1.0.1 • Published 3 years ago
react-native-refresh-screen-hook v1.0.1
React Native Use Refresh Screen Hook
A simple hook used to refresh an entire screen or re-run some side effects (inside of useEffect)
yarn add react-native-refresh-screen-hook
React native does not provide a default way of refreshing entire screens like the browser, so some times a user might take an action an delete an item from the view, so the view should be refreshed or we should fetch the data from the API again.
import useRefreshHook from 'react-native-refresh-screen-hook';
const HomeScreen = () =>{
const [todoListRefreshState, refreshTodoList] = useRefreshHook();
const [todoList, setTodoList] = useState([]);
useEffect (() =>{
// fetch todo list
// Add the todo list refresh as a use effect dependency
return (
todoList.map(list =>{
// List data here
<TouchableOpacity onPress={() =>
// Call the refresh function to re run the related side effect
- You can call the hook once and get a state that can be passed to all your hooks as a dependency, which effectively means you are refreshing the entire screen.
- You can call the hook more than once, and have some hooks dependant on the first refresh state and other hooks dependant on another refresh state and so no.