1.3.0 • Published 6 years ago

react-infinite-scroller-plus v1.3.0

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Last release
6 years ago

React Infinite Scroller

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Infinitely load content using a React Component. This fork maintains a simple, lightweight infinite scroll package that supports both window and scrollable elements.


npm install react-infinite-scroller --save
yarn add react-infinite-scroller

How to use

import InfiniteScroll from 'react-infinite-scroller';

Window scroll events

    hasMore={true || false}
    loader={<div className="loader" key={0}>Loading ...</div>}
    {items} // <-- This is the content you want to load

DOM scroll events

<div style="height:700px;overflow:auto;">
        hasMore={true || false}
        loader={<div className="loader" key={0}>Loading ...</div>}

Custom parent element

You can define a custom parentNode element to base the scroll calulations on.

<div style="height:700px;overflow:auto;" ref={(ref) => this.scrollParentRef = ref}>
            hasMore={true || false}
            loader={<div className="loader" key={0}>Loading ...</div>}
            getScrollParent={() => this.scrollParentRef}


New Prop

pageComponentA optional props. If use it, the parameter which will passed to loadMore will be this.props.page + 1 but not component's inner auto-increment variable. So you can control page by yourself, it can avoid call loadMore too frequently. Also, you need not use pageStart any more with it.
elementComponent'div'Name of the element that the component should render as.
hasMoreBooleanfalseWhether there are more items to be loaded. Event listeners are removed if false.
initialLoadBooleantrueWhether the component should load the first set of items.
isReverseBooleanfalseWhether new items should be loaded when user scrolls to the top of the scrollable area.
loadMore      Function           A callback when more items are requested by the user. Receives a single parameter specifying the page to load e.g. function handleLoadMore(page) { /* load more items here */ } }
loaderComponentA React component to render while more items are loading. The parent component must have a unique key prop.
pageStartNumber0The number of the first page to load, With the default of 0, the first page is 1.
getScrollParentFunctionOverride method to return a different scroll listener if it's not the immediate parent of InfiniteScroll.
thresholdNumber250The distance in pixels before the end of the items that will trigger a call to loadMore.
useCaptureBooleanfalseProxy to the useCapture option of the added event listeners.
useWindowBooleantrueAdd scroll listeners to the window, or else, the component's parentNode.