1.4.0 • Published 4 years ago

react-i18n-kit v1.4.0

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I18n for your React Components

Table of Contents


I needed a simple way to translate my react applications without to much overhead.


$ npm i react-i18n-kit -S


$ yarn add react-i18n-kit


For more detailed information you can take a look at the documentation.


This is the enhancer for your Components. If you wrap your Components in this function you get access to a i18n and a translate property.


Returns a component which renders the wrapped Component.

const i18n = withI18n(Component, data, options);


ComponentComponenttrueThe component that gets rendered
dataobjecttrueThe translations for your Component
optionsobjectfalseThe options for your translations

An example for the Component parameter.

This component gets access to 2 exposed properties.

i18nobjectThe committed data object, but only for the corresponding language
translatefuncThe function for the dynamic translation (e.g. on a button click)
const Text = (props) => (
    <button onClick={() => props.translate('en')}>
    <button onClick={() => props.translate('de')}>

An example for the data parameter.

const data = {
  de: {
    text: "Hallo Welt!",
  en: {
    text: "Hello World!",

If there is no translation for a language it will take the fallback which is default to en

An example for the options parameter.

const options = {
  lang: "de",
  fallback: "de",

Basic Usage

For more detailed information you can take a look at the documentation

Render a text based on the users browser language. If your browsers language is set to de it will render Hallo Welt! and if the browsers language is set to en it will render Hello World!.

import React from "react";
import { withI18n } from "react-i18n-kit";

const data = {
  de: {
    text: "Hallo Welt!",
  en: {
    text: "Hello World!",

  if language is:
    - en:
      props.i18n.text: "Hello World!"
    - de:
      props.i18n.text: "Hallo Welt!"
const Text = props => <div>{props.i18n.text}</div>;

const TextI18n = withI18n(Text, data);

export { TextI18n as Text };

As you see you get access to a i18n property. To make that enhancer work properly we have to pass an object with with keys set to a ISO 639-1 code. Then the enhancer simply passes only the object with the corresponding language to the i18n property.

For example your browser language is set to en-US, props.i18n will be:

  "text": "Hello World!"

You can pass everything you want into these objects, but every language object has to contain the same keys (in this example text), which you will use in your enhanced component.


If you do not want to deside the language based on the browser language and you want to have a default value you can pass a options object.

If the user is visiting the page with a browser which has its language set to zh (chinese) it will automatically fallback to en since there is no translation for zh right now.

import React from "react";
import { withI18n } from "react-i18n-kit";

const data = {
  de: {
    text: "Hallo Welt!",
  en: {
    text: "Hello World!",

const Text = props => <div>{props.i18n.text}</div>;

const TextI18n = withI18n(Text, data, { fallback: "en" });

export { TextI18n as Text };


MIT © Lukas Aichbauer