0.1.1-next.0 • Published 1 year ago

react-native-prestyle v0.1.1-next.0

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Last release
1 year ago


Another react-native styling library but this time it transforms styles on build time using babel.

While the library is currently in development and not yet stable, it offers the potential for improved performance and reliability in styling. Please exercise caution when using this library and report any issues or unexpected behavior you may encounter.


Building styles on build time allows the styles to be precomputed and optimized, which can improve the performance of the application. When styles are built on run time, the application has to calculate the styles every time the component is rendered, which can cause lag and reduce performance.


  1. Install the library:
yarn add react-native-prestyle
  1. Add the babel plugin into your babel config file:
  "plugins": ["react-native-prestyle/plugin"]
  1. Create a theme file:
import { TextStyle, ViewStyle } from "react-native";
import { prestyle } from "react-native-prestyle";

const { ThemedView, ThemedText, ThemeProvider } = prestyle<
  light: {
    colors: {
      primary: "white",
      text: "black",
  dark: {
    colors: {
      primary: "black",
      text: "white",
  spacing: {
    m: {
      small: 8,
      medium: 16,
    l: 32,
  breakPoints: {
    small: 0,
    medium: 768,
  viewVariants: {
    card: {
      backgroundColor: "primary",
      padding: "m",
      flex: 1,
  textVariants: {
    bold: {
      color: "primary",
      fontWeight: "bold",

export { ThemedView, ThemedText, ThemeProvider };
  1. Usage:
  style={{ marginTop: 10 }}
  <ThemedText variant="bold" color="text" marginTop="l">
    Hello I am a text

The components ThemedView and ThemedText must be named exactly as such, as they are statically searched for by name.

When parsing the props for the components, the order in which they are defined determines their priority, except for the style prop, which always takes precedence over everything else.



lightColors for the light mode
darkColors for the dark mode
breakPointsWidth breakpoints
spacingSpacing tokens (can be numbers or per breakpoint)
viewVariantsShared styles for the ThemedView component, applied using the variant prop
textVariantsShared styles for the ThemedText component, applied using the variant prop


ThemeProviderA higher-order component that wraps the entire application and provides the theme to all the child components. It takes a mode prop, which can be used to switch between light and dark themes.
ThemedViewA themed version of the standard React Native View component. It inherits its styles from the current theme provided by the ThemeProvider.
ThemedTextA themed version of the standard React Native Text component. It inherits its styles from the current theme provided by the ThemeProvider.
useThemeA hook that can be used to access the current theme object in any component.
useSpacingA hook that can be used to access the spacing values defined in the current theme. It can be used to add consistent padding and margins to components.
useBreakPointA hook that can be used to access the current breakpoint in the application. It can be used to create responsive designs that adapt to different screen sizes.
usePrestyleA hook that provides access to everything, including the current mode, theme, spacing, breakpoint, viewVariant, and textVariants.


Theme PropertyName
colorsbackgroundColor, color, borderColor, borderTopColor, borderRightColor, borderBottomColor, borderLeftColor, borderStartColor, borderEndColor, shadowColor, textShadowColor, textDecorationColor
spacingmargin, marginVertical, marginHorizontal, marginRight, marginLeft, marginTop, marginBottom, marginStart, marginEnd, padding, paddingVertical, paddingHorizontal, paddingRight, paddingLeft, paddingTop, paddingBottom, paddingStart, paddingEnd, gap, rowGap, columnGap

Known Limitations

  • The components ThemedView and ThemedText must be named exactly as such, as they are statically searched for by name.
  • Limited props spreading.

1 year ago


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1 year ago