0.1.2 • Published 5 years ago

react-glider-carousel v0.1.2

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Last release
5 years ago

React Glider Carousel

This package exports a React Component that can be use to create carousels using Glider.js (version 1.6.6).

As the author himself puts it:

A fast, light-weight, dependency free, responsive, accessible, extendable, native scrolling list with paging controls, methods and events. (< 2.8kb gzipped!)

Demos and full documentation available on Github Pages: https://nickpiscitelli.github.io/Glider.js/


To use this package run yarn add react-glider-carousel or npm install --save react-glider-carousel.

If you want the default styles you also need to download Glider.js stylesheet and reference it in your HTML:

<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="glider.css">

or JS:

import './src/glider.css';

Warning To be able to import the stylesheet in your JavaScript you might need an appropriate way (ie. specific loaders for Webpack).


To use the component just import in your React files and use it to wrap your slides

import GliderComponent from 'react-glider-carousel';

const MyComponent = () => {
  return (
      <div>Slide 1</div>
      <div>Slide 2</div>
      <div>Slide 3</div>
      <div>Slide 4</div>


Component Options

You can use the component with the following props

    prev: HTMLElement | string,
    next: HTMLElement | string
  dots={HTMLElement | string}

  // Glider options
  settings={{}(see below)}

  // eventListeners
  gliderLoaded={(event: IGliderEvent) => void}
  gliderRefresh={(event: IGliderEvent) => void}
  gliderAnimated={(event: IGliderEvent) => void}
  gliderAdd={(event: IGliderEvent) => void}
  gliderRemove={(event: IGliderEvent) => void}
  gliderDestroy={(event: IGliderEvent) => void}
  gliderSlideVisible={(event: IGliderEvent) => void}
  gliderSlideHidden={(event: IGliderEvent) => void}
  <HTMLElements or ReactComponents />

Glider Config

The component prop settings are a mirror of Glider options

    slidesToShow?: number | string;
    slidesToScroll?: number | string;
    itemWidth?: number;
    exactWidth?: boolean;
    scrollLock?: boolean;
    scrollLockDelay?: number;
    resizeLock?: boolean;
    responsive?: IGliderBreakpoint[];
    rewind?: boolean;
    scrollPropagate?: boolean;
    draggable?: boolean;
    dragVelocity?: number;
    duration?: number;
    propagateEvent?: boolean;
    skipTrack?: boolean;