1.0.2 • Published 5 years ago
react-ityped v1.0.2
is a react component that wraps https://www.npmjs.com/package/ityped package
🕺 Install
by using npm
$ npm i react-ityped
by using yarn
$ yarn add react-ityped
☕️ Features
🔧 Props
Common props you may want to specify include:
Name | Type | Discription | Default |
strings | string[] | An array with the strings that will be animated | ['Put your strings here...', 'and Enjoy!'] |
cursorChar | string | Character for cursor | "|" |
typeSpeed | number | Type speed in milliseconds | 100 |
backSpeed | number | Type back speed in milliseconds | 50 |
startDelay | number | Time before typing starts | 50 |
backDelay | number | Time before backspacing | 500 |
loop | boolean | The animation loop | false |
showCursor | boolean | Show the cursor element | true |
placeholder | boolean | Write the string in the placeholder content | false |
disableBackTyping | boolean | Disable back typing for the last string sentence | false |
See the props documentation for complete documentation on the props that react-ityped
MIT © Enes Usta