1.0.8 • Published 5 years ago
react-native-autocomplete-multiple-commaseprated-tags v1.0.8
Tag autocomplete component for contacts, groups, etc.
Up and Running
$ npm install --save react-native-tag-autocomplete
import AutoTags from 'react-native-tag-autocomplete';
// ...
state = {
suggestions : [ {name:'Mickey Mouse'}, ],
tagsSelected : []
handleDelete = index => {
let tagsSelected = this.state.tagsSelected;
tagsSelected.splice(index, 1);
this.setState({ tagsSelected });
handleAddition = suggestion => {
this.setState({ tagsSelected: this.state.tagsSelected.concat([suggestion]) });
render() {
return (
placeholder="Add a contact.." />
// ...
Prop | Type | Required | Description |
suggestions | array | yes | Array of suggestion objects. They must have a 'name' prop if not overriding filter && renderTags |
tagsSelected | array | yes | List of tags that have already been selected |
handleAddition | function | yes | Handler for when suggestion is selected (normally just push to tagsSelected) |
handleDelete | function | yes | Handler called with index when tag is clicked |
placeholder | string | no | Input placeholder |
renderTags | function | no | Override the render tags and it's styles |
renderSuggestion | function | no | Override the suggestions dropdown items |
filterData | function | no | Override the search function, allows you to filter by props other than name |
onCustomTagCreated | function | no | Function called with user input when user presses enter |
createTagOnSpace | boolean | no | calls onCustomTagCreated when user presses space |
tagStyles | object | no | Override the default tag styling |
tagsOrientedBelow | boolean | no | Move tags below the input instead of above (default). |
This repository wraps react-native-autocomplete-input, so their limitations will also apply here.
As such:
"Android does not support overflows (#20), for that reason it is necessary to wrap the autocomplete into a absolute positioned view on Android. This will allow the suggestion list to overlap other views inside your component."
render() {
<View style={styles.autocompleteContainer}>
<AutoTags {/* your props */} />
<Text>Some content</Text>
const styles = StyleSheet.create({
autocompleteContainer: {
flex: 1,
left: 0,
position: 'absolute',
right: 0,
top: 0,
zIndex: 1
Pull Requests
I'm a dummy, so any PR's are wholly appreciated <3.