0.8.2 • Published 9 years ago

react-modalize v0.8.2

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Copyright 2014 Me...
Last release
9 years ago



  • Create Modal Dialogs
  • CSS Framework Agnostic (Use anything you want)
  • Position modal relative to other elements on screen (perfect for custom UI elements like date pickers, color pickers, text input, etc.)
  • Ability to pass params to Modal when it is opened
  • Ability to return params from Modal back to opener when Modal is updated, submitted, cancelled
  • All positioning features from jQuery UI's position (e.g. my "left top" at "left bottom" of some button).
  • Live updating of values from Modal to parent (e.g. live preview of color picker changes, input text, etc.)
  • Built in cancelling behavior (e.g. when you cancel the color preview, the color is reverted to the original color)
  • Uses click outside modal to cancel
  • Uses escape key to cancel modal
  • Programmatically cancel (e.g. by clicking a "cancel" button or an "x" in the UI)
  • The React Modal can be used from a React component or a non-React component
  • A single instance of a modal can be re-used instead of creating a new instance for every modal (e.g. if you have 100 dates, you don't get 100 date pickers)

Creating a Modal

To create a modal, add Modal.Mixin to your React class then instantiate.

var Modal = require('react-modalizer');

var MyModal = React.createClass({
  mixins: [Modal.Mixin],
  render: function () {
    return (<div>Hello World</div>)

var modal = Modal.create(MyModal);

To open the modal


Open Positioning Options

Just calling modal.open is boring so there's lots of options:

// Positioning to a node
// Try `left`, `center`, `right` for horizontal positioning
// and `top`, `center, `bottom` for vertical positioning
  my: 'left top',
  at: 'left bottom',
  of: someNode

// Position to an event like a mouse click
  my: 'left top',
  at: 'left bottom',
  of: event

Look at jQuery UI position for more options:


Supports the following options:

  • my
  • at
  • of
  • collision

Passing Values to Modal

Send values as params:

When you open a modal, the params option will be available as this.params within the React element. this.params is an Object that represents the values you wish to pass back and forth between the calling function and the Modal.

var Modal = require('react-modalizer');
var InputModal = React.createClass({
  mixins: [Modal.Mixin],
  modalWillOpen: function () {
    // any params set in `open` call (below) are available in `this.params`
    this.setState({text: this.params.text});
  render: function () {
    return (<input type="text" value={this.state.text} />);

var modal = Modal.create(InputModal);

// open the modal with the given params
  params: {text: 'Hello World'}

Returning Values from Modal

var Modal = require('react-modalizer');
var InputModal = React.createClass({
  mixins: [Modal.Mixin],
  modalWillOpen: function () {
    // any params set in `open` call (below) are available in `this.params`
    this.setState({text: this.params.text});
  render: function () {
    return (<form>
      <input type="text" value={this.state.text} />

var modal = Modal.create(InputModal);

// this opens the modal with the given params
  params: {text: 'Hello World'},
  onUpdate: function (params) { console.log("updated: " + params.text); }
  onSubmit: function (params) { console.log("submitted: " + params.text); }

Modal creation

Modal's are created in two steps:

  1. Add Modal.Mixin to the React element
  2. use new Modal(reactElement) to instantiate the modal

Modal open arguments




This method is called immediately before the Modal is opened if it exists.

You can use this.params to access any params that were passed in. This is usually the place to setState for your ReactElement.


This method is called immediately before the Modal is closed.



setParams(object nextParams)

Merges nextParams with the current params. After the params are set, there is an automatic call to the onUpdate callback of the Modal's opener.

  params: {text: 'abc'},
  // this method automatically called whenever `setParams` is called.
  onUpdate: function (params) { console.log(params.text); }


Like this.state, Never mutate this.params directly.


replaceParams(object nextParams)

Like setParams but deletes any pre-existing param keys that are not in nextParams.


When submitModal is called, the onSubmit callback is automatically called with the values from this.params

// When `this.submitModal` is called, `this.params` is sent to the `onSubmit`
// callback as shown below.
  params: {text: 'abc'},
  onSubmit: function (params) { console.log(params.text); }


When cancelModal is called, this.params is reset to its original value during the open call.

The onUpdate callback is then called automatically.