0.1.2 • Published 5 years ago

react-gradient-carousel v0.1.2

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5 years ago

React Gradient Carousel

This package is for a custom React button component that animates an attractive gradient shimmer animation upon hover or clicking.

The button takes an onClick prop as well as props for custom styling.

Props (all optional)

onClick : A callback to triggered on the button's click event

colorTheme: A color if provided to determine the button's border and main gradient theme. Note: 8-digit hex values may be provided to specify the color's alpha (opacity) value. Named color or rgba value string can also be used.

gradientCenter: The color to contrast in the center of the gradient

customStyling: An style object to provide for custom CSS attributes for the button. If not provided, a default setting will be used. Note: a borderColor property may be specified in order to overwrite the colorTheme prop and provide a border that is different than the gradient theme

clickMode: A number to specify the amount of iterations to animate once button is clicked. The button will no longer play on hover with this prop.

    import GradientCarouselButton from react-gradient-carousel

        onClick = {_=>{console.log('This is a click handler!')}} 
        colorTheme = 'paleturquoise' //this is a named color
        gradientCenter = '#567bcd9e' //8 digit hex with alpha
        className = 'shiny button',
        customStyling = {
            position: 'absolute',
            borderRadius: 20,
            borderStyle: 'dotted'
        clickMode = '8'
        >Here is a custom button and all its props!

To run the demo:

Clone the repo

npm i 
npm run docs