0.6.0 • Published 4 years ago

react-native-restyled v0.6.0

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Last release
4 years ago

Status: This library is only a few days/weeks old. While it works, it's considered to be in Beta.

React Native Restyled

A Utility-first Styling Library for React Native.


  • Zero-overhead: Styles get injected via the StyleSheet API during compilation.
  • 🍂 Minimal footprint: Styles that are never used won't make it to the final App bundle.
  • 🎲 Variants support: Conditionally style based on Platform, Layout or Screen size ... etc.
  • 💅 Style props: Supports common style-related Component props e.g. numberOfLines, and selectable.
  • 🔌 Customizable (Coming soon): Optionally override the default theme by adding styled.config.js file

Table of Contents

Getting started

Compatible with React Native v0.62.0 or later

yarn add react-native-restyled babel-plugin-macros

Add babel-plugin-macros to your Babel config (if you haven't already)

// babel.config.js
module.exports = function (api) {
	return {
		plugins: ['macros'],
		// ... other stuff

To use the library simply import the macro as follows:

import styled from 'react-native-restyled/macro';

const Heading = ({ text }) => (

The compiled output for the above code will look something like the following:

import { Text } from 'react-native';
+import { StyleSheet } from 'react-native';
+import { rem } from 'react-native-restyled/path/not/relevant';
-import styled from 'react-native-restyled/macro';

const Heading = ({ text }) => (
-		{...styled([
-			'my-4',
-			'text-2xl',
-			'text-gray-900',
-			'font-semibold',
-			'letter-wide',
-		])}
+		{...{
+			style: styles._default,
+   		// other props e.g. numberOfLines in case of 'lines-*'
+		}}

+const styles = StyleSheet.create({
+	_default: {
+		marginVertical: rem(1),
+		fontSize: rem(1.5),
+		color: '#1a202c',
+		fontWeight: '600',
+		letterSpacing: rem(0.025),
+	},

How does it work?

  • styled (you can name it anything) is a Babel Macro which means it will be executed during compilation.
  • It will map the given styles and resolve the necessary style attributes/props.
  • It will try to merge styles of the same variant if possible so we don't end up creating an object for every style e.g. text-2xl.
  • For the best performance, it will then use the good/old StyleSheet.create to create the styles as you should normally do by yourself in a React Native app.

The output for any code you write will look more or less the same as above. The only exception is a style with multiple variants because we need to add logic to switch styles at runtime (same as you would do e.g. using Platform.select())



flex{ display: "flex" }
hidden{ display: "none" }


Tip: The following styles are generated based on theme.flex values.

flex-1{ flexGrow: 1, flexShrink: 1, flexBasis: "0%" }
flex-auto{ flexGrow: 1, flexShrink: 1, flexBasis: "auto" }
flex-initial{ flexGrow: 0, flexShrink: 1, flexBasis: "auto" }
flex-none{ flexGrow: 0, flexShrink: 0, flexBasis: "auto" }

Flex Direction

flex-col{ flexDirection: "column" }
flex-col-reverse{ flexDirection: "column-reverse" }
flex-row{ flexDirection: "row" }
flex-row-reverse{ flexDirection: "row-reverse" }

Flex Grow

Tip: The following styles are generated based on theme.flexGrow values.

flex-grow{ flexGrow: 1 }
flex-grow-0{ flexGrow: 0 }

Flex Shrink

Tip: The following styles are generated based on theme.flexShrink values.

flex-shrink{ flexShrink: 1 }
flex-shrink-0{ flexShrink: 0 }

Flex Wrap

flex-no-wrap{ flexWrap: "nowrap" }
flex-wrap{ flexWrap: "wrap" }
flex-wrap-reverse{ flexWrap: "wrap-reverse" }

Align Self

self-auto{ alignSelf: "auto" }
self-center{ alignSelf: "center" }
self-end{ alignSelf: "flex-end" }
self-start{ alignSelf: "flex-start" }
self-stretch{ alignSelf: "stretch" }

Align Items

items-baseline{ alignItems: "baseline" }
items-center{ alignItems: "center" }
items-end{ alignItems: "flex-end" }
items-start{ alignItems: "flex-start" }
items-stretch{ alignItems: "stretch" }

Align Content

content-around{ alignContent: "space-around" }
content-between{ alignContent: "space-between" }
content-center{ alignContent: "center" }
content-end{ alignContent: "flex-end" }
content-start{ alignContent: "flex-start" }
content-stretch{ alignContent: "stretch" }

Justify Content

justify-around{ justifyContent: "space-around" }
justify-between{ justifyContent: "space-between" }
justify-center{ justifyContent: "center" }
justify-end{ justifyContent: "flex-end" }
justify-evenly{ justifyContent: "space-evenly" }
justify-start{ justifyContent: "flex-start" }

Font Size

Tip: The following styles are generated based on theme.fontSize values.

text-2xl{ fontSize: rem(1.5) }
text-3xl{ fontSize: rem(1.875) }
text-4xl{ fontSize: rem(2.25) }
text-5xl{ fontSize: rem(3) }
text-6xl{ fontSize: rem(4) }
text-base{ fontSize: rem(1) }
text-lg{ fontSize: rem(1.125) }
text-sm{ fontSize: rem(0.875) }
text-xl{ fontSize: rem(1.25) }
text-xs{ fontSize: rem(0.75) }

Font Style

italic{ fontStyle: "italic" }
not-italic{ fontStyle: "normal" }

Font Variant

lining-nums{ fontVariant: ["lining-nums"] }
oldstyle-nums{ fontVariant: ["oldstyle-nums"] }
proportional-nums{ fontVariant: ["proportional-nums"] }
small-caps{ fontVariant: ["small-caps"] }
tabular-nums{ fontVariant: ["tabular-nums"] }

Font Weight

Tip: The following styles are generated based on theme.fontWeight values.

font-black{ fontWeight: "900" }
font-bold{ fontWeight: "700" }
font-extrabold{ fontWeight: "800" }
font-hairline{ fontWeight: "100" }
font-light{ fontWeight: "300" }
font-medium{ fontWeight: "500" }
font-normal{ fontWeight: "400" }
font-semibold{ fontWeight: "600" }
font-thin{ fontWeight: "200" }


Tip: The following styles are generated based on theme.height values.

h-0{ height: 0 }
h-1{ height: rem(0.25) }
h-10{ height: rem(2.5) }
h-12{ height: rem(3) }
h-16{ height: rem(4) }
h-2{ height: rem(0.5) }
h-20{ height: rem(5) }
h-24{ height: rem(6) }
h-3{ height: rem(0.75) }
h-32{ height: rem(8) }
h-4{ height: rem(1) }
h-40{ height: rem(10) }
h-48{ height: rem(12) }
h-5{ height: rem(1.25) }
h-56{ height: rem(14) }
h-6{ height: rem(1.5) }
h-64{ height: rem(16) }
h-8{ height: rem(2) }
h-px{ height: 1 }


Tip: The following styles are generated based on theme.width values.

w-0{ width: 0 }
w-1{ width: rem(0.25) }
w-1/12{ width: "8.333333%" }
w-1/2{ width: "50%" }
w-1/3{ width: "33.333333%" }
w-1/4{ width: "25%" }
w-1/5{ width: "20%" }
w-1/6{ width: "16.666667%" }
w-10{ width: rem(2.5) }
w-10/12{ width: "83.333333%" }
w-11/12{ width: "91.666667%" }
w-12{ width: rem(3) }
w-16{ width: rem(4) }
w-2{ width: rem(0.5) }
w-2/12{ width: "16.666667%" }
w-2/3{ width: "66.666667%" }
w-2/4{ width: "50%" }
w-2/5{ width: "40%" }
w-2/6{ width: "33.333333%" }
w-20{ width: rem(5) }
w-24{ width: rem(6) }
w-3{ width: rem(0.75) }
w-3/12{ width: "25%" }
w-3/4{ width: "75%" }
w-3/5{ width: "60%" }
w-3/6{ width: "50%" }
w-32{ width: rem(8) }
w-4{ width: rem(1) }
w-4/12{ width: "33.333333%" }
w-4/5{ width: "80%" }
w-4/6{ width: "66.666667%" }
w-40{ width: rem(10) }
w-48{ width: rem(12) }
w-5{ width: rem(1.25) }
w-5/12{ width: "41.666667%" }
w-5/6{ width: "83.333333%" }
w-56{ width: rem(14) }
w-6{ width: rem(1.5) }
w-6/12{ width: "50%" }
w-64{ width: rem(16) }
w-7/12{ width: "58.333333%" }
w-8{ width: rem(2) }
w-8/12{ width: "66.666667%" }
w-9/12{ width: "75%" }
w-full{ width: "100%" }
w-px{ width: 1 }


Tip: The following styles are generated based on theme.maxHeight values.

max-h-full{ maxHeight: "100%" }


Tip: The following styles are generated based on theme.maxWidth values.

max-w-2xl{ maxWidth: rem(42) }
max-w-3xl{ maxWidth: rem(48) }
max-w-4xl{ maxWidth: rem(56) }
max-w-5xl{ maxWidth: rem(64) }
max-w-6xl{ maxWidth: rem(72) }
max-w-full{ maxWidth: "100%" }
max-w-lg{ maxWidth: rem(32) }
max-w-md{ maxWidth: rem(28) }
max-w-none{ maxWidth: "none" }
max-w-sm{ maxWidth: rem(24) }
max-w-xl{ maxWidth: rem(36) }
max-w-xs{ maxWidth: rem(20) }


Tip: The following styles are generated based on theme.minHeight values.

min-h-0{ minHeight: 0 }
min-h-full{ minHeight: "100%" }


Tip: The following styles are generated based on theme.minWidth values.

min-w-0{ minWidth: 0 }
min-w-full{ minWidth: "100%" }

Border Color

Tip: The following styles are generated based on theme.borderColor values.

border-black{ borderColor: "black" }
border-blue-100{ borderColor: "#ebf8ff" }
border-blue-200{ borderColor: "#bee3f8" }
border-blue-300{ borderColor: "#90cdf4" }
border-blue-400{ borderColor: "#63b3ed" }
border-blue-500{ borderColor: "#4299e1" }
border-blue-600{ borderColor: "#3182ce" }
border-blue-700{ borderColor: "#2b6cb0" }
border-blue-800{ borderColor: "#2c5282" }
border-blue-900{ borderColor: "#2a4365" }
border-gray-100{ borderColor: "#f7fafc" }
border-gray-200{ borderColor: "#edf2f7" }
border-gray-300{ borderColor: "#e2e8f0" }
border-gray-400{ borderColor: "#cbd5e0" }
border-gray-500{ borderColor: "#a0aec0" }
border-gray-600{ borderColor: "#718096" }
border-gray-700{ borderColor: "#4a5568" }
border-gray-800{ borderColor: "#2d3748" }
border-gray-900{ borderColor: "#1a202c" }
border-green-100{ borderColor: "#f0fff4" }
border-green-200{ borderColor: "#c6f6d5" }
border-green-300{ borderColor: "#9ae6b4" }
border-green-400{ borderColor: "#68d391" }
border-green-500{ borderColor: "#48bb78" }
border-green-600{ borderColor: "#38a169" }
border-green-700{ borderColor: "#2f855a" }
border-green-800{ borderColor: "#276749" }
border-green-900{ borderColor: "#22543d" }
border-indigo-100{ borderColor: "#ebf4ff" }
border-indigo-200{ borderColor: "#c3dafe" }
border-indigo-300{ borderColor: "#a3bffa" }
border-indigo-400{ borderColor: "#7f9cf5" }
border-indigo-500{ borderColor: "#667eea" }
border-indigo-600{ borderColor: "#5a67d8" }
border-indigo-700{ borderColor: "#4c51bf" }
border-indigo-800{ borderColor: "#434190" }
border-indigo-900{ borderColor: "#3c366b" }
border-orange-100{ borderColor: "#fffaf0" }
border-orange-200{ borderColor: "#feebc8" }
border-orange-300{ borderColor: "#fbd38d" }
border-orange-400{ borderColor: "#f6ad55" }
border-orange-500{ borderColor: "#ed8936" }
border-orange-600{ borderColor: "#dd6b20" }
border-orange-700{ borderColor: "#c05621" }
border-orange-800{ borderColor: "#9c4221" }
border-orange-900{ borderColor: "#7b341e" }
border-pink-100{ borderColor: "#fff5f7" }
border-pink-200{ borderColor: "#fed7e2" }
border-pink-300{ borderColor: "#fbb6ce" }
border-pink-400{ borderColor: "#f687b3" }
border-pink-500{ borderColor: "#ed64a6" }
border-pink-600{ borderColor: "#d53f8c" }
border-pink-700{ borderColor: "#b83280" }
border-pink-800{ borderColor: "#97266d" }
border-pink-900{ borderColor: "#702459" }
border-purple-100{ borderColor: "#faf5ff" }
border-purple-200{ borderColor: "#e9d8fd" }
border-purple-300{ borderColor: "#d6bcfa" }
border-purple-400{ borderColor: "#b794f4" }
border-purple-500{ borderColor: "#9f7aea" }
border-purple-600{ borderColor: "#805ad5" }
border-purple-700{ borderColor: "#6b46c1" }
border-purple-800{ borderColor: "#553c9a" }
border-purple-900{ borderColor: "#44337a" }
border-red-100{ borderColor: "#fff5f5" }
border-red-200{ borderColor: "#fed7d7" }
border-red-300{ borderColor: "#feb2b2" }
border-red-400{ borderColor: "#fc8181" }
border-red-500{ borderColor: "#f56565" }
border-red-600{ borderColor: "#e53e3e" }
border-red-700{ borderColor: "#c53030" }
border-red-800{ borderColor: "#9b2c2c" }
border-red-900{ borderColor: "#742a2a" }
border-teal-100{ borderColor: "#e6fffa" }
border-teal-200{ borderColor: "#b2f5ea" }
border-teal-300{ borderColor: "#81e6d9" }
border-teal-400{ borderColor: "#4fd1c5" }
border-teal-500{ borderColor: "#38b2ac" }
border-teal-600{ borderColor: "#319795" }
border-teal-700{ borderColor: "#2c7a7b" }
border-teal-800{ borderColor: "#285e61" }
border-teal-900{ borderColor: "#234e52" }
border-transparent{ borderColor: "transparent" }
border-white{ borderColor: "white" }
border-yellow-100{ borderColor: "#fffff0" }
border-yellow-200{ borderColor: "#fefcbf" }
border-yellow-300{ borderColor: "#faf089" }
border-yellow-400{ borderColor: "#f6e05e" }
border-yellow-500{ borderColor: "#ecc94b" }
border-yellow-600{ borderColor: "#d69e2e" }
border-yellow-700{ borderColor: "#b7791f" }
border-yellow-800{ borderColor: "#975a16" }
border-yellow-900{ borderColor: "#744210" }

Border Radius

Tip: The following styles are generated based on theme.borderRadius values.

rounded{ borderRadius: rem(0.25) }
rounded-2xl{ borderRadius: rem(1) }
rounded-3xl{ borderRadius: rem(1.5) }
rounded-b{ borderBottomRightRadius: rem(0.25), borderBottomLeftRadius: rem(0.25) }
rounded-b-2xl{ borderBottomRightRadius: rem(1), borderBottomLeftRadius: rem(1) }
rounded-b-3xl{ borderBottomRightRadius: rem(1.5), borderBottomLeftRadius: rem(1.5) }
rounded-b-full{ borderBottomRightRadius: 9999, borderBottomLeftRadius: 9999 }
rounded-b-lg{ borderBottomRightRadius: rem(0.5), borderBottomLeftRadius: rem(0.5) }
rounded-b-md{ borderBottomRightRadius: rem(0.375), borderBottomLeftRadius: rem(0.375) }
rounded-b-none{ borderBottomRightRadius: 0, borderBottomLeftRadius: 0 }
rounded-b-sm{ borderBottomRightRadius: rem(0.125), borderBottomLeftRadius: rem(0.125) }
rounded-b-xl{ borderBottomRightRadius: rem(0.75), borderBottomLeftRadius: rem(0.75) }
rounded-bl{ borderBottomLeftRadius: rem(0.25) }
rounded-bl-2xl{ borderBottomLeftRadius: rem(1) }
rounded-bl-3xl{ borderBottomLeftRadius: rem(1.5) }
rounded-bl-full{ borderBottomLeftRadius: 9999 }
rounded-bl-lg{ borderBottomLeftRadius: rem(0.5) }
rounded-bl-md{ borderBottomLeftRadius: rem(0.375) }
rounded-bl-none{ borderBottomLeftRadius: 0 }
rounded-bl-sm{ borderBottomLeftRadius: rem(0.125) }
rounded-bl-xl{ borderBottomLeftRadius: rem(0.75) }
rounded-br{ borderBottomRightRadius: rem(0.25) }
rounded-br-2xl{ borderBottomRightRadius: rem(1) }
rounded-br-3xl{ borderBottomRightRadius: rem(1.5) }
rounded-br-full{ borderBottomRightRadius: 9999 }
rounded-br-lg{ borderBottomRightRadius: rem(0.5) }
rounded-br-md{ borderBottomRightRadius: rem(0.375) }
rounded-br-none{ borderBottomRightRadius: 0 }
rounded-br-sm{ borderBottomRightRadius: rem(0.125) }
rounded-br-xl{ borderBottomRightRadius: rem(0.75) }
rounded-full{ borderRadius: 9999 }
rounded-l{ borderTopLeftRadius: rem(0.25), borderBottomLeftRadius: rem(0.25) }
rounded-l-2xl{ borderTopLeftRadius: rem(1), borderBottomLeftRadius: rem(1) }
rounded-l-3xl{ borderTopLeftRadius: rem(1.5), borderBottomLeftRadius: rem(1.5) }
rounded-l-full{ borderTopLeftRadius: 9999, borderBottomLeftRadius: 9999 }
rounded-l-lg{ borderTopLeftRadius: rem(0.5), borderBottomLeftRadius: rem(0.5) }
rounded-l-md{ borderTopLeftRadius: rem(0.375), borderBottomLeftRadius: rem(0.375) }
rounded-l-none{ borderTopLeftRadius: 0, borderBottomLeftRadius: 0 }
rounded-l-sm{ borderTopLeftRadius: rem(0.125), borderBottomLeftRadius: rem(0.125) }
rounded-l-xl{ borderTopLeftRadius: rem(0.75), borderBottomLeftRadius: rem(0.75) }
rounded-lg{ borderRadius: rem(0.5) }
rounded-md{ borderRadius: rem(0.375) }
rounded-none{ borderRadius: 0 }
rounded-r{ borderTopRightRadius: rem(0.25), borderBottomRightRadius: rem(0.25) }
rounded-r-2xl{ borderTopRightRadius: rem(1), borderBottomRightRadius: rem(1) }
rounded-r-3xl{ borderTopRightRadius: rem(1.5), borderBottomRightRadius: rem(1.5) }
rounded-r-full{ borderTopRightRadius: 9999, borderBottomRightRadius: 9999 }
rounded-r-lg{ borderTopRightRadius: rem(0.5), borderBottomRightRadius: rem(0.5) }
rounded-r-md{ borderTopRightRadius: rem(0.375), borderBottomRightRadius: rem(0.375) }
rounded-r-none{ borderTopRightRadius: 0, borderBottomRightRadius: 0 }
rounded-r-sm{ borderTopRightRadius: rem(0.125), borderBottomRightRadius: rem(0.125) }
rounded-r-xl{ borderTopRightRadius: rem(0.75), borderBottomRightRadius: rem(0.75) }
rounded-sm{ borderRadius: rem(0.125) }
rounded-t{ borderTopLeftRadius: rem(0.25), borderTopRightRadius: rem(0.25) }
rounded-t-2xl{ borderTopLeftRadius: rem(1), borderTopRightRadius: rem(1) }
rounded-t-3xl{ borderTopLeftRadius: rem(1.5), borderTopRightRadius: rem(1.5) }
rounded-t-full{ borderTopLeftRadius: 9999, borderTopRightRadius: 9999 }
rounded-t-lg{ borderTopLeftRadius: rem(0.5), borderTopRightRadius: rem(0.5) }
rounded-t-md{ borderTopLeftRadius: rem(0.375), borderTopRightRadius: rem(0.375) }
rounded-t-none{ borderTopLeftRadius: 0, borderTopRightRadius: 0 }
rounded-t-sm{ borderTopLeftRadius: rem(0.125), borderTopRightRadius: rem(0.125) }
rounded-t-xl{ borderTopLeftRadius: rem(0.75), borderTopRightRadius: rem(0.75) }
rounded-te{ borderTopEndRadius: rem(0.25) }
rounded-te-2xl{ borderTopEndRadius: rem(1) }
rounded-te-3xl{ borderTopEndRadius: rem(1.5) }
rounded-te-full{ borderTopEndRadius: 9999 }
rounded-te-lg{ borderTopEndRadius: rem(0.5) }
rounded-te-md{ borderTopEndRadius: rem(0.375) }
rounded-te-none{ borderTopEndRadius: 0 }
rounded-te-sm{ borderTopEndRadius: rem(0.125) }
rounded-te-xl{ borderTopEndRadius: rem(0.75) }
rounded-tl{ borderTopLeftRadius: rem(0.25) }
rounded-tl-2xl{ borderTopLeftRadius: rem(1) }
rounded-tl-3xl{ borderTopLeftRadius: rem(1.5) }
rounded-tl-full{ borderTopLeftRadius: 9999 }
rounded-tl-lg{ borderTopLeftRadius: rem(0.5) }
rounded-tl-md{ borderTopLeftRadius: rem(0.375) }
rounded-tl-none{ borderTopLeftRadius: 0 }
rounded-tl-sm{ borderTopLeftRadius: rem(0.125) }
rounded-tl-xl{ borderTopLeftRadius: rem(0.75) }
rounded-tr{ borderTopRightRadius: rem(0.25) }
rounded-tr-2xl{ borderTopRightRadius: rem(1) }
rounded-tr-3xl{ borderTopRightRadius: rem(1.5) }
rounded-tr-full{ borderTopRightRadius: 9999 }
rounded-tr-lg{ borderTopRightRadius: rem(0.5) }
rounded-tr-md{ borderTopRightRadius: rem(0.375) }
rounded-tr-none{ borderTopRightRadius: 0 }
rounded-tr-sm{ borderTopRightRadius: rem(0.125) }
rounded-tr-xl{ borderTopRightRadius: rem(0.75) }
rounded-ts{ borderTopStartRadius: rem(0.25) }
rounded-ts-2xl{ borderTopStartRadius: rem(1) }
rounded-ts-3xl{ borderTopStartRadius: rem(1.5) }
rounded-ts-full{ borderTopStartRadius: 9999 }
rounded-ts-lg{ borderTopStartRadius: rem(0.5) }
rounded-ts-md{ borderTopStartRadius: rem(0.375) }
rounded-ts-none{ borderTopStartRadius: 0 }
rounded-ts-sm{ borderTopStartRadius: rem(0.125) }
rounded-ts-xl{ borderTopStartRadius: rem(0.75) }
rounded-xl{ borderRadius: rem(0.75) }

Border Style

border-dashed{ borderStyle: "dashed" }
border-dotted{ borderStyle: "dotted" }
border-solid{ borderStyle: "solid" }

Border Width

Tip: The following styles are generated based on theme.borderWidth values.

border{ borderWidth: 1 }
border-0{ borderWidth: 0 }
border-2{ borderWidth: 2 }
border-4{ borderWidth: 4 }
border-8{ borderWidth: 8 }
border-b{ borderBottomWidth: 1 }
border-b-0{ borderBottomWidth: 0 }
border-b-2{ borderBottomWidth: 2 }
border-b-4{ borderBottomWidth: 4 }
border-b-8{ borderBottomWidth: 8 }
border-e{ borderEndWidth: 1 }
border-e-0{ borderEndWidth: 0 }
border-e-2{ borderEndWidth: 2 }
border-e-4{ borderEndWidth: 4 }
border-e-8{ borderEndWidth: 8 }
border-l{ borderLeftWidth: 1 }
border-l-0{ borderLeftWidth: 0 }
border-l-2{ borderLeftWidth: 2 }
border-l-4{ borderLeftWidth: 4 }
border-l-8{ borderLeftWidth: 8 }
border-r{ borderRightWidth: 1 }
border-r-0{ borderRightWidth: 0 }
border-r-2{ borderRightWidth: 2 }
border-r-4{ borderRightWidth: 4 }
border-r-8{ borderRightWidth: 8 }
border-s{ borderStartWidth: 1 }
border-s-0{ borderStartWidth: 0 }
border-s-2{ borderStartWidth: 2 }
border-s-4{ borderStartWidth: 4 }
border-s-8{ borderStartWidth: 8 }
border-t{ borderTopWidth: 1 }
border-t-0{ borderTopWidth: 0 }
border-t-2{ borderTopWidth: 2 }
border-t-4{ borderTopWidth: 4 }
border-t-8{ borderTopWidth: 8 }

Background Color

Tip: The following styles are generated based on theme.backgroundColor values.

bg-black{ backgroundColor: "black" }
bg-blue-100{ backgroundColor: "#ebf8ff" }
bg-blue-200{ backgroundColor: "#bee3f8" }
bg-blue-300{ backgroundColor: "#90cdf4" }
bg-blue-400{ backgroundColor: "#63b3ed" }
bg-blue-500{ backgroundColor: "#4299e1" }
bg-blue-600{ backgroundColor: "#3182ce" }
bg-blue-700{ backgroundColor: "#2b6cb0" }
bg-blue-800{ backgroundColor: "#2c5282" }
bg-blue-900{ backgroundColor: "#2a4365" }
bg-gray-100{ backgroundColor: "#f7fafc" }
bg-gray-200{ backgroundColor: "#edf2f7" }
bg-gray-300{ backgroundColor: "#e2e8f0" }
bg-gray-400{ backgroundColor: "#cbd5e0" }
bg-gray-500{ backgroundColor: "#a0aec0" }
bg-gray-600{ backgroundColor: "#718096" }
bg-gray-700{ backgroundColor: "#4a5568" }
bg-gray-800{ backgroundColor: "#2d3748" }
bg-gray-900{ backgroundColor: "#1a202c" }
bg-green-100{ backgroundColor: "#f0fff4" }
bg-green-200{ backgroundColor: "#c6f6d5" }
bg-green-300{ backgroundColor: "#9ae6b4" }
bg-green-400{ backgroundColor: "#68d391" }
bg-green-500{ backgroundColor: "#48bb78" }
bg-green-600{ backgroundColor: "#38a169" }
bg-green-700{ backgroundColor: "#2f855a" }
bg-green-800{ backgroundColor: "#276749" }
bg-green-900{ backgroundColor: "#22543d" }
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bg-indigo-200{ backgroundColor: "#c3dafe" }
bg-indigo-300{ backgroundColor: "#a3bffa" }
bg-indigo-400{ backgroundColor: "#7f9cf5" }
bg-indigo-500{ backgroundColor: "#667eea" }
bg-indigo-600{ backgroundColor: "#5a67d8" }
bg-indigo-700{ backgroundColor: "#4c51bf" }
bg-indigo-800{ backgroundColor: "#434190" }
bg-indigo-900{ backgroundColor: "#3c366b" }
bg-orange-100{ backgroundColor: "#fffaf0" }
bg-orange-200{ backgroundColor: "#feebc8" }
bg-orange-300{ backgroundColor: "#fbd38d" }
bg-orange-400{ backgroundColor: "#f6ad55" }
bg-orange-500{ backgroundColor: "#ed8936" }
bg-orange-600{ backgroundColor: "#dd6b20" }
bg-orange-700{ backgroundColor: "#c05621" }
bg-orange-800{ backgroundColor: "#9c4221" }
bg-orange-900{ backgroundColor: "#7b341e" }
bg-pink-100{ backgroundColor: "#fff5f7" }
bg-pink-200{ backgroundColor: "#fed7e2" }
bg-pink-300{ backgroundColor: "#fbb6ce" }
bg-pink-400{ backgroundColor: "#f687b3" }
bg-pink-500{ backgroundColor: "#ed64a6" }
bg-pink-600{ backgroundColor: "#d53f8c" }
bg-pink-700{ backgroundColor: "#b83280" }
bg-pink-800{ backgroundColor: "#97266d" }
bg-pink-900{ backgroundColor: "#702459" }
bg-purple-100{ backgroundColor: "#faf5ff" }
bg-purple-200{ backgroundColor: "#e9d8fd" }
bg-purple-300{ backgroundColor: "#d6bcfa" }
bg-purple-400{ backgroundColor: "#b794f4" }
bg-purple-500{ backgroundColor: "#9f7aea" }
bg-purple-600{ backgroundColor: "#805ad5" }
bg-purple-700{ backgroundColor: "#6b46c1" }
bg-purple-800{ backgroundColor: "#553c9a" }
bg-purple-900{ backgroundColor: "#44337a" }
bg-red-100{ backgroundColor: "#fff5f5" }
bg-red-200{ backgroundColor: "#fed7d7" }
bg-red-300{ backgroundColor: "#feb2b2" }
bg-red-400{ backgroundColor: "#fc8181" }
bg-red-500{ backgroundColor: "#f56565" }
bg-red-600{ backgroundColor: "#e53e3e" }
bg-red-700{ backgroundColor: "#c53030" }
bg-red-800{ backgroundColor: "#9b2c2c" }
bg-red-900{ backgroundColor: "#742a2a" }
bg-teal-100{ backgroundColor: "#e6fffa" }
bg-teal-200{ backgroundColor: "#b2f5ea" }
bg-teal-300{ backgroundColor: "#81e6d9" }
bg-teal-400{ backgroundColor: "#4fd1c5" }
bg-teal-500{ backgroundColor: "#38b2ac" }
bg-teal-600{ backgroundColor: "#319795" }
bg-teal-700{ backgroundColor: "#2c7a7b" }
bg-teal-800{ backgroundColor: "#285e61" }
bg-teal-900{ backgroundColor: "#234e52" }
bg-transparent{ backgroundColor: "transparent" }
bg-white{ backgroundColor: "white" }
bg-yellow-100{ backgroundColor: "#fffff0" }
bg-yellow-200{ backgroundColor: "#fefcbf" }
bg-yellow-300{ backgroundColor: "#faf089" }
bg-yellow-400{ backgroundColor: "#f6e05e" }
bg-yellow-500{ backgroundColor: "#ecc94b" }
bg-yellow-600{ backgroundColor: "#d69e2e" }
bg-yellow-700{ backgroundColor: "#b7791f" }
bg-yellow-800{ backgroundColor: "#975a16" }
bg-yellow-900{ backgroundColor: "#744210" }

Letter Spacing

Tip: The following styles are generated based on theme.letterSpacing values.

letter-normal{ letterSpacing: 0 }
letter-tight{ letterSpacing: rem(-0.025) }
letter-tighter{ letterSpacing: rem(-0.05) }
letter-wide{ letterSpacing: rem(0.025) }
letter-wider{ letterSpacing: rem(0.05) }
letter-widest{ letterSpacing: rem(0.1) }

Text Align

text-auto{ textAlign: "auto" }
text-center{ textAlign: "center" }
text-justify{ textAlign: "justify" }
text-left{ textAlign: "left" }
text-right{ textAlign: "right" }

Text Align (Vertical)

text-v-auto{ textAlignVertical: "auto" }
text-v-bottom{ textAlignVertical: "bottom" }
text-v-center{ textAlignVertical: "center" }
text-v-top{ textAlignVertical: "top" }

Text Color

Tip: The following styles are generated based on theme.textColor values.

text-black{ color: "black" }
text-blue-100{ color: "#ebf8ff" }
text-blue-200{ color: "#bee3f8" }
text-blue-300{ color: "#90cdf4" }
text-blue-400{ color: "#63b3ed" }
text-blue-500{ color: "#4299e1" }
text-blue-600{ color: "#3182ce" }
text-blue-700{ color: "#2b6cb0" }
text-blue-800{ color: "#2c5282" }
text-blue-900{ color: "#2a4365" }
text-gray-100{ color: "#f7fafc" }
text-gray-200{ color: "#edf2f7" }
text-gray-300{ color: "#e2e8f0" }
text-gray-400{ color: "#cbd5e0" }
text-gray-500{ color: "#a0aec0" }
text-gray-600{ color: "#718096" }
text-gray-700{ color: "#4a5568" }
text-gray-800{ color: "#2d3748" }
text-gray-900{ color: "#1a202c" }
text-green-100{ color: "#f0fff4" }
text-green-200{ color: "#c6f6d5" }
text-green-300{ color: "#9ae6b4" }
text-green-400{ color: "#68d391" }
text-green-500{ color: "#48bb78" }
text-green-600{ color: "#38a169" }
text-green-700{ color: "#2f855a" }
text-green-800{ color: "#276749" }
text-green-900{ color: "#22543d" }
text-indigo-100{ color: "#ebf4ff" }
text-indigo-200{ color: "#c3dafe" }
text-indigo-300{ color: "#a3bffa" }
text-indigo-400{ color: "#7f9cf5" }
text-indigo-500{ color: "#667eea" }
text-indigo-600{ color: "#5a67d8" }
text-indigo-700{ color: "#4c51bf" }
text-indigo-800{ color: "#434190" }
text-indigo-900{ color: "#3c366b" }
text-orange-100{ color: "#fffaf0" }
text-orange-200{ color: "#feebc8" }
text-orange-300{ color: "#fbd38d" }
text-orange-400{ color: "#f6ad55" }
text-orange-500{ color: "#ed8936" }
text-orange-600{ color: "#dd6b20" }
text-orange-700{ color: "#c05621" }
text-orange-800{ color: "#9c4221" }
text-orange-900{ color: "#7b341e" }
text-pink-100{ color: "#fff5f7" }
text-pink-200{ color: "#fed7e2" }
text-pink-300{ color: "#fbb6ce" }
text-pink-400{ color: "#f687b3" }
text-pink-500{ color: "#ed64a6" }
text-pink-600{ color: "#d53f8c" }
text-pink-700{ color: "#b83280" }
text-pink-800{ color: "#97266d" }
text-pink-900{ color: "#702459" }
text-purple-100{ color: "#faf5ff" }
text-purple-200{ color: "#e9d8fd" }
text-purple-300{ color: "#d6bcfa" }
text-purple-400{ color: "#b794f4" }
text-purple-500{ color: "#9f7aea" }
text-purple-600{ color: "#805ad5" }
text-purple-700{ color: "#6b46c1" }
text-purple-800{ color: "#553c9a" }
text-purple-900{ color: "#44337a" }
text-red-100{ color: "#fff5f5" }
text-red-200{ color: "#fed7d7" }
text-red-300{ color: "#feb2b2" }
text-red-400{ color: "#fc8181" }
text-red-500{ color: "#f56565" }
text-red-600{ color: "#e53e3e" }
text-red-700{ color: "#c53030" }
text-red-800{ color: "#9b2c2c" }
text-red-900{ color: "#742a2a" }
text-teal-100{ color: "#e6fffa" }
text-teal-200{ color: "#b2f5ea" }
text-teal-300{ color: "#81e6d9" }
text-teal-400{ color: "#4fd1c5" }
text-teal-500{ color: "#38b2ac" }
text-teal-600{ color: "#319795" }
text-teal-700{ color: "#2c7a7b" }
text-teal-800{ color: "#285e61" }
text-teal-900{ color: "#234e52" }
text-transparent{ color: "transparent" }
text-white{ color: "white" }
text-yellow-100{ color: "#fffff0" }
text-yellow-200{ color: "#fefcbf" }
text-yellow-300{ color: "#faf089" }
text-yellow-400{ color: "#f6e05e" }
text-yellow-500{ color: "#ecc94b" }
text-yellow-600{ color: "#d69e2e" }
text-yellow-700{ color: "#b7791f" }
text-yellow-800{ color: "#975a16" }
text-yellow-900{ color: "#744210" }

Text Decoration

line-through{ textDecorationLine: "line-through" }
no-underline{ textDecorationLine: "none" }
underline{ textDecorationLine: "underline" }

Text Transform

capitalize{ textTransform: "capitalize" }
lowercase{ textTransform: "lowercase" }
normal-case{ textTransform: "none" }
uppercase{ textTransform: "uppercase" }


Tip: The following styles are generated based on theme.margin values.

-m-0{ margin: 0 }
-m-1{ margin: "-rem(0.25)" }
-m-10{ margin: "-rem(2.5)" }
-m-12{ margin: "-rem(3)" }
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-m-2{ margin: "-rem(0.5)" }
-m-20{ margin: "-rem(5)" }
-m-24{ margin: "-rem(6)" }
-m-3{ margin: "-rem(0.75)" }
-m-32{ margin: "-rem(8)" }
-m-4{ margin: "-rem(1)" }
-m-40{ margin: "-rem(10)" }
-m-48{ margin: "-rem(12)" }
-m-5{ margin: "-rem(1.25)" }
-m-56{ margin: "-rem(14)" }
-m-6{ margin: "-rem(1.5)" }
-m-64{ margin: "-rem(16)" }
-m-8{ margin: "-rem(2)" }
-m-px{ margin: -1 }
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-mb-4{ marginBottom: "-rem(1)" }
-mb-40{ marginBottom: "-rem(10)" }
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-mb-5{ marginBottom: "-rem(1.25)" }
-mb-56{ marginBottom: "-rem(14)" }
-mb-6{ marginBottom: "-rem(1.5)" }
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-mt-4{ marginTop: "-rem(1)" }
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-mt-48{ marginTop: "-rem(12)" }
-mt-5{ marginTop: "-rem(1.25)" }
-mt-56{ marginTop: "-rem(14)" }
-mt-6{ marginTop: "-rem(1.5)" }
-mt-64{ marginTop: "-rem(16)" }
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m-10{ margin: rem(2.5) }
m-12{ margin: rem(3) }
m-16{ margin: rem(4) }
m-2{ margin: rem(0.5) }
m-20{ margin: rem(5) }
m-24{ margin: rem(6) }
m-3{ margin: rem(0.75) }
m-32{ margin: rem(8) }
m-4{ margin: rem(1) }
m-40{ margin: rem(10) }
m-48{ margin: rem(12) }
m-5{ margin: rem(1.25) }
m-56{ margin: rem(14) }
m-6{ margin: rem(1.5) }
m-64{ margin: rem(16) }
m-8{ margin: rem(2) }
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mb-20{ marginBottom: rem(5) }
mb-24{ marginBottom: rem(6) }
mb-3{ marginBottom: rem(0.75) }
mb-32{ marginBottom: rem(8) }
mb-4{ marginBottom: rem(1) }
mb-40{ marginBottom: rem(10) }
mb-48{ marginBottom: rem(12) }
mb-5{ marginBottom: rem(1.25) }
mb-56{ marginBottom: rem(14) }
mb-6{ marginBottom: rem(1.5) }
mb-64{ marginBottom: rem(16) }
mb-8{ marginBottom: rem(2) }
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me-24{ marginEnd: rem(6) }
me-3{ marginEnd: rem(0.75) }
me-32{ marginEnd: rem(8) }
me-4{ marginEnd: rem(1) }
me-40{ marginEnd: rem(10) }
me-48{ marginEnd: rem(12) }
me-5{ marginEnd: rem(1.25) }
me-56{ marginEnd: rem(14) }
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ml-20{ marginLeft: rem(5) }
ml-24{ marginLeft: rem(6) }
ml-3{ marginLeft: rem(0.75) }
ml-32{ marginLeft: rem(8) }
ml-4{ marginLeft: rem(1) }
ml-40{ marginLeft: rem(10) }
ml-48{ marginLeft: rem(12) }
ml-5{ marginLeft: rem(1.25) }
ml-56{ marginLeft: rem(14) }
ml-6{ marginLeft: rem(1.5) }
ml-64{ marginLeft: rem(16) }
ml-8{ marginLeft: rem(2) }
ml-px{ marginLeft: 1 }
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mr-16{ marginRight: rem(4) }
mr-2{ marginRight: rem(0.5) }
mr-20{ marginRight: rem(5) }
mr-24{ marginRight: rem(6) }
mr-3{ marginRight: rem(0.75) }
mr-32{ marginRight: rem(8) }
mr-4{ marginRight: rem(1) }
mr-40{ marginRight: rem(10) }
mr-48{ marginRight: rem(12) }
mr-5{ marginRight: rem(1.25) }
mr-56{ marginRight: rem(14) }
mr-6{ marginRight: rem(1.5) }
mr-64{ marginRight: rem(16) }
mr-8{ marginRight: rem(2) }
mr-px{ marginRight: 1 }
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ms-1{ marginStart: rem(0.25) }
ms-10{ marginStart: rem(2.5) }
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ms-16{ marginStart: rem(4) }
ms-2{ marginStart: rem(0.5) }
ms-20{ marginStart: rem(5) }
ms-24{ marginStart: rem(6) }
ms-3{ marginStart: rem(0.75) }
ms-32{ marginStart: rem(8) }
ms-4{ marginStart: rem(1) }
ms-40{ marginStart: rem(10) }
ms-48{ marginStart: rem(12) }
ms-5{ marginStart: rem(1.25) }
ms-56{ marginStart: rem(14) }
ms-6{ marginStart: rem(1.5) }
ms-64{ marginStart: rem(16) }
ms-8{ marginStart: rem(2) }
ms-px{ marginStart: 1 }
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mt-1{ marginTop: rem(0.25) }
mt-10{ marginTop: rem(2.5) }
mt-12{ marginTop: rem(3) }
mt-16{ marginTop: rem(4) }
mt-2{ marginTop: rem(0.5) }
mt-20{ marginTop: rem(5) }
mt-24{ marginTop: rem(6) }
mt-3{ marginTop: rem(0.75) }
mt-32{ marginTop: rem(8) }
mt-4{ marginTop: rem(1) }
mt-40{ marginTop: rem(10) }
mt-48{ marginTop: rem(12) }
mt-5{ marginTop: rem(1.25) }
mt-56{ marginTop: rem(14) }
mt-6{ marginTop: rem(1.5) }
mt-64{ marginTop: rem(16) }
mt-8{ marginTop: rem(2) }
mt-px{ marginTop: 1 }
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mx-1{ marginHorizontal: rem(0.25) }
mx-10{ marginHorizontal: rem(2.5) }
mx-12{ marginHorizontal: rem(3) }
mx-16{ marginHorizontal: rem(4) }
mx-2{ marginHorizontal: rem(0.5) }
mx-20{ marginHorizontal: rem(5) }
mx-24{ marginHorizontal: rem(6) }
mx-3{ marginHorizontal: rem(0.75) }
mx-32{ marginHorizontal: rem(8) }
mx-4{ marginHorizontal: rem(1) }
mx-40{ marginHorizontal: rem(10) }
mx-48{ marginHorizontal: rem(12) }
mx-5{ marginHorizontal: rem(1.25) }
mx-56{ marginHorizontal: rem(14) }
mx-6{ marginHorizontal: rem(1.5) }
mx-64{ marginHorizontal: rem(16) }
mx-8{ marginHorizontal: rem(2) }
mx-px{ marginHorizontal: 1 }
my-0{ marginVertical: 0 }
my-1{ marginVertical: rem(0.25) }
my-10{ marginVertical: rem(2.5) }
my-12{ marginVertical: rem(3) }
my-16{ marginVertical: rem(4) }
my-2{ marginVertical: rem(0.5) }
my-20{ marginVertical: rem(5) }
my-24{ marginVertical: rem(6) }
my-3{ marginVertical: rem(0.75) }
my-32{ marginVertical: rem(8) }
my-4{ marginVertical: rem(1) }
my-40{ marginVertical: rem(10) }
my-48{ marginVertical: rem(12) }
my-5{ marginVertical: rem(1.25) }
my-56{ marginVertical: rem(14) }
my-6{ marginVertical: rem(1.5) }
my-64{ marginVertical: rem(16) }
my-8{ marginVertical: rem(2) }
my-px{ marginVertical: 1 }


Tip: The following styles are generated based on theme.padding values.

p-0{ padding: 0 }
p-1{ padding: rem(0.25) }
p-10{ padding: rem(2.5) }
p-12{ padding: rem(3) }
p-16{ padding: rem(4) }
p-2{ padding: rem(0.5) }
p-20{ padding: rem(5) }
p-24{ padding: rem(6) }
p-3{ padding: rem(0.75) }
p-32{ padding: rem(8) }
p-4{ padding: rem(1) }
p-40{ padding: rem(10) }
p-48{ padding: rem(12) }
p-5{ padding: rem(1.25) }
p-56{ padding: rem(14) }
p-6{ padding: rem(1.5) }
p-64{ padding: rem(16) }
p-8{ padding: rem(2) }
p-px{ padding: 1 }
pb-0{ paddingBottom: 0 }
pb-1{ paddingBottom: rem(0.25) }
pb-10{ paddingBottom: rem(2.5) }
pb-12{ paddingBottom: rem(3) }
pb-16{ paddingBottom: rem(4) }
pb-2{ paddingBottom: rem(0.5) }
pb-20{ paddingBottom: rem(5) }
pb-24{ paddingBottom: rem(6) }
pb-3{ paddingBottom: rem(0.75) }
pb-32{ paddingBottom: rem(8) }
pb-4{ paddingBottom: rem(1) }
pb-40{ paddingBottom: rem(10) }
pb-48{ paddingBottom: rem(12) }
pb-5{ paddingBottom: rem(1.25) }
pb-56{ paddingBottom: rem(14) }
pb-6{ paddingBottom: rem(1.5) }
pb-64{ paddingBottom: rem(16) }
pb-8{ paddingBottom: rem(2) }
pb-px{ paddingBottom: 1 }
pe-0{ paddingEnd: 0 }
pe-1{ paddingEnd: rem(0.25) }
pe-10{ paddingEnd: rem(2.5) }
pe-12{ paddingEnd: rem(3) }
pe-16{ paddingEnd: rem(4) }
pe-2{ paddingEnd: rem(0.5) }
pe-20{ paddingEnd: rem(5) }
pe-24{ paddingEnd: rem(6) }
pe-3{ paddingEnd: rem(0.75) }
pe-32{ paddingEnd: rem(8) }
pe-4{ paddingEnd: rem(1) }
pe-40{ paddingEnd: rem(10) }
pe-48{ paddingEnd: rem(12) }
pe-5{ paddingEnd: rem(1.25) }
pe-56{ paddingEnd: rem(14) }
pe-6{ paddingEnd: rem(1.5) }
pe-64{ paddingEnd: rem(16) }
pe-8{ paddingEnd: rem(2) }
pe-px{ paddingEnd: 1 }
pl-0{ paddingLeft: 0 }
pl-1{ paddingLeft: rem(0.25) }
pl-10{ paddingLeft: rem(2.5) }
pl-12{ paddingLeft: rem(3) }
pl-16{ paddingLeft: rem(4) }
pl-2`{ padd