react-input-autosize-fixes v1.1.5
A text input for React that resizes itself to the current content.
Demo & Examples
Live demo:
To run the examples locally, run:
npm install
gulp dev
Then open localhost:8000 in a browser. This will also watch for file changes and rebuild the examples (includes live reload).
To just build the examples without the dev server or watch tasks, instead run:
gulp build-examples
The easiest way to use React-Input-Autosize is to install it from NPM and include it in your own React build process (using Browserify, etc).
You can also use the standalone build by including dist/AutosizeInput.js
in your page. If you use this, make sure you have already included React and Underscore. (they must be available through a browserify-style require()
call, standalone support is coming soon)
npm install react-input-autosize --save
React-Input-Autosize generates an input field, wrapped in a <div>
tag so it can detect the size of its value. Otherwise it behaves very similarly to a standard React input.
var AutosizeInput = require('react-input-autosize');
onChange={function(event) {
// contains the new value
Copyright (c) 2017 Jed Watson. MIT License.
8 years ago