1.0.0 • Published 4 years ago

react-mqtt-client v1.0.0

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Last release
4 years ago


React Container for mqttjs/MQTT.js

NPM JavaScript Style Guide


using npm:

npm install --save react-mqtt-client

using yarn:

yarn add react-mqtt-client


Currently, mqtt-react exports two enhancers. Similarly to react-redux, you'll have to first wrap a root component with a Connector which will initialize the mqtt instance and then subscribe to data by using subscribe.

Root component

import React from 'react'
import { Connector } from 'react-mqtt-client'

export const App = () => (
			url: 'ws://https://test.mosquitto.org:8080',
			options: { protocol: 'ws' }, // see MQTTjs options
		<Connected />

subscribed component

import { subscribe } from 'react-mqtt-client'

const MessageList = props => {
	const { mqtt } = props
	return (
			{props.data.reverse().map((d, i) => (
				<p>{`${JSON.stringify(d, null, 4)}`}</p>

const Connected = subscribe({ topic: '#' })(MessageList)

In addition to topic you can add saveData prop to let the custom dispatcher know if data from the broker needs to be saved. defaults to true.

publish message to topic

import React from 'react'
import { subscribe } from 'mqtt-react'

const sendMessage = props => () => props.mqtt.publish('@demo/topic', 'Hello World')
const SendMessageButton = props => <button onClick={sendMessage(props)}>Send Message</button>
export default subscribe({ topic: '@demo/topic' })(SendMessageButton)

Advanced Susbcription / Integration with Redux:

It is possible to provide a function that handles received messages. By default the function adds the message to the data prop, but it can be used to dispatch actions to a redux store.

import { subscribe } from 'mqtt-react'
import store from './store'

const customDispatch = function(topic, message, packet) {
	store.dispatch(topic, message)

export default subscribe({
	topic: '@demo/test',
	dispatch: customDispatch,


Pull Requests are very welcome!


MIT © mrinalraj