0.3.0 • Published 1 year ago

react-image-hotspot-viewer v0.3.0

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1 year ago

React Image Hotspot Viewer - Material UI v5

View hotspots over an image with tooltip

A React component to view add and manage hotspots over an image with tooltip. The component is built using Material UI v5 and React. Supports both desktop and mobile devices.


This package supports both desktop and mobile devices. It behaves differently in both the devices.

Desktop View

In Desktop view, the hotspot is displayed on hover of the image. Clicking on the hotspot opens the tooltip.


Managing Hotspots

The component supports adding, editing and deleting hotspots. The hotspots can be managed by onClickEvent prop. The prop is called whenever an event is triggered. More details on the prop can be found here.


Mobile View

In Mobile view, the hotspot is displayed as a pin on the image. Clicking on the hotspot opens the tooltip. The tooltip can be closed by clicking elsewhere on the image.


React Image Hotspot Viewer requires Node.js v10+ to run.

npm i react-image-hotspot-viewer@latest


Import Stylesheet

Import the stylesheet and Icons in your project

  <link href="https://devcdn.extscape.com/css/style.css" rel="stylesheet" />
    rel="stylesheet" />
Import Component

Import the component in your project

import { ImageHotspotViewer } from 'react-image-hotspot-viewer'
Add Component

Add the component in your project

          borderRadius: '5px',

Basic Example

import './App.css';
import { ImageHotspotViewer } from 'react-image-hotspot-viewer'

function App() {
  return (
    <div className="App">
      <div className="App-container">
            borderRadius: '5px',

export default App;


  id: 1,
  title: 'Sofa',
  description: 'Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Sed euismod, nunc ut aliquam aliquam, nunc nisl aliquet nisl, eget aliquam nisl nisl sit amet lorem. Sed euismod, nunc ut aliquam aliquam, nunc nisl aliquet nisl, eget aliquam nisl nisl sit amet lorem.',
  image: "https://devcdn.extscape.com/images/SeatSoftGrey.avif",
  position: {
    top: '80%',
    left: '35%'
  action: {
    hasAction: true,
    type: 'link',
    url: 'https://www.google.com',
    label: 'View Product Details',
    icon: 'open_in_new',
}, {
  id: 2,
  title: 'Lamp',
  description: 'Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Sed euismod, nunc ut aliquam aliquam, nunc nisl aliquet nisl, eget aliquam nisl nisl sit amet lorem. Sed euismod, nunc ut aliquam aliquam, nunc nisl aliquet nisl, eget aliquam nisl nisl sit amet lorem.',
  position: {
    top: '40%',
    left: '82%'
  action: {
    hasAction: false,


imagestringImage URLYes
hotspotsarray[]Array of hotspotsYes
imageStylesobject{}Styles for imageNo
onClickEventfunctionFunction called whenever an event is triggeredNo

Hotspot Props

idstringUnique ID for hotspotYes
titlestringTitle for hotspotYes
descriptionstringDescription for hotspotNo
positionobjectPosition for hotspotYes
position.topstringTop position for hotspot in percentageYes
position.leftstringLeft position for hotspot in percentageYes
actionobjectAction for hotspotNo
action.hasActionbooleanHas action for hotspotYes if action is present
action.typestringType of action for hotspotYes if action is present
action.urlstringURL for hotspotYes if action type is URL
action.labelstringLabel for hotspotNo
action.iconstringIcon for hotspotNo# react-image-hotspot-viewer

Advanced Implementation

Example code for advanced implementation is available here:

Managing Events

The component supports two events. The events are triggered when the hotspot is clicked and when a new spot is clicked.

        borderRadius: '10px',

onEventChange Function

onEventChange function is called whenever an event is triggered. The function takes three parameters.

  • event: The event that is triggered. The event can be click.
  • subEvent: The sub event that is triggered. The sub event can be add-hotspot or edit-hotspot
  • data: The data associated with the event. The data is an object with the properties based on the event and sub event. -- add-hotspot: The event is triggered when user clicks on the component. Sample data for this event is provided below. { "top": 78.06841046277665, // Top position of the hotspot in percentage "left": 51.64383561643836, // Left position of the hotspot in percentage "offsetX": 377, // Offset X position of the hotspot "offsetY": 388 // Offset Y position of the hotspot } -- edit-hotspot: The event is triggered when user clicks on the hotspot. { "offsetX": 377, // Offset X position of the hotspot "offsetY": 388 // Offset Y position of the hotspot {...restProps} // All the properties of the hotspot }
const onEventChange = (event, subEvent, data) => {
    switch (event) {
        case 'click':
            switch (subEvent) {
                case 'add-hotspot':
                    //Implement your logic to add hotspot here 
                case 'edit-hotspot':
                    //Implement your logic to edit hotspot here

Upcoming Features

Below are the features that are planned to be added in the near future.

  • Add support for adding hotspot from UI
  • Add support for custom tootip style
  • Add support for custom pin styles



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