0.1.1 • Published 8 months ago

react-native-c5 v0.1.1

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a small library to host charts


npm install react-native-c5

Basic Chart

basic basic

Line Chart

line line line line line


The usage for all the charts is basically the same.

import {LineChart} from '.react-native-c5';



Prop nameoptionaltypedescriptiondefault
datarequiredarrayarray of data
x_keyrequiredstringfield to use for the x axis
y_keyrequiredstringfield to use for the Y axis
onPressItemfunctionreturns the item that was clicked
heightnumberheight of the chart
widthnumberwidth of the chart
axisWidthnumberwidth of axis lines2
axisColorcolorcolor of axis lines#fff
axisCircleColorcolorborder circles of axis color#fff
axisCircleRadiusnumberradius of border circles on the axis5
curvebooleanuse bezier curve for the chart linetrue
lineCircleStrokecolorchart line circle stroke color#fff
lineCircleFillcolorchart line circle color fill valuetransparent
lineCircleStrokeWidthnumberthickness of chart line circles2
lineCircleRadiusnumberradius of chart line circles5
lineStrokeWidthnumberthickneess of chart line5
lineStrokecolorcolor of chart line'blue'
useLineShadowbooleanuse gradient overlay under line charttrue
useBackgroundGradientbooleanuse Background gradient for svg charttrue
verticalLinesbooleanshow Vertical linesfalse
verticalLineOpacitynumberopacity of vertical lines0.2
horizontalLinesbooleanshow Horizontal linesfalse
horizontalLineOpacitynumberopacity of horizontal lines0.2
showTooltipsbooleanshow tooltips on chartfalse
y_label_rendererfunctionfunction to custom render the y labels
x_label_rendererfunctionfunction to custom render the x labels

x_axis_label_config Props

Prop nameoptionaltypedescriptiondefault
rotationnumberdegrees of rotation for labels0
fontSizenumberfont size of labels15
fontColorcolorcolor of labels'#fff'
textAnchorstringanchor property of label'middle'
fontWeightstringfont weight of label'400'

y_axis_label_config Props

Prop nameoptionaltypedescriptiondefault
rotationnumberdegrees of rotation for labels0
fontSizenumberfont size of labels15
fontColorcolorcolor of labels'#fff'
textAnchorstringanchor property of label'middle'
fontWeightstringfont weight of label'400'

tooltip_config Props

Prop nameoptionaltypedescriptiondefault
tooltipHeightnumberheight of tooltips20
tooltipWidthnumberwidth of tooltips40
tooltipFillcolorbackground of tooltip'#fff'
tooltipBorderRadiusnumberborder radius of tooltips7
fontSizenumberfontSize for tooltip text12
fontWeightstringfont weight for tooltip text'400'
textAnchorstringanchor point for text'middle'

line_fill_gradient_config Props

this config only has 2 props (stop1, stop2)

Prop nameoptionaltypedescriptiondefault
offsetnumbergradient offset0
stopColorcolorcolor for gradient point
stopOpacitynumberopacity for the gradient stop

background_gradient_config Props

there are 4 stop points that can be configured the same as the line_fill_gradient_config stops

Prop nameoptionaltypedescriptiondefault

sample LineChart config that is available:

const {
      height: containerHeight = 300,
      width: containerWidth = SCREEN_WIDTH - 50,
      backgroundColor = 'transparent',
      svgBackgroundColor = 'transparent',
      useGradientBackground = true,
      backgroundBorderRadius = 20,
      axisCircleRadius = 5,
      axisColor = '#000',
      axisCircleFillColor = '#000',
      axisCircleStrokeColor = 'purple',
      axisStrokeWidth = 1,
      axisCircleOpacity = 0.8,
      showHorizontalLines = false,
      horizontalLineOpacity = 0.1,
      showVerticalLines = false,
      verticalLineOpacity = 0.1,
      lineCircleRadius = 5,
      lineCircleStroke = '#000',
      lineCircleStrokeWidth = 1,
      lineCircleFill = 'blue',
      showTooltips = true,
      lineStrokeWidth = 2,
      lineStroke = 'purple',
      curve = true,
      useLineShadow = true,
      gradient_background_config = {
        x1: 0,
        y1: 0,
        x2: 0,
        y2: containerHeight,
        stop1: {
          offset: 0,
          stopColor: '#6491d9',
          stopOpacity: 0.3,
        stop2: {
          offset: 1,
          stopColor: '#3557bf',
          stopOpacity: 0.8,
      x_axis_config = {
        fontSize: 12,
        textAnchor: 'middle',
        fontColor: '#fff',
        fontWeight: '400',
        rotation: -45,
      y_axis_config = {
        fontSize: 12,
        textAnchor: 'end',
        fontColor: '#000',
        fontWeight: '400',
        rotation: 0,
      tooltip_config = {
        tooltipHeight: 20,
        tooltipWidth: 40,
        tooltipFill: '#fff',
        tooltipBorderRadius: 7,
        fontSize: 12,
        fontWeight: '400',
        textAnchor: 'middle',
    } = this.props;

Bar Chart

barchart barchart barchart

sample config for BarChart

const {
      height: containerHeight = 300,
      width: containerWidth = SCREEN_WIDTH - 50,
      backgroundColor = 'transparent',
      svgBackgroundColor = 'transparent',
      backgroundBorderRadius = 20,
      axisCircleRadius = 5,
      axisColor = '#000',
      axisCircleFillColor = '#000',
      axisCircleStrokeColor = 'purple',
      axisStrokeWidth = 1,
      axisCircleOpacity = 0.8,
      showHorizontalLines = true,
      horizontalLineOpacity = 0.1,
      showVerticalLines = true,
      verticalLineOpacity = 0.1,
      useBarGradient = true,
      threeD = true,
      threeDX = 5,
      threeDY = 5,
      barColor = 'purple',
      barOpacity = 1,
      barWidth = 20,
      animated = true,
      gradient_background_config = {
        x1: 0,
        y1: 0,
        x2: 0,
        y2: containerHeight,
        stop1: {
          offset: 0,
          stopColor: '#6491d9',
          stopOpacity: 0.3,
        stop2: {
          offset: 1,
          stopColor: '#3557bf',
          stopOpacity: 0.8,
      bar_gradient_config = {
        x1: 0,
        y1: 0,
        x2: 0,
        y2: containerHeight,
        stop1: {
          offset: 0,
          stopColor: '#7e248a',
          stopOpacity: 0.8,
        stop2: {
          offset: 1,
          stopColor: '#b92bcc',
          stopOpacity: 0.3,
      x_axis_config = {
        fontSize: 12,
        textAnchor: 'middle',
        fontColor: '#000',
        fontWeight: '400',
        rotation: 0,
      y_axis_config = {
        fontSize: 12,
        textAnchor: 'end',
        fontColor: '#000',
        fontWeight: '400',
        rotation: 0,
      showTooltips = true,
      tooltip_config = {
        fontColor: '#000',
        fontSize: 12,
        fontWeight: '400',
        textAnchor: 'middle',
    } = this.props;



the boxplot chart also exposes some other useful helper functions

  • asc
  • desc
  • sum
  • max
  • min
  • range
  • mean
  • median
  • quartile
  • IQR
  • Outliers
  • maxWithoutOutliers
  • minWithoutOutliers
  • unique
export interface BoxPlotPress<T> {
  record: string;
  q1: number;
  q3: number;
  index: number;
  x: number;
  m: number;
  outliers: number[];
  maxwo: number;
  minwo: number;
  dayData: any;
  predicateResult: T[] | null;

export interface BoxPlotProps<T> {
  barWidth?: number;
  animated?: boolean;
  barColor?: string;
  barOpacity?: number;
  bar_gradient_config?: ILinearGradient;
  predicate_gradient_config?: ILinearGradient;
  skipYAxisLabels?: number;
  barStroke?: string;
  barStrokeWidth?: number;
  useBarGradient?: boolean;
  medianStroke?: string;
  medianStrokeWidth?: number;
  upperLineStroke?: string;
  upperLineStrokeWidth?: number;
  upperboxStroke?: string;
  upperboxStrokeWidth?: number;
  lowerLineSroke?: string;
  lowerLineStrokeWidth?: number;
  lowerboxStroke?: string;
  lowerboxStrokeWidth?: number;
  onPress?: (record: BoxPlotPress<T>) => void;
  predicateResult?: (item: T) => T[] | [];
  outlier_config?: IOutlier;

export interface IOutlier {
  radius?: number;
  stroke?: string;
  strokeWidth?: number;
  opacity?: number;
  fill?: string;



In order to use this chart, you have to separate your data. We have supplied a function that you can use for this:

const colors = [

const separated = separateData(promarData, 'f01', colors);

here we are creating each array based off the 'f01' key of the data specified. Each of these arrays will become each line.


See the contributing guide to learn how to contribute to the repository and the development workflow.



Made with create-react-native-library


make jest woth with Animated


8 months ago