1.1.3 • Published 6 years ago

react-native-searchable-list v1.1.3

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Last release
6 years ago


A powerful wrapper around React Native FlatList and SectionList to provide built in search feature. react-native-searchable-list is designed to be simple yet a powerful wrapper around react native's FlatList and SectionList components to provide them with search functionality.


npm i react-native-searchable-list --save

1. SearchableFlatList


PropsDescriptionData TypeisRequired
dataData for the FlatListArray:white_check_mark:
searchTermSearching Term being input by the user. Typically this will be a state variable bound to a text inputString:white_check_mark:
searchAttributeAttribute to be searched in case of array of objects. This will be empty in case of a simple array dataString:x:
ignoreCaseCase sensitive / Case insensitive search. By default this will be set to trueBoolean:x:

By default the SearchableFlatList also inherits all the props of a React Native FlatList. You could use virtually any props you would with a FlatList.


import { SearchableFlatList } from "react-native-searchable-list";

          renderItem={({ item }) => <Text>{item.name}</Text>}
          keyExtractor={item => item.id}


Github repo with the above examples - https://github.com/Chandrasekar-G/RNSearchableListDemo

1. Simple Array Data

Flat List

this.state = {
      data: [ "Taj Mahal",   "Great Wall of China", "Machu Picchu", "Christ the Redeemer", "Chichen Itza", "Roman Colosseum", "Petra" ],
      searchTerm: "",
      searchAttribute: "",
      ignoreCase: true
render() {
    const { data, searchTerm, searchAttribute, ignoreCase } = this.state;
      style={styles.search} placeholder={"Search Wonders"}
      onChangeText={searchTerm => this.setState({ searchTerm })} />

      style={styles.list} data={data}
      searchTerm={searchTerm} ignoreCase={ignoreCase} 
      renderItem={({ item }) => ( <Text style={styles.listItem}>{item}</Text> )}
      keyExtractor={item => item} />
2. Array of Objects

Flat List

this.state = {
      data: [ { id: 1, name: "Taj Mahal", country: "India" },
              { id: 2, name: "Great Wall of China", country: "China" },
              { id: 3, name: "Machu Picchu", country: "Peru" }, 
              { id: 4, name: "Christ the Redeemer", country: "Brazil" },
              { id: 5, name: "Chichen Itza", country: "Mexico" },
              { id: 6, name: "Roman Colosseum", country: "Italy" },
              { id: 7, name: "Petra", country: "Jordan" } ],
      searchTerm: "",
      searchAttribute: "country",
      ignoreCase: true

render() {
    const { data, searchTerm, searchAttribute, ignoreCase } = this.state;
      style={styles.search} placeholder={"Search Wonder Country"}
      onChangeText={searchTerm => this.setState({ searchTerm })} />

      style={styles.list} data={data} searchTerm={searchTerm}
      searchAttribute={searchAttribute} ignoreCase={ignoreCase}
      renderItem={({ item }) => ( <Text style={styles.listItem}>{item.name}</Text> )}
      keyExtractor={item => item.id} />
3. Array of Complex Objects

Flat List

this.state = {
      data: [
        { id: 1, name: "Taj Mahal", address: {  continent: "Asia", country: "India" } },
        { id: 2, name: "Great Wall of China", address: { continent: "Asia", country: "China" } },
        { id: 3, name: "Machu Picchu", address: { continent: "South America", country: "Peru" } },
        { id: 4, name: "Christ the Redeemer", address: { continent: "South America", country: "Brazil" } },
        { id: 5, name: "Chichen Itza", address: { continent: "South America", country: "Mexico" } },
        { id: 6, name: "Roman Colosseum", address: { continent: "Europe", country: "Italy" } },
        { id: 7, name: "Petra", address: { continent: "Asia", country: "Jordan" } } ],
      searchTerm: "",
      searchAttribute: "address.continent",
      ignoreCase: true

render() {
    const { data, searchTerm, searchAttribute, ignoreCase } = this.state;
      style={styles.search} placeholder={"Search Wonder Country"}
      onChangeText={searchTerm => this.setState({ searchTerm })} />
      style={styles.list} data={data} 
      searchTerm={searchTerm} searchAttribute={searchAttribute} 
      renderItem={({ item }) => ( <Text style={styles.listItem}>{item.name}</Text> )}
      keyExtractor={item => item.id} />

2. SearchableSectionList


PropsDescriptionData TypeisRequired
sectionsData for the SectionListArray:white_check_mark:
searchTermSearching Term being input by the user. Typically this will be a state variable bound to a text inputString:white_check_mark:
searchByTitleSearch applies to the title instead of the data is set to true. By default this is set to falseBoolean:x:
searchAttributeAttribute to be searched in case of array of objects. This will be empty in case of a simple array dataString:x:
ignoreCaseCase sensitive / Case insensitive search. By default this will be set to trueBoolean:x:

By default the SearchableSectionList also inherits all the props of a React Native SectionList. You could use virtually any props you would with a SectionList.


import { SearchableSectionList } from "react-native-searchable-list";

          renderSectionHeader={({ section: { title } }) => ( <Text style={{ fontWeight: "bold" }}>{title}</Text> )}
          renderItem={({ item }) => ( <Text style={styles.listItem}>{item}</Text> )}
          keyExtractor={item => item}


Github repo with the above examples - https://github.com/Chandrasekar-G/RNSearchableListDemo

1. Simple Array Data

Section List

this.state = {
      data: [ { title: "Asia", data: ["Taj Mahal", "Great Wall of China", "Petra"] },
              { title: "South America", data: ["Machu Picchu", "Christ the Redeemer", "Chichen Itza"] },
              { title: "Europe", data: ["Roman Colosseum"] } ],
      searchTerm: "",
      searchAttribute: "",
      searchByTitle: false,
      ignoreCase: true

render() {
    const { data, searchTerm, searchByTitle, searchAttribute, ignoreCase } = this.state;
      style={styles.search} placeholder={"Search Wonders"}
      onChangeText={searchTerm => this.setState({ searchTerm })} />

        sections={data} searchTerm={searchTerm}
        renderSectionHeader={({ section: { title } }) => (
          <Text style={{ fontWeight: "bold" }}>{title}</Text>
        renderItem={({ item }) => (
          <Text style={styles.listItem}>{item}</Text>
        keyExtractor={item => item}
2. Array of Objects

Section List

this.state = {
      data: [ { title: "Asia", data: [ { id: 1, name: "Taj Mahal", address: { continent: "Asia", country: "India" } },
                                       { id: 2, name: "Great Wall of China", address: { continent: "Asia", country: "China" } },
                                       { id: 7, name: "Petra", address: { continent: "Asia", country: "Jordan" } } ] },
              { title: "South America", data: [ { id: 3, name: "Machu Picchu", address: { continent: "", country: "Peru" } },
                                                { id: 4, name: "Christ the Redeemer", address: { continent: "South America", country: "Brazil" } },
                                                { id: 5, name: "Chichen Itza", address: { continent: "South America", country: "Mexico" } } ] },
              { title: "Europe", data: [ { id: 6, name: "Roman Colosseum", address: { continent: "Europe", country: "Italy" } } ] } ],
      searchTerm: "",
      searchAttribute: "address.country",
      ignoreCase: true

render() {
    const { data, searchTerm, searchAttribute, ignoreCase } = this.state;
      style={styles.search} placeholder={"Search Wonder Country"}
      onChangeText={searchTerm => this.setState({ searchTerm })} />

      sections={data} searchTerm={searchTerm}
      searchAttribute={searchAttribute} searchByTitle={false}
      renderSectionHeader={({ section: { title } }) => (
        <Text style={{ fontWeight: "bold" }}>{title}</Text>
      renderItem={({ item }) => (
        <Text style={styles.listItem}>{item.name}</Text>
      keyExtractor={item => item.id}
3. Search By Title

Section List

this.state = {
      data: [ { title: "Asia", data: ["Taj Mahal", "Great Wall of China", "Petra"] },
              { title: "South America", data: ["Machu Picchu", "Christ the Redeemer", "Chichen Itza"] },
              { title: "Europe", data: ["Roman Colosseum"] } ],
      searchTerm: "",
      searchAttribute: "",
      searchByTitle: true,
      ignoreCase: true

render() {
    const { data, searchTerm, searchAttribute, ignoreCase } = this.state;
      style={styles.search} placeholder={"Search Wonder Country"}
      onChangeText={searchTerm => this.setState({ searchTerm })} />
      sections={data} searchTerm={searchTerm}
      searchAttribute={searchAttribute} searchByTitle={searchByTitle}
      renderSectionHeader={({ section: { title } }) => (
        <Text style={{ fontWeight: "bold" }}>{title}</Text>
      renderItem={({ item }) => (
        <Text style={styles.listItem}>{item}</Text>
      keyExtractor={item => item}