1.0.5 • Published 8 years ago
react-jig v1.0.5
React Jig
A highly opinionated React front end construction kit.
Gettin' Jiggy Wit It
# Create a new folder.
mkdir whatevah
cd whatevah
# Setup a new project.
npm init
# Get your Jig on.
npm i --save react-jig
# Initialize.
node_modules/.bin/jig --init
Create a new entity
Let’s create a new entity named ace
node_modules/.bin/jig --new-entity --name ace
Let’s do this.
Start the server in development mode.
node_modules/.bin/jig --watch
.. and have a look here:
What did it do ?
We created a new React app and generated a new entity named ace
with a number of accompanying components wired up to Redux.
This is somewhat similar to what we’d do in Rails, using rails generate controller NAME
You now have the following /app
folder in your project looking as follows;
# /app dir in the root of your project
|-- App.js # Main app
|-- ace # Generated entity `ace`
| |-- __tests__
| | `-- reducer-test.js
| |-- actions.js
| |-- index.js
| |-- reducer.js
| |-- selectors.js
| `-- types.js
|-- components
| `-- ace # Generated components for entity `ace`
| |-- Ace.js
| |-- Ace.scss
| |-- AceContainer.js
| |-- AcePage.js
| |-- AcePage.scss
| `-- AcePageContainer.js
|-- configureStore.js
|-- index.js
|-- misc
| `-- Editable.js
|-- reducers.js
`-- styles
|-- _colors.scss
|-- global.scss
`-- normalize.css
React Jig uses;
- React 15.x
- Redux
- React Router
- Reselect
- Updeep