1.0.5 • Published 1 year ago

react-intl-extractor-cli v1.0.5

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1 year ago

React-intl-exporter CLI

This library adapts @formatjs/cli tool to export translations in a smart way.

React-intl-exporter CLI extracts all messages from the application and saves them for all specified languages. If a file already exists, the tool merges its content with currently extracted messages. Every message is an object with at least two fields:

  • defaultMessage - same like generated by the original tool; contains value of defaultMessage found in the application;
  • translatedMessage - it's a message defaultMessage translated to the current language; when generated for first time, it has the same value as defaultMessage; it should be translated manually; compilation process should take this values into account, not from defaultMessage fields.

If there is a new message not available in the JSON file, it will be added. If a message from JSON is not extracted, it will be removed from the file. If in JSON file is already a message with the same key but different defaultMessage than in generated, generated message will replace the existing one. If both key and defaultMessage are the same, message is not changed.

NOTE All commands here assumes that you use yarn tool. Using npm or any other tool doesn't change much. Please adapt an exact command to the tool you use.


You can add this tool to your application in these steps:

  1. Install the package:
yarn add react-intl-extractor-cli -D
  1. Add a new script to scripts section in your packages.json file, e.g.
"intl:extract": "intl_extractor extract "src/**/!(*.test).js" --languages en,de,pl",
  1. Create a file with formatter defined by the tool (to support translatedMessage instead of defaultMessage). Minimal file formatter.js is:
const defaultFormatter = require('react-intl-extractor-cli').defaultFormatter;
module.exports.default = defaultFormatter;
  1. When you use compiler from @formatjs/cli, specify --format <formatter_file> parameter where <formatter_file is a location of formatter.js file created in a previous step. Name of the file can be any, however in both steps must be the same.

Simple usage

You can add extraction and compilation commands to scripts section of package.json file:

"intl:extract": "intl_extractor extract \"src/**/!(*.test).js\" src/messages --languages en,pl",
"intl:compile": "formatjs compile-folder src/messages src/translations --format src/utils/compileFormatter.js",

Then you can use just: yarn intl:extract - to extract or update already extracted messages yarn intl:compile - to compile extracted (and manually translated) message files to files consumable by react-intl.



yarn intl_extractor extract [options] <inputFile> <outputFolder>

Most of the parameters used in this command are the same as for original formatjs extract command. You can check them here. Below are described differences.

<inputFile> is a pattern to determine in which files messages are located. Eg. "src/**/!(*.test).js".

<outputFolder> determines where output files with extracted messages should be located. It's also a location where currently existing message files are tried to be found.


--languages <codes> It's the most important parameter as it specifies language codes for which translation messages should be generated. <codes> contain code strings separated by comma "," signs.

--verbose Using this parameter you inform the tool that you expect more details about processed languages and messages.


intl_extractor help It just displays help message