1.0.0 • Published 1 year ago

react-native-secure-authentication v1.0.0

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Last release
1 year ago


As of now react-native-local-auth is not maintained and not working properly. So I forked the project and created this library which support authenticate users with Touch ID, with optional fallback to passcode (if TouchID is unavailable or not enrolled). Most of the code and documentation is originally from react-native-local-auth.

Why use this library

  1. Maintained Library
  2. Support autolinking
  3. Support Typescript

This project also contained typescript definitions.



If TouchID is supported and enrolled (in this gif, 1st touch fails, 2nd succeeds)

Touch ID

If TouchID is not supported or not enrolled, you can fallback to device passcode

fallback to passcode


yarn add react-native-secure-authentication

Linking the Library (Auto Linking)

Everything is Autolinked in android. For IOS run npx pod-install.

Manual Linking IOS using Pods

Add following line in Podfile

pod 'SecureAuthentication', :path => "../node_modules/react-native-secure-authentication/"

Linking With react-native-link

npx react-native-link react-native-secure-authentication

Manual Linking Android

  1. Open up android/app/src/main/java/[...]/MainActivity.java
  • Add import dj.secure.authentication.SecureAuthenticationPackage; to the imports at the top of the file
  • Add new SecureAuthenticationPackage() to the list returned by the getPackages() method
  1. Append the following lines to android/settings.gradle:

    include ':react-native-secure-authentication'
    project(':react-native-secure-authentication').projectDir = new File(rootProject.projectDir,   '../node_modules/react-native-secure-authentication/android')
  2. Insert the following lines inside the dependencies block in android/app/build.gradle:

      implement project(':react-native-secure-authentication')


import SecureAuthentication, { AuthenticationErrors } from 'react-native-secure-authentication';

const MyComponent : FC () => {
    const _pressHandler = useCallback(() => {
              reason: 'this is a secure area, please authenticate yourself',
              fallbackToPasscode: true,    // fallback to passcode on cancel
              suppressEnterPassword: true // disallow Enter Password fallback
            .then((success) => {
              alert('Authenticated Successfully')
            .catch((error:AuthenticationErrors) => {
              alert('Authentication Failed', error.message)

        return (
            <TouchableHighlight onPress={_pressHandler}>
                Authenticate with Touch ID / Passcode


check if Touch ID is supported. Returns a Promise object.


There are various reasons why authenticating with Touch ID or device passcode may fail. Whenever authentication fails, SecureAuthentication.authenticate will return an error code representing the reason.

Below is a list of error codes that can be returned:

LAErrorAuthenticationFailedAuthentication was not successful because the user failed to provide valid credentials.
LAErrorUserCancelAuthentication was canceled by the user—for example, the user tapped Cancel in the dialog.
LAErrorUserFallbackAuthentication was canceled because the user tapped the fallback button (Enter Password).
LAErrorSystemCancelAuthentication was canceled by system—for example, if another application came to foreground while the authentication dialog was up.
LAErrorPasscodeNotSetAuthentication could not start because the passcode is not set on the device.
LAErrorTouchIDNotAvailableAuthentication could not start because Touch ID is not available on the device
LAErrorTouchIDNotEnrolledAuthentication could not start because Touch ID has no enrolled fingers.
RCTTouchIDUnknownErrorCould not authenticate for an unknown reason.
RCTTouchIDNotSupportedDevice does not support Touch ID.

More information on errors can be found in Apple's Documentation.


ISC. react-native-local-auth license also included.

ISC. react-native-touch-id license also included.