1.0.0 • Published 6 months ago

react-native-paper-towel v1.0.0

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Last release
6 months ago


A component library that extends react-native-paper. It adds often used components that are not available in react-native-paper and adds components that are available, but with slight different style or pre configured props.

Its objective is to avoid repeating the same code across applications and simplify frequent usages. To achieve this, the library implements, for example, the InputPassword component. Its the TextInput component from react-native-paper, but configured to be used as a password input with the commonly used props for this case.


To install the library, run:

npm install react-native-paper-towel
# or
yarn add react-native-paper-towel

This library requires react-native-paper, react-material-design-provider and react-native-vector-icons. Follow their installation guide:

Attention: The react-native-vector-icons used in this library is not from NPM or from the original repository. It uses a fork that implements variants for Google's Material Icon. So, when installing vector icons, install the library from the forked repository (https://github.com/viniciusyoshioka/react-native-vector-icons).

Install the required libraries with:

npm install react-native-paper react-material-design-provider https://github.com/viniciusyoshioka/react-native-vector-icons.git
# or
yarn add react-native-paper react-material-design-provider https://github.com/viniciusyoshioka/react-native-vector-icons.git


