0.0.2 • Published 8 years ago
react-native-mcsjs v0.0.2
React-native-mcsjs: A react-native library for Mediatek cloud sandbox
$ npm install react-native-mcsjs --save
- Only support >= 6 Nodejs version
- First, goto MCS.
You should get the appId and appSecrete under the Service provider section in the Profile page.
- Second, In your React Native Project
import MCSjs from '../index';
const myApp = MCSjs.register({
appId: '673549393943134',
appSecret: '0Eei1OGcGT6wxZ2aKWO3LHvvpLEs1SKe',
deviceId: 'DU8xrUWV',
myApp.on('encodeByMD5', function(data) {
// Listening 'encodeByMD5' channel's command.
myApp.emit('decodeByMD5', '', 'iiii');
// Sending control command or upload datapoint to 'decodeByMD5' channel