1.0.1 • Published 2 years ago
react-native-phone-number v1.0.1
Getting started
$ npm install react-native-phone-number --save
- This module works only for android at the moment.
How it works
-- This module provides 2 methods both of which provide a native overlay from which the user can select a phone number.
- requestPhoneNumber: which uses GetPhoneNumberHintIntentRequest and Identity APIs to provide the phone number. &
- hintRequestPhoneNumber: which uses GoogleApiClient and HintRequest which are deprecated APIs to provide the phone number.
- Goto app level build.gradle in android/app/build.gradle and add the following dependency.
dependencies {
implementation "androidx.swiperefreshlayout:swiperefreshlayout:1.0.0"
implementation "com.google.android.gms:play-services-auth:20.2.0" // Add this line
import PhoneNumber from 'react-native-phone-number';
// Get status constants from the module
const {STATUS_CANCELLED, STATUS_ERROR, STATUS_SUCCESS} = PhoneNumber.getConstants();
// Recommended method for obtaining the phone number
PhoneNumber.requestPhoneNumber((res) => {
if(res.status === STATUS_SUCCESS){
//process res.data
}else if(res.status === STATUS_CANCELLED){
//handle cancel res.data
}else if(res.status === STATUS_ERROR){
//handle error res.data
// Deprecated method for obtaining the phone number
PhoneNumber.hintRequestPhoneNumber((res) => {
if(res.status === STATUS_SUCCESS){
//process res.data
}else if(res.status === STATUS_CANCELLED){
//handle cancel res.data
}else if(res.status === STATUS_ERROR){
//handle error res.data