0.1.1 • Published 5 years ago

react-iubenda-policy v0.1.1

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5 years ago

React Component for Iubenda.com Cookie and Privacy Policy

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This component will let you easily use the embedded Iubenda generated policies in your React project.


npm i -S react-iubenda-policy


  1. Import the Iubenda component
  2. Find your policy id in your Iubenda dashboard. The policy id is the number at the end of the policy direct link.
  3. Put the component in your page.


  • id: the policy id.
  • type: one of the following options:
    • privacy to show the Privacy Policy button (default)
    • cookie to show the Cookie Policy button
    • terms-and-conditions to show the Terms and conditions button
  • style: one of the following options:
    • nostyle: renders the link as text. You can style the link in the wrapping div or span. (default)
    • black: renders a black button with white text.
    • white: renders a white button with black text.

Note that for the Terms and Conditions you should use the internationalized type, for example termini-e-condizioni for the Italian language or condiciones-de-uso for Spanish. Check the Integration section in your Iubenda dashboard.


import React from 'react'
import Iubenda from 'react-iubenda-policy'

const Policy = () => {
  const myPolicy = 123 // your policy id
  return (

      {/* Renders the Privacy Policy link with the text 'Privacy Policy' */}
      <Iubenda id={myPolicy}/>

      <Iubenda id={myPolicy} type='terms-and-conditions' styling='nostyle'>
        Terms and conditions

      <Iubenda id={myPolicy} type='privacy' styling='white'>
        Privacy Policy

      <Iubenda id={myPolicy} type='cookie' styling='black'>
        Cookie Policy
