0.0.1 • Published 8 months ago

react-native-media-processing v0.0.1

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Last release
8 months ago


Getting started

$ npm install react-native-media-processing --save

Mostly automatic installation

$ react-native link react-native-media-processing

Manual installation


  1. In XCode, in the project navigator, right click LibrariesAdd Files to [your project's name]
  2. Go to node_modulesreact-native-media-processing and add RNMediaTools.xcodeproj
  3. In XCode, in the project navigator, select your project. Add libRNMediaTools.a to your project's Build PhasesLink Binary With Libraries
  4. Run your project (Cmd+R)<


  1. Open up android/app/src/main/java/[...]/MainActivity.java
  • Add import com.rnmediatools.RNMediaToolsPackage; to the imports at the top of the file
  • Add new RNMediaToolsPackage() to the list returned by the getPackages() method
  1. Append the following lines to android/settings.gradle:
    include ':react-native-media-processing'
    project(':react-native-media-processing').projectDir = new File(rootProject.projectDir, '../node_modules/react-native-media-processing/android')
  2. Insert the following lines inside the dependencies block in android/app/build.gradle:
    compile project(':react-native-media-processing')

1 Usage

1.1 Image

import {ImageTools} from 'react-native-media-processing';

// Initialize the image tool
const imageTools = new ImageTools("/local/file/path");

// Get details about the image
imageTools.getDetails().then(details => {
   console.log("Size: " + details.size);
   // Etc.

1.2 Audio

import {AudioTools} from 'react-native-media-processing';

// Initialize the audio tool
const audioTools = new AudioTools("/local/file/path");

// Get details about the audio
audioTools.getDetails().then(details => {
   console.log("Size: " + details.size);
   console.log("Duration: " + details.duration);
   // Etc.

1.3 Video

import {VideoTools} from 'react-native-media-processing';

// Initialize the video tool
const videoTools = new VideoTools("/local/file/path");

// Get details about the video
videoTools.getDetails().then(details => {
   console.log("Size: " + details.size);
   console.log("Duration: " + details.duration);
   // Etc.

2 Methods available on ImageTools, AudioTools and VideoTools

2.1 filename: String

Returning the file the media given


const videoTools = new VideoTools("/local/file/path");

console.log("File Name:", videoTools.filename);

2.2 extension: String

Returning the extension the media given

const videoTools = new VideoTools("/local/file/path");

console.log("File Extension:", videoTools.extension);

2.3 getDetails(): Promise

Returning the details about the media given


The promise returns a MediaDetails that contains:

  • size: number; The total length of the media in bytes
  • format: string;
  • filename: string;
  • bitrate: number;
  • duration: number; The total duration of media in seconds
  • allProperties - format: Object; - streams: Array;

2.4 isInputFileCorrect(): Promise

Check if the give media is correct and valid


The promise returns an object with following properties:

- isCorrect: boolean

Indicate whether the media is correct or not

- message: string

Contains error message when the media is incorrect

2.5 convertTo(options): Promise<MediaDefaultResponse>

Convert the media to another extension


An object with the following properties:

- extension: string


The promise returns an object with following properties:

- outputFilePath: string
- message: string
import {VideoTools} from 'react-native-media-processing';

// Initialize the video tool
const videoTools = new VideoTools("/local/file/path");

await videoTools.convertTo({extension: ".avi"});

2.6 enableStatisticsCallback(CallbackFunction): Object

Enable statistics callback and follow the progress of an ongoing Media operation.

import {VideoTools} from 'react-native-media-processing';

// Initialize the video tool
const videoTools = new VideoTools("/local/file/path");

await videoTools.enableStatisticsCallback((response)=>{

2.7 disableStatistics()

Disable statistics callback to stop listening to Media operation.

import {VideoTools} from 'react-native-media-processing';

// Initialize the video tool
const videoTools = new VideoTools("/local/file/path");

await videoTools.disableStatistics();

3 ImageTools

3.1 scale(options): Promise<MediaDefaultResponse>

Resize the dimensions of image by either increasing or decreasing it by the value of height and width.


An object with the following properties:

- height: number
- width: number

Default setting are set to

- height: 768
- width: 1024


import {ImageTools} from 'react-native-media-processing';

// Initialize the image tool
const imageTools = new ImageTools("/local/file/path");

await imageTools.scale({height: 2048, width: 1536});

3.2 crop(options): Promise<MediaDefaultResponse>

Crop the portion of image by passing in the option parameter


An object with the following properties:

- height: number (Crop portion height)
- width: number(Crop portion width)
- x: number(X co-ordinate)
- y: number(Y co-ordinate)


import {ImageTools} from 'react-native-media-processing';

// Initialize the image tool
const imageTools = new ImageTools("/local/file/path");

await imageTools.crop({height: 360, width: 480, x: 10, y: 10});

3.3 rotate(options): Promise<MediaDefaultResponse>

Rotate the image by the value of angle (given in option parameter)


An object with the following properties:

- angle: number (between 0° and 360°)


import {ImageTools} from 'react-native-media-processing';

// Initialize the image tool
const imageTools = new ImageTools("/local/file/path");

await imageTools.rotate({angle: 180});

4 AudioTools

4.1 compress(options): Promise<MediaDefaultResponse>


An object that represents compression's specification. It contains:

- speed: veryslow | slower | slow | medium | fast | faster | veryfast | superfast | ultrafast (optional, default to medium)
- quality: number (optional, default to 18)

Note: The higher the speed, the less effective the compression is and can in some cases lead to an opposite effect.


import {AudioTools} from 'react-native-media-processing';

// Initialize the audio tool
const audioTools = new AudioTools("/local/file/path");

await audioTools.compress({quality: 18, speed: "medium"});

4.2 adjustVolume(options): Promise<MediaDefaultResponse>

Adjust the volume of audio by either increasing or decreasing it by the value of rate.


An object with the following properties:

- rate: number (between 0 and 1, 0 low volume to 1 high volume)
import {AudioTools} from 'react-native-media-processing';

// Initialize the audio tool
const audioTools = new AudioTools("/local/file/path");

// Will create a new file with volume decreased by 50% percent of its original file
await audioTools.adjustVolume({rate: 0.5});

4.3 cut(options): Promise<MediaDefaultResponse>

Cut the media by the value of from time and to time (given in option parameter).


An object with the following properties:

- from: string Format hh:mm:ss

The time at which the media cut-off will begin

- to: string Format hh:mm:ss

The time when the media cut-off will stop

- outputFilePath: string


import {AudioTools} from 'react-native-media-processing';

// Initialize the audio tool
const audioTools = new AudioTools("/local/file/path");

await audioTools.cut({from: "00:00:20", to: "00:00:30"});

5 VideoTools

5.1 compress(options): Promise<MediaDefaultResponse>


An object that represents compression's specification. It contains:

- speed: veryslow | slower | slow | medium | fast | faster | veryfast | superfast | ultrafast (optional, default to medium)
- quality: number (optional, default to 18)

Note: The higher the speed, the less effective the compression is and can in some cases lead to an opposite effect.


import {VideoTools} from 'react-native-media-processing';

// Initialize the video tool
const videoTools = new VideoTools("/local/file/path");

await videoTools.compress({quality: 18, speed: "medium"});

5.2 extractAudio(options): Promise<MediaDefaultResponse>

Extract audio from video

Note By default, mp3 is used as extension


import {VideoTools} from 'react-native-media-processing';

// Initialize the video tool
const videoTools = new VideoTools("/local/file/path");

try {
   const result = await videoTools.extractAudio();

   const extractedAudio = new AudioTools(result.outputFilePath);
   const mediaDetails = await extractedAudio.getDetails();
   console.log(mediaDetails.extension); // mp3
} catch (e) {

5.3 addWatermark(options): Promise<MediaDefaultResponse>

Add watermark to the video


An object that represents watermark's specification. It contains:

- opacity: float (between 0 and 1, 0 low opacity to 1 high opacity)


import {VideoTools} from 'react-native-media-processing';

// Initialize the video tool
const videoTools = new VideoTools("/local/file/path");

await videoTools.addWatermark({position: "CENTER", opacity: 0.6, watermarksImage: "path/to/watermark/image.png"});

5.4 cut(options): Promise<MediaDefaultResponse>

Cut the media by the value of from time and to time (given in option parameter).


An object with the following properties:

- from: string Format hh:mm:ss

The time at which the media cut-off will begin

- to: string Format hh:mm:ss

The time when the media cut-off will stop

- outputFilePath: string


import {VideoTools} from 'react-native-media-processing';

// Initialize the video tool
const videoTools = new VideoTools("/local/file/path");

await videoTools.cut({from: "00:00:20", to: "00:00:30"});


Default promise result shared with some methods. It contains:

- message: string

The status of the request which is 0 if everything went fine

- outputFilePath: string

The full path of the media created


Feel free to submit issues or pull requests.


The library is released under the MIT licence. For more information see LICENSE.