0.2.0 • Published 1 year ago

react-native-runner v0.2.0

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Last release
1 year ago

React Native Runner

npm version

React Native Runner is an interactive CLI tool which helps you run your react-native project on a specific device or multiple devices at the same time.

Configure your preferred devices, targets and schemas once and run them with a single command.

Works with both iOS and Android.


  • Start pre-defined runner(s): Pre-defined runners
  • Create new runners: Create runners
  • Pick the device or simulator in a (cached) list: Pick device

Usage without installation (recommended)

You can run react-native-runner without installing it. This is the recommended way to use it.

Run this command from your RN project:

npx react-native-runner@latest

or add it to your package.json scripts:

  "scripts": {
    "dev": "npx react-native-runner@latest"

Install globally

npm install --global react-native-runner

Install locally (not recommended)

This option is not recommended because react-native-runner uses react under the hood and it might cause conflicts with your project. For example if your RN project uses react@18, the runner won't work

npm install --save-dev react-native-runner


yarn add -D react-native-runner


If you installed react-native-runner globally, run it from your RN project:


if you know the name of the runner you want to run, you can run it directly:

react-native-runner -r my-runner

To get more options, run:

react-native-runner --help
    $ react-native-runner

     --runner, -r   Run an existing runner (by name or id)
        --no-packager  Do not launch packager while building
        --verbose, -v  Display logs when building the app

     $ react-native-runner -r my-runner
    $ react-native-runner --no-packager