1.0.2 • Published 1 year ago

react-native-adyen-api v1.0.2

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1 year ago

⚡️ react-native-adyen-api

An easy way to call the make a payment api to the Adyen terminal when you use react-native.


npm install --save react-native-adyen-api
yarn add react-native-adyen-api

Important: Replace crypto-browserify

Because this library uses react-native-quick-crypto you may need an extra step:

If you are using a library that depends on crypto, instead of polyfilling it with crypto-browserify (or react-native-crypto) you can use react-native-quick-crypto for a fully native implementation. This way you can get much faster crypto operations with just a single-line change!

In your babel.config.js, add a module resolver to replace crypto with react-native-quick-crypto:

module.exports = {
  presets: ['module:metro-react-native-babel-preset'],
  plugins: [
+   [
+     'module-resolver',
+     {
+       alias: {
+         'crypto': 'react-native-quick-crypto',
+         'stream': 'stream-browserify',
+         'buffer': '@craftzdog/react-native-buffer',
+       },
+     },
+   ],

Then restart your bundler using yarn start --reset-cache.

Now, all imports for crypto will be resolved as react-native-quick-crypto instead.

💡 Since react-native-quick-crypto depends on stream and buffer, we can resolve those to stream-browserify and @craftzdog's react-native-buffer (which is faster than buffer because it uses JSI for base64 encoding and decoding).


For example, you just need to create an object containing the config information of the adyen terminal:

const config = 
  amount: 100,
  saleId: "618ca3fc-5272-4184-a1c2",
  terminalIp: "",
  poiid: "S1F2-000158212621330",
  securityId: '1',
  passphrare: '1',
  securityVersion: 1,
  currency: "SGD",

const response = await makeLocalPayment(config)
