1.0.3 • Published 1 year ago

react-intersection-observer-scroll v1.0.3

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Last release
1 year ago


React lightweight, easy to use scroll typescript component. Built with Intersection Observer api, allows tracking scroll items position, state, visibility, scroll direction, etc. Could be used for list lazy loading, infinite scroll implementation, viewed items marking and so on.


# with npm
npm install react-intersection-observer-scroll
# with yarn
yarn add react-intersection-observer-scroll


interface IIntersectionData {
  scrollDirection: 'up' | 'down',
  entries: IntersectionObserverEntry[],

Basic usage

import SmartScroll from 'react-intersection-observer-scroll'

function App() {
  const someList = [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9] // Just for example. You can wrap any content you want

  const intersectionCallback = (data: IIntersectionData) => {
    console.log('Parent scroll callback : ', data)

  return (
    <div className="App">
        intersectionCallback={ intersectionCallback }
        { someList.map((item) => <div key={ item } className="listItem" data-index={ item }>
          ITEM : { item }
        </div>) }

export default App


wrapperId?StringrssListWrapperMain block id. Component starts tracking this block and its children for intersections
intersectionCallback?(scrollData: IScrollData) => any-Intersection event handler. Fires when child component intersect with main block and becomes hidden or visible
callbackDelay?(ms)Number0Delay for calback function in milliseconds
checkViewing?BooleanfalseIf true, component stop observing item in main block after first intersection. Improves performance. Can be used with message/notifications lists, for example, when you need to check item visibility only once
threshold?number, number[]0Intersection Observer constructor options param
rootMargin?String-Intersection Observer constructor options param