0.1.2 • Published 7 years ago

react-native-fetch-calendar-events v0.1.2

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Last release
7 years ago


It's a fork of React-Native-Calendar-Events with support for fetching calendar events on Android. As soon as code will be refactored, going to remove this repo and send a PR to "react-native-calendar-events".

React Native Module for fetching Calendar Events on iOS and Android.


npm install react-native-fetch-calendar-events


Add RNCalendarEvents, as well as EventKit.framework to project libraries.

For iOS 8 compatibility, you may need to link your project with CoreFoundation.framework (status = Optional) under Link Binary With Libraries on the Build Phases page of your project settings.

Setting up privacy usage descriptions may also be require depending on which iOS version is supported. This involves updating the Property List, Info.plist, with the corresponding key for the EKEventStore api. Info.plist reference.

For updating the Info.plist key/value via Xcode, add a Privacy - Calendars Usage Description key with a usage description as the value.


  • Edit build.gradle to look like this:
apply plugin: 'com.android.application'

android {

dependencies {
+ compile project(':react-native-fetch-calendar-events')
  • In settings.gradle, insert the following code:
include ':react-native-fetch-calendar-events'
project(':react-native-fetch-calendar-events').projectDir = new File(rootProject.projectDir, '../node_modules/react-native-fetch-calendar-events/android')
  • Edit your MainActivity.java to look like this:
package com.myapp;

import com.calendarevents.CalendarEventsPackage;

public class MainActivity extends extends ReactActivity {

	protected List<ReactPackage> getPackages() {
		return Arrays.<ReactPackage>asList(
						new MainReactPackage(),
						new CalendarEventsPackage()
  • If your apps targetSDK is 23 or higher, edit your MainActivity.java to look like this:
import com.calendarevents.CalendarEventsPackage;

public class MainActivity extends ReactActivity {

  public void onRequestPermissionsResult(int requestCode, String[] permissions, int[] grantResults) {
      CalendarEventsPackage.onRequestPermissionsResult(requestCode, permissions, grantResults);
      super.onRequestPermissionsResult(requestCode, permissions, grantResults);



Require the react-native-fetch-calendar-events module.

import RNCalendarEvents from 'react-native-fetch-calendar-events';

NOTE: Starting from 1.0.0, this package will use Promises instead of Events.


idString (read-only)Unique id for the calendar event.
titleStringThe title for the calendar event.
startDateDateThe start date of the calendar event.
endDateDateThe end date of the calendar event.
allDayBoolIndicates whether the event is an all-day event.
recurrenceStringThe simple recurrence frequency of the calendar event daily, weekly, monthly, yearly or none.
occurrenceDateDate (read-only)The original occurrence date of an event if it is part of a recurring series.
isDetachedBoolIndicates whether an event is a detached instance of a repeating event.
locationStringThe location associated with the calendar event.
notesStringThe notes associated with the calendar event.
alarmsArrayThe alarms associated with the calendar event, as an array of alarm objects.


Get authorization status for IOS EventStore.


Returns: Promise

  • fulfilled: String - denied, restricted, authorized or undetermined
  • rejected: Error


  .then(status => {
    // handle status
  .catch(error => {
   // handle error


Request authorization to IOS EventStore. Authorization must be granted before accessing calendar events.


Returns: Promise

  • fulfilled: String - denied, restricted, authorized or undetermined
  • rejected: Error


  .then(status => {
    // handle status
  .catch(error => {
   // handle error


Fetch all calendar events from EventStore (iOS) and CalendarContract (Android). Returns a promise with fulfilled with found events.

RNCalendarEvents.fetchAllEvents(startDate, endDate)


  • startDate: Date - The start date of the range of events fetched. (iOS Only)
  • endDate: Date - The end date of the range of events fetched. (iOS Only)

Returns: Promise

  • fulfilled: Array - Matched events within the specified date range.
  • rejected: Error


RNCalendarEvents.fetchAllEvents('2016-08-19T19:26:00.000Z', '2017-08-19T19:26:00.000Z')
  .then(events => {
    // handle events
  .catch(error => {
   // handle error


Creates calendar event.

RNCalendarEvents.saveEvent(title, settings);


  • title: String - The title of the event.
  • settings: Object - The event's settings.

Returns: Promise

  • fulfilled: String - Created event's ID.
  • rejected: Error


RNCalendarEvents.saveEvent('title', {
    location: 'location',
    notes: 'notes',
    startDate: '2016-10-01T09:45:00.000UTC',
    endDate: '2016-10-02T09:45:00.000UTC'
  .then(id => {
    // handle success
  .catch(error => {
    // handle error

Update Event (iOS Only)

Give the unique calendar event ID to update an existing calendar event.


  • title: String - The title of the event.
  • settings: Object - The event's settings.

Returns: Promise

  • fulfilled: String - Updated event's ID.
  • rejected: Error


RNCalendarEvents.saveEvent('title', {
    id: 'FE6B128F-C0D8-4FB8-8FC6-D1D6BA015CDE',
    location: 'location',
    notes: 'notes',
    startDate: '2016-10-01T09:45:00.000UTC',
    endDate: '2016-10-02T09:45:00.000UTC'
  .then(id => {
    // handle success
  .catch(error => {
    // handle error

Create calendar event with alarms

Alarm options:

dateDate or NumberIf a Date is given, an alarm will be set with an absolute date. If a Number is given, an alarm will be set with a relative offset (in minutes) from the start date.
structuredLocationObject(iOS Only) The location to trigger an alarm.

Alarm structuredLocation properties:

titleStringThe title of the location.
proximityStringA value indicating how a location-based alarm is triggered. Possible values: enter, leave, none.
radiusNumberA minimum distance from the core location that would trigger the calendar event's alarm.
coordsObjectThe geolocation coordinates, as an object with latitude and longitude properties

Example with date:

RNCalendarEvents.saveEvent('title', {
  location: 'location',
  notes: 'notes',
  startDate: '2016-10-01T09:45:00.000UTC',
  endDate: '2016-10-02T09:45:00.000UTC',
  alarms: [{
    date: -1 // or absolute date - iOS Only

Example with structuredLocation (iOS Only):

RNCalendarEvents.saveEvent('title', {
  location: 'location',
  notes: 'notes',
  startDate: '2016-10-01T09:45:00.000UTC',
  endDate: '2016-10-02T09:45:00.000UTC',
  alarms: [{
    structuredLocation: {
      title: 'title',
      proximity: 'enter',
      radius: 500,
      coords: {
        latitude: 30.0000,
        longitude: 97.0000

Example with recurrence:

RNCalendarEvents.saveEvent('title', {
  location: 'location',
  notes: 'notes',
  startDate: '2016-10-01T09:45:00.000UTC',
  endDate: '2016-10-02T09:45:00.000UTC',
  alarms: [{
    date: -1 // or absolute date - iOS Only
  recurrence: 'daily'

removeEvent (iOS Only)

Removes calendar event.



  • id: String - The id of the event to remove.

Returns: Promise

  • fulfilled: Bool - Successful
  • rejected: Error


  .then(success => {
    // handle success
  .catch(error => {
    // handle error

removeFutureEvents (iOS Only)

Removes future (recurring) calendar events.



  • id: String - The id of the event to remove.

Returns: Promise

  • fulfilled: Bool - Successful
  • rejected: Error


  .then(success => {
    // handle success
  .catch(error => {
    // handle error