0.3.2 • Published 7 months ago

react-native-qrcode-styled v0.3.2

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Last release
7 months ago

npm npm github Supports Android and iOS expo-compatible


Fully customizable QR Codes generator for React Native using react-native-svg

Shadows Demo


npm i react-native-svg react-native-qrcode-styled

or with yarn

yarn add react-native-svg react-native-qrcode-styled

If you use typescript, run:

yarn add -D @types/qrcode


Simple usage is:

import QRCodeStyled from 'react-native-qrcode-styled';

  data={'Simple QR Code'}
  style={{backgroundColor: 'white'}}

For more examples check out the Example app


data"I'm QR Code!"stringMessage for encoding. Can also be an array. More info HERE.
pieceSize5numberSize of each piece of the QR code
pieceScaleundefinedSvgProps'scale'Scale of each piece of the QR code
pieceRotationundefinedSvgProps'rotation'Angle of rotation of each piece of the QR code (in degrees)
pieceCornerType'rounded''rounded' | 'cut'Type of piece corner
pieceBorderRadius0number | number[]Border radius of all corners of each piece. Can also be an array to define different border radius for each corner (start from top-left corner)
pieceStrokeundefinedColorValueBorder color of each piece
pieceStrokeWidthundefinednumberBorder with of each piece
pieceLiquidRadiusundefinednumberLevel of liquid effect between pieces. If you have pieceBorderRadius set isPiecesGlued to true
isPiecesGluedfalsebooleanIf true between pieces will be glue effect. You will see this if you have pieceBorderRadius > 0
outerEyesOptionsundefinedEyeOptions | AllEyesOptionsConfigurations for outer eyes of QR code. If they defined, previous piece configurations won't be work
innerEyesOptionsundefinedEyeOptions | AllEyesOptionsThe same as outerEyesOptions prop but for inner eyes
color'black'ColorValueColor of QR code
gradientundefinedGradientPropsGradient of QR code. Can be two types: 'linear' | 'radial'. By default 'linear'
paddingundefinednumberPadding inside <Svg/> component from QR code
logoundefinedLogoOptionsConfigurations for logo. Support svg's <Image/> props
backgroundImageundefinedsvg's <Image/> props typeBackground image for QR code
errorCorrectionLevel'M''L' | 'M' | 'Q' | 'H'Description
renderCustomPieceItemundefinedRenderCustomPieceItemRender custom piece of QR code. It must return svg component. If it defined, previous piece and eyes configurations won't be work
renderBackgroundundefined(pieceSize: number, bitMatrix: number) => SvgProps'children'Ability to add any additional svg components behind qr code
childrenundefined(pieceSize: number, bitMatrix: number) => SvgProps'children'Ability to add any additional svg components as children
...rest <Svg/> props



type GradientType = 'linear' | 'radial';

type LinearGradientProps = {
  colors?: ColorValue[];
  start?: [number, number]; // start point [x, y] (0 -> 0%, 1 -> 100%)
  end?: [number, number]; // end point [x, y] (0 -> 0%, 1 -> 100%)
  locations?: number[]; // list of colors positions (0 -> 0%, 1 -> 100%)

type RadialGradientProps = {
  colors?: ColorValue[];
  center?: [number, number]; // center point [x, y] (0 -> 0%, 1 -> 100%)
  radius?: [number, number]; // radiusXY [x, y] (0 -> 0%, 1 -> 100%)
  locations?: number[]; // list of colors positions (0 -> 0%, 1 -> 100%)

type GradientProps = {
  type?: GradientType;
  options?: LinearGradientProps | RadialGradientProps;


type EyeOptions = {
  scale?: PathProps['scale']; // scaleXY | [scaleX, scaleY]
  rotation?: string | number;
  borderRadius?: number | number[];
  color?: ColorValue;
  gradient?: GradientProps;
  stroke?: ColorValue;
  strokeWidth?: number;


type EyePosition = 'topLeft' | 'topRight' | 'bottomLeft';

type AllEyesOptions = { [K in EyePosition]?: EyeOptions }


type RenderCustomPieceItem = ({x, y, pieceSize, qrSize, bitMatrix}: {
  x: number;
  y: number;
  pieceSize: number;
  qrSize: number;
  bitMatrix: number[][];
}) => React.ReactElement | null;


export type LogoArea = {
  x: number;
  y: number;
  width: number;
  height: number;

export type LogoOptions = {
  hidePieces?: boolean;
  padding?: number;
  scale?: number;
  onChange?: (logoArea?: LogoArea) => void;
} & SVGImageProps;


Gaps between pieces (only on Android)

If you'll see that gaps between pieces on Android, just scale pieces up a little bit:

  pieceScale={1.02} // or any between of 1.01 - 1.04


See the contributing guide to learn how to contribute to the repository and the development workflow.



Made with create-react-native-library