2.0.0-alpha.5 • Published 5 years ago

react-mirror-16 v2.0.0-alpha.5

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5 years ago

React Mirror

A fractal state tree that decorates your views with local stores.

  • Co-location - views are self-contained
  • Composable - state tree is queryable
  • Single-paradigm - everything is a component

Quick demo:

import React from 'react'
import Mirror from 'react-mirror'

const Counter = Mirror({
  name: 'counter',
  state(mirror, dispatch) {
    return mirror.$actions.scan(
      ({value}, {type, payload = 1}) => {
        switch (type) {
          case 'INCREMENT': return {value: value + payload}
          case 'DECREMENT': return {value: value - payload}
          default: return {value}
      {value: 0}
})(({value, dispatch}) => (
    Value: {value}
    <button onClick={() => dispatch('INCREMENT')}>+</button>
    <button onClick={() => dispatch('DECREMENT')}>-</button>


Some state-management solutions like Redux put everything in a single global store. That's great for predictability, debugging, convenience and tooling. But tying components to a global store means they're no longer self-contained; unnecessarily distributing view, state & effects code across your app hampers reusability, while increasing cognitive overhead and architectural complexity.

Other solutions like Cycle.js suggest composing local state into a single state tree. The lack of context however is very inconvenient - actions are forced to percolate through your app layer-by-layer. Orchestrating views together (eg. search & results) often requires updating intermediate components and is a pain in the ass. Many of these solutions also have isolated ecosystems.

Mirror composes local stores into a single tree (like Cycle.js), and gives every store access to the entire tree (like Redux).

Stores can dispatch actions to, and query, (the action/state streams of) any other store (or collection of). Each store injects props from it's state stream into the component they decorate.



Cursors point to a collection of stores, relative to another store. eg, "every Todo which is a child of this store (a TodoList)"


mirror                     // Local store
mirror.parent()            // Immediate parent
mirror.parent('todo-list') // Parent named "todo-list"
mirror.parent(TodoList)    // As above
mirror.all()               // Every store
mirror.all('todo-list')    // Every "todo-list"
mirror.all('todo-list').children('todo-item')          // Every "todo-item" inside a "todo-list"
mirror.one('todo-list/shopping').children('todo-item') // Every "todo-item" inside "todo-list/shopping"


filter can be a store ID, name or component.

root()                      // Get the root store
parents(filter, maxStores)  // Get one or more parent stores (all ancestors)
children(filter, maxStores) // Get one or more child stores (all descendants)

all(filter, maxStores) // Same as `root().children(filter, maxStores)`
one(filter)            // Same as `all(filter, 1)`
parent(filter)         // Same as `parents(filter, 1)`
child(filter)          // Same as `children(filter, 1)`

Two types of cursor

The mirror cursor. mirror is the first argument of state, it has four getters ($props, $state, $actions & $stores) for querying selected stores.


The dispatch cursor. dispatch is the second argument of state, it is also injected as a prop to decorated components. Call it like a function to dispatch actions.

dispatch('ACTION_TYPE', payload)
dispatch.parent('todo-list')('ACTION_TYPE', payload)

If nothing matches the dispatch cursor Mirror will wait until something does - and then dispatch the action. Disable this behaviour by passing false as the third argument.

Working with streams

Streams are basically arrays of events. You can map, reduce, combine, and do all sorts of cool things with them. state returns a stream - the first value represents the store's state when it's initialized, and the last value in the stream represents the store's current state. This section describes some patterns for creating, and using streams with Mirror.

Mirror uses most.js (it's really fast). But you can use any streaming library that supports the Observable API like RxJS or XStream.

Scanning actions

Every action has a type, payload & store (id). Scanning actions means applying them to the current state one-by-one to produce new state.

// For every action, emit a value 1 greater than the previous value
$actions.scan(value => value + 1, 0)

handleActions combines multiple action handlers into one function.

import {handleActions} from 'react-mirror'

  INCREMENT(value) { return value + 1; },
  DECREMENT(value) { return value - 1; }
}, 0)


For every value in a stream, tap calls a function & ignores the result.

I like using tap & dispatch together to describe effects.

      INITIALIZE() {
      LOAD_DATA() {
          .then(data => dispatch('LOAD_DATA_SUCCESS', data))
          .catch(error => dispatch('LOAD_DATA_FAILURE', error))
  .scan(/* ... */)

Multi-Store Streams

Streams taken from mirror contain values from multiple stores. Mirror will merge actions & combine state / props.



Use most.merge to include additional action streams.



Every value in a state / prop stream is an Enum. That's an array with object-like properties for each value.

stores = Enum({
  oigkzfajky: {title: 'Permutation City'}

stores[0] === stores['oigkzfajky']

By comparison, $stores emits a value every time a store is added, removed or updated. Each value in $stores contains low-level structural metadata with reference to the local store. Use $stores for advanced use cases like accessing component instances, getting children up to a certain depth or generating dependency graphs.

Combining Streams

Mirror exports four helpers (combine, combineEnums, combineNested & combineEventsWith) for combining streams together.


combine returns a stream of arrays that combine values from each input stream.

  most.of({type: 'ACTION_TYPE'}),
  most.of(Enum({a: stateA, b: stateB}))

// [{type: 'ACTION_TYPE'}, Enum({a: stateA, b: stateB})]

combineEnums joins streams of enums together, & removes duplicates. Use combineEnums to join multiple state streams, or multiple prop streams.

    {a: stateA},
    {b: stateB}
    {a: stateA},
    {c: stateC}

    a: stateA,
    b: stateB,
    c: stateC

combineNested inverts an object containing streams of enums, resulting in a single enum. Use combineNested to join state & prop streams together.

  state: most.of(Enum({a: stateA, b: stateB})),
  props: most.of(Enum({a: propsA}))

    a: {state: stateA, props: propsA},
    b: {state: stateB}

combineEventsWith joins a stream of events with the value before & after that event from another stream.

  {before: true, after: true}

// {event, before: stateBeforeEvent, after: stateAfterEvent}

The options argument defaults to {before: true, after: true}.

Store Configuration

The Mirror configuration accepts name, state(), mapToProps() & pure. Every property is optional.


Mirror uses name inside filters. name is a string, or array of strings.

You can add additional names to a store by passing withName as a prop, or calling the static withName method. withName is useful for distinguishing particular instances of a component.

const Form = Mirror({
  name: 'form',
  /* ... */
})(/* ... */)

const CreateProjectForm = Form.withName('form/create-project')
state(mirror, dispatch)

Called when the store mounts, and returns the instance's state stream. Mirror derives props from the latest value in the state stream, and injects those props into the wrapped component. Other stores can read the state stream.

If provided, the wrapped component only renders once the state stream emits it's first value.

mapToProps(state, props)

Accepts the current state & parent props, and returns props to inject into the wrapped component. Called whenever state or props change; and useful when using, for example, Immutable.js.

Note that Mirror ignores parent props not handled by mapToProps().

mapToProps() can return a function. In this case, that function will be used as mapToProps() for a particular component instance. This allows you to do per-instance memoization.


If true, avoids unnecessary computation:

  • Only emit props / state changes if either changed
  • Only call mapToProps if props / state changed
  • Only re-render if value returned by mapToProps changed

The equality check is based on shallowEqual. You can alternatively provide an object with three functions (stateEqual, propsEqual, statePropsEqual) which accept the previous and current props / state.

If disabled (by passing a falsey value), Mirror will re-render the wrapped component on every state / prop change.

Wrapping Up

Lifecycle Actions

Mirror dispatches INITIALIZE to stores when they're created, and TEARDOWN immediately before they unmount.

Static Cursors

Each component exposes mirror & dispatch as static cursors.

const MyComponent = Mirror({
  /* ... */
})(/* ... */)

MyComponent.mirror // Every "MyComponent"
MyComponent.dispatch('MY_ACTION') // First "MyComponent" to mount

// Every mounted "MyComponent" after "INITIALIZATION_COMPLETE"
  .$actions.filter(({type}) => type === 'INITIALIZATION_COMPLETE')
  .observe(() => {
    MyComponent.dispatch('MY_ACTION', undefined, false)

Instance Properties


Access the wrapped component instance with this.getWrappedInstance().


mirror & dispatch can be accessed via this.mirror / this.dispatch.

Circular State Dependency

The mirror cursor omits local state that's part of a query (eg, mirror.all().$state). Avoiding this circular dependency avoids infinite rendering loops. If you really want this access $state directly without any traversal.


This doesn't apply to static cursors.


Mirror makes it easy to build predictable applications. But things go wrong sometimes. This section will help you avoid things going wrong.

Commutative Updates

Mirror cannot guarantee the order stores are updated in, or the order of prop changes. Except for when handling actions state should be commutative (order of state / prop values must not affect final state), for example:

  1. state is subscribed to multiple state / props streams
  2. These streams emit some values in a random order
  3. The state stream's last value should be the same after every run

If state is not commutative then dispatching an action with cascading effects can cause race conditions / unpredictable state. Tips to keep state commutative:

  • Streams that depend on actions-only are always commutative
  • Reduce state from multiple sources to a single value
  • Prefer mapToProps over using $props inside state
  • Props which never change are safe to use inside state

Uninitialized Stores


  1. Mirror cannot guarantee the order stores are initialized in
  2. Stores are dynamically added / removed at runtime

Actions might not be dispatched to every store they're intended for consistently. Mirror behaves consistently when dispatch can be guaranteed to match one store only, but problems may arise when dispatching actions to a dynamic collection of stores. Tips to alleviate these problems:

  • Avoid dispatching actions to collections as part of an effect
  • Dispatching actions as part of asynchronous user interaction is safe
  • Use contextual stores if children have reactive dependencies

See Also


React Mirror was inspired by Cycle.js onionify, Redux & the Controller View pattern.