react-native-orientation-locker v1.7.0
A react-native module that can listen on orientation changing of device, get current orientation, lock to preferred orientation. (cross-platform support)
- listen on orientation changing of device
- get the current orientation of device
v1.6.0 1. Add: Add vs2022 support. Remove unnecessary reference 2. Fix: Change WindowsTargetPlatformVersion to 10.0 3. Fix: added check for broadcast receiver being registered and unregistered to avoid IllegalArgumentException 4. Fix: RN-0.73 change Android configs for RN 0.73 compatibility 5. Fix: Add RECEIVER_EXPORTED/RECEIVER_NOT_EXPORTED to support Android 14
v1.5.0 1. Fix: threading issue on Windows and fix android not triggering event in some cases 2. Fix: add stub methods to remove warning while using listeners
v1.4.0 1. Fix typescript types 2. Fix some bugs
v1.3.1 1. Fix require cycle problem
v1.3.0 BREAKING CHANGES 1. Add support for Window 2. Modify sample project 3. Updates Tyescript define
v1.2.0 BREAKING CHANGES 1. Add support for lockAllOrientationsButUpsideDown 2. Ignore on web and desktop (#115) 3. Fix for not finding @ReactModule (#125) 4. Fix unlockAllOrientations on Android (#133) 5. Implement ActivityLifecycleCallbacks on Android (#131)
Please be sure to add to onCreate
of your MainApplication
import org.wonday.orientation.OrientationActivityLifecycle;
public void onCreate() {
+ registerActivityLifecycleCallbacks(OrientationActivityLifecycle.getInstance());
v1.1.8 1. Support FACE-UP and FACE-DOWN on iOS
v1.1.7 1. Add lockToPortraitUpsideDown() to iOS 2. Minor case corrections
v1.1.6 1. Catch unknown device orientation value 2. When calling unlockAllOrientations(), forcibly unlock whether locked or not
v1.1.5 1. Add Orientation.isLocked() and Orientation.removeAllListeners()
v1.1.4 1. Fix TypeScript declarations
1. Add addLockListener
and removeLockListener
2. Improve Android orientation changed event sending condition
v1.1.2 1. Improve Android orientation changed event timing
v1.1.1 1. Fix show "supported event type for deviceOrientationDidChange..." error in debug 2. Fix getAutoRotateState() code error
1. Split addOrientationListener(function(orientation, deviceOrientation))
to addOrientationListener(function(orientation))
and addDeviceOrientationListener(function(deviceOrientation))
2. Make sure when lockToXXX and unlockAllOrientations resend UI orientation event
3. remove setTimout from orientation listener
4. Add getAutoRotateState() for Android
5. Add TypeScript definitions
RN 0.58 + Android target SDK 27 maybe cause
Issue: java.lang.IllegalStateException: Only fullscreen activities can request orientation
problem, see [#55] for a solution.orientationDidChange will be delayed on iPads if we set upside down to true. Simply disable upside down for iPad and everything works like a charm ([#78] Thanks truongluong1314520)
If you get the following build error on iOS:
ld: library not found for -lRCTOrientation-tvOS
Just remove it from linked libraries and frameworksFor Windows, locking to an orientation will only work on devices in tablet mode.
For Windows, getting information on device orientation and tracking its changes will only be possible on devices with an orientation sensor. If the device running your application does not have the appropriate hardware to support tracking device orientation,
will return UNKNOWN.
To run example on Windows Tablet (This will allow one to view modules full functionality)
- Open example/windows/example.sln in Visual Studio.
- Go to Project > Publish > Create App Packages.
- Certificate password is "password".
- Select "Sideloading" and hit "Next".
- Hit "Yes, use the current certificate" and hit "Next".
- Choose desired output location and hit "Create".
- Got to output location and copy example__Test directory over to tablet device.
- On tablet device open APPXBUNDLE File and hit "Install" (make sure tablet is in developer mode). App should launch after install is complete.
- Turn on tablet mode on device to see locking to a UI orientation functionality.
Using yarn (RN 0.60 and and above)
yarn add react-native-orientation-locker
Using yarn (RN 0.59 and and below)
yarn add react-native-orientation-locker
react-native link react-native-orientation-locker
Manual linking
For Windows, if you are using RNW v0.63.0 or higher, autolinking should link the module for you. Otherwise, you must follow the steps outlined here for linking module.
Add following to (This will be added automatically by auto link. If not, please manually add the following )
+import org.wonday.orientation.OrientationPackage;
protected List<ReactPackage> getPackages() {
List<ReactPackage> packages = new PackageList(this).getPackages();
// Packages that cannot be autolinked yet can be added manually here, for example:
// packages.add(new MyReactNativePackage());
+ packages.add(new OrientationPackage());
return packages;
Using CocoaPods (iOS Only)
Run pod install
in the ios directory. Linking is not required in React Native 0.60 and above.
Add the following to your project's AppDelegate.m
+#import "Orientation.h"
@implementation AppDelegate
// ...
+- (UIInterfaceOrientationMask)application:(UIApplication *)application supportedInterfaceOrientationsForWindow:(UIWindow *)window {
+ return [Orientation getOrientation];
Add following to android/app/src/main/AndroidManifest.xml
+ android:configChanges="keyboard|keyboardHidden|orientation|screenSize"
Implement onConfigurationChanged method (in
// ...
+import android.content.Intent;
+import android.content.res.Configuration;
public class MainActivity extends ReactActivity {
+ @Override
+ public void onConfigurationChanged(Configuration newConfig) {
+ super.onConfigurationChanged(newConfig);
+ Intent intent = new Intent("onConfigurationChanged");
+ intent.putExtra("newConfig", newConfig);
+ this.sendBroadcast(intent);
+ }
// ......
Add following to
+import org.wonday.orientation.OrientationActivityLifecycle;
public void onCreate() {
+ registerActivityLifecycleCallbacks(OrientationActivityLifecycle.getInstance());
Imperative API
Whenever you want to use it within React Native code now you can:
import Orientation from 'react-native-orientation-locker';
import Orientation from 'react-native-orientation-locker';
_onOrientationDidChange = (orientation) => {
if (orientation == 'LANDSCAPE-LEFT') {
//do something with landscape left layout
} else {
//do something with portrait layout
componentWillMount() {
//The getOrientation method is async. It happens sometimes that
//you need the orientation at the moment the js starts running on device.
//getInitialOrientation returns directly because its a constant set at the
//beginning of the js code.
var initial = Orientation.getInitialOrientation();
if (initial === 'PORTRAIT') {
//do stuff
} else {
//do other stuff
componentDidMount() {
Orientation.getAutoRotateState((rotationLock) => this.setState({rotationLock}));
//this allows to check if the system autolock is enabled or not.
Orientation.lockToPortrait(); //this will lock the view to Portrait
//Orientation.lockToLandscapeLeft(); //this will lock the view to Landscape
//Orientation.unlockAllOrientations(); //this will unlock the view to all Orientations
//get current UI orientation
Orientation.getOrientation((orientation)=> {
console.log("Current UI Orientation: ", orientation);
//get current device orientation
Orientation.getDeviceOrientation((deviceOrientation)=> {
console.log("Current Device Orientation: ", deviceOrientation);
componentWillUnmount: function() {
Reactive component <OrientationLocker>
It is possible to have multiple OrientationLocker
components mounted at the same time. The props will be merged in the order the OrientationLocker
components were mounted. This follows the same usability of \<StatusBar>.
import React, { useState } from "react";
import { Text, View } from "react-native";
import { OrientationLocker, PORTRAIT, LANDSCAPE } from "react-native-orientation-locker";
export default function App() {
const [showVideo, setShowVideo] = useState(true);
return (
<View style={{ flex: 1, justifyContent: 'center', alignItems: 'center' }}>
onChange={orientation => console.log('onChange', orientation)}
onDeviceChange={orientation => console.log('onDeviceChange', orientation)}
<Button title="Toggle Video" onPress={() => setShowVideo(!showVideo)} />
{showVideo && (
<OrientationLocker orientation={LANDSCAPE} />
<View style={{ width: 320, height: 180, backgroundColor: '#ccc' }}>
<Text>Landscape video goes here</Text>
: hook foraddOrientationListener
: hook foraddDeviceOrientationListener
function SomeComponent() {
useOrientationChange((o) => {
// Handle orientation change
useDeviceOrientationChange((o) => {
// Handle device orientation change
When UI orientation changed, callback function will be called.
But if lockToXXX is called , callback function will be not called untill unlockAllOrientations.
It can return either PORTRAIT
When lockToXXX/unlockAllOrientations, it will force resend UI orientation changed event.
When device orientation changed, callback function will be called.
When lockToXXX is called, callback function also can be called.
It can return either PORTRAIT
When call lockToXXX/unlockAllOrientations, callback function will be called.
It can return either PORTRAIT
means not be locked.
configure({ disableFaceUpDown: boolean })
(ios only)lockToPortrait()
this will lock to camera left home button rightlockToLandscapeRight()
this will lock to camera right home button leftlockToPortraitUpsideDown
only support android and WindowslockToAllOrientationsButUpsideDown
only iosunlockAllOrientations()
(android only)isLocked()
(lock status by this library)
orientation can return one of:
camera left home button rightLANDSCAPE-RIGHT
camera right home button leftPORTRAIT-UPSIDEDOWN
Notice: PORTRAIT-UPSIDEDOWN is currently not supported on iOS at the moment. FACE-UP and FACE-DOWN are only supported on iOS and Windows.
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