react-generators v0.0.4

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Last release
8 years ago

React Generators

Small cli tools to generate React components, in a specific configuration.

Project architecture and philosophy

The idea behind the first version of the generate-component script is to automate the creation of a component, using CSS Modules and React Storybook. It takes a bit of time to create the different files and set them up. The file architecture resulting is something like this :

|--- components/
    |--- MyComponent/
        |--- index.js
        |--- styles.css
|--- stories/
    |--- MyComponent.js

It is also necessary to change the storybook config to add the new component (TODO).

Application level

The application level is the base of the application, using the modules' components, and implementing their redux reducers, etc.

|--- .babelrc             # Babel configuration, default to es2015, stage-0 and react presets
|--- index.html           # HTML entry point
|--- package.json
|--- server.js            # run webpack-dev-server
|--- webpack.config.js
|--- src/
    |--- index.js         # JS app entry point, render the React application
    |--- containers/
        |--- App.js       # The application container
    |--- Module1/
    |--- Module2/


The usage is very basic for now.

npm install -g react-generators

Installs react-generators globally.

To specify the path of the components, you can use inline configuration or add it to your package.json.

  "dependencies": ...,
  "generatorsConfig": {
    "componentsPath": "./src/components"

You can then run react-generate-component MyNewComponent