0.1.2 • Published 8 years ago
react-native-realm v0.1.2
A higher-order component for listening to Realm data in React Native components.
// realm.js
import Realm from 'realm';
class Person extends Realm.Object {}
Person.schema = {
name: 'Person',
properties: {
firstName: {
type: 'string',
lastName: {
type: 'string',
return new Realm({
schema: [Person],
// App.js
import realm from './realm';
import { RealmProvider } from 'react-native-realm';
// render function of your top level component for your app
render() {
<RealmProvider realm={realm}>
<MyComponent />
// MyComponent.js
import { connectRealm } from 'react-native-realm';
class MyComponent extends Component {
addPerson = () => {
const { realm } = this.props;
realm.write(() => {
realm.create('Person', {
firstName: 'Tim',
render() {
<PeopleList people={this.props.people} />
export default connectRealm(MyComponent, {
schemas: ['Person'],
mapToProps(results, realm, ownProps) {
// the object that is returned from the mapToProps function
// will be merged into the components props
return {
// property on the results argument is the camel-cased and
// pluralized version of the schema name, so...
// instead of person being the property we get people
people: results.people,
Check out the example react native app to see react-native-realm in use.