3.1.2 • Published 4 years ago

react-native-simple-survey v3.1.2

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Last release
4 years ago









JSON Schema



3.0.0 - Breaking changes to API to fix inconsistency in orders parameters were being passed into callbacks.

    • renderTextInput and renderNumericInput are passed placeholder as their third parameter, and onBlur as their fourth.
      • Previously renderTextInput was taking placeholder as its second parameter.
  • New Features
    • defaultValue for text and numeric inputs.
    • getAnswers() on a ref to grab whatever answers have been given so far.
  • documented onBlur for auto-advance of text and numeric input components
  • Added type fields for parameters in readme.
  • You can now pass in any object for questionText, since you have to render it anyway, have fun!
  • Updated ExampleApp to bring it in line with new features.

2.0.2 - When a default defaultSelection is set, the next and finish buttons are now properly enabled.

2.0.1 - Update README.md for NPM.

2.0 - Lots of new features!

  • autoAdvance is now supported on a per question basis for SelectionGroup and MultipleSelectionGroup
  • By default SelectionGroup and MultipleSelectionGroup items can be deselected, there is a new questionSettings field deselectionAllowed that can disable this behavior
  • SelectionGroup and MultipleSelectionGroup have a new questionSettings field defaultSelection, it is a single value for SelectionGroup and an array of numbers for MultipleSelectionGroup. The values in both cases are index(es) of element(s) that should be selected by default.

1.2.0 - MultipleSelectionGroup is now supported.


react-native-simple-survey is a super simple way to ask your user questions. Give it some JSON with questions and some callbacks to draw the UI and Simple Survey handles all state management for you, runs the user through your questions, and pops answers out at the end.


See a live demo at https://snack.expo.io/@devlinb/react-native-simple-survey-example-app


See the ExampleApp for a demonstration of all the features.

Feed it JSON such as

const survey = [
        questionType: 'Info',
        questionText: 'Welcome to the React Native Simple Survey Example app! Tap next to continue'
        questionType: 'TextInput',
        questionText: 'Simple Survey supports free form text input',
        questionId: 'favoriteColor',
        placeholderText: 'Tell me your favorite color!',
        questionType: 'NumericInput',
        questionText: 'It also supports numeric input. Enter your favorite number here!',
        questionId: 'favoriteNumber',
        placeholderText: '',
        questionType: 'SelectionGroup',
        questionText: 'Simple Survey also has multiple choice questions. What is your favorite pet?',
        questionId: 'favoritePet',
        options: [
                optionText: 'Dogs',
                value: 'dog'
                optionText: 'Cats',
                value: 'cat'
                optionText: 'Ferrets',
                value: 'ferret'
        questionType: 'MultipleSelectionGroup',
            'Select two or three of your favorite foods!',
        questionId: 'favoriteFoods',
        questionSettings: {
            maxMultiSelect: 3,
            minMultiSelect: 2,
        options: [
                optionText: 'Sticky rice dumplings',
                value: 'sticky rice dumplings'
                optionText: 'Pad Thai',
                value: 'pad thai'
                optionText: 'Steak and Eggs',
                value: 'steak and eggs'
                optionText: 'Tofu',
                value: 'tofu'
                optionText: 'Ice cream!',
                value: 'ice crem'
                optionText: 'Injera',
                value: 'injera'
                optionText: 'Tamales',
                value: 'tamales'

Then use the component like this:

    navButtonContainerStyle={{ flexDirection: 'row', justifyContent: 'space-around' }}
    onSurveyFinished={(answers) => this.onSurveyFinished(answers)}
    onAnswerSubmitted={(answer) => this.onAnswerSubmitted(answer)}


The below looks like a lot. To get started, you can copy/paste from the ExampleApp and change the styling. Swap out the default RN UI components for your own or for the ones in your favorite UI toolkit.

surveyJSON formatted as show in Usage all valid fields are show in the example app, the schema is defined in JSON Schema
renderSelectorReturns a component that is used to render the UI for multiple choice questions. Should be a UI component that supports single selection, such as a button or radio button. Other creative element types are also possible.
containerStyleStyle object for the the SimpleSurvey's wrapping view
selectionGroupContainerStyleStyle for the view that will wrap the selection group options, as rendered by renderSelector.
navButtonContainerStyleWrapping view for the navigation buttons, previous, next, and finished. If not passed in, nav buttons will be wrapped by regular a View with no styling.
renderPreviousFunction that returns a component following the specifications as laid out in the Callbacks section. Most often a some type of <TouchableOpacity> or your favorite flavor of <Button>
renderNextFunction that returns a component following the specifications as laid out in the Callbacks section.
renderFinishedFunction that returns a component following the specifications as laid out in the Callbacks section.
renderQuestionTextFunction that returns a component following the specifications as laid out in the Callbacks section. Typically this will return a <Text> element
onSurveyFinishedThis function receives answers the user typed/selected as the parameter answers, see the Callbacks section.
onAnswerSubmittedThis function is called everytime the user navigates to the next screen, see the Callbacks section.
renderTextInputFunction that returns the component used for user text input, see the Callbacks section.
renderNumericInputReturns the component used for numeric input, see the Callbacks section.
renderInfoReturns the component used to render info screens, see the Callbacks section.

Props that you don't use are always optional. e.g. if you don't have numeric questions, no need to pass in renderNumericInput. Corrolary of this is that SimpleSurvey will throw exceptions if you do pass in a questionType: 'NumericInput' without having defined renderNumericInput.

Ref Functions

getAnswers()Returns JSON for all answers the user has submitted so far. defaultValue for questions the user has seen but not proceeded past will also be returned. Unanswered questions will not be present in the JSON. Info questions are filtered from the returned JSON.


The majority of callbacks will return a component that Simple Survey then renders for you. This means you completely customize how Simple Survey looks. You don't even have to use buttons for your UI, Simple Survey handles the state management and lets you render whatever you want.

onSurveyFinished and onAnswerSubmitted are the only callbacks that don't return a component.

Navigation Callbacks

The props renderPrevious, renderNext, renderFinished all have the same form.

onPressCallback (void)Must be called when this component is activated (tapped, swiped, clicked, etc)
enabledbooleanIndicates if this component should be enabled.

The onPress equivalent (feel free to have fun, so long as the user indicates something) has to call the onPress lambda that is passed in. At its most boring this looks like

const renderNext = (onPress, enabled) => {

enabled tells you if the button should be enabled or not.


Must returns a component. This is the text shown above above each question.

questionTextstring||objectTypically text of the question as specified in the JSON for this question. Since this is passed into your own rendering function, feel free to define an object in your JSON for more advanced scenarios.

Sample usage

const renderQuestionText = (questionText) => {
    return (<Text>{questionText}</Text>); 


Must return a component. This is the UI element that will be shown for each option of a SelectionGroup and MultipleSelectionGroup, Buttons, radio buttons, sliders, whatever you want, so long as onPress gets called when the user has selected something.

dataanyA complete copy of the 'value' field defined in the JSON object for this SelectionGroup. See example below.
indexnumberIndex of this option in the array of options that was passed to the SelectionGroup. Useful as key on your component.
isSelectedbooleanIndicates if the user has selected this option.
onPressCallback (selection handler interface as defined in react-native-selection-group)Must be called when the user has selected this component as their choice.

Sample usage

const renderSelector = (data, index, isSelected, onPress) => {
  return (<Button
      color={isSelected ? GREEN : PURPLE}


Called after the user activates the component passed in to renderFinished

answersArrayArray of JSON values as described below.

This is passed a JSON array of the form

{questionId: string, value: any},
{questionId: string, value: any},
// ...

where value is the answer the user selected or entered. Selection Group is more flexible, value is the entirity of the object passed into option, meaning Selection Group questions can actually do some pretty fun stuff. An example of this

  questionId: "favoritePet", 
  value: { 
    optionText: "Dogs",
    value: "dog"

Navigation to leave or close out SimpleSurvey should go here.

Info questions are automatically removed from the returned array, only questions that have non-null answers will be returned. Questions with an assigned defaultValue in the JSON that the user has only viewed will also be returned.


Called after the user activates the renderNext component.

answersstring || objectSee description below

answer is the user input for Numeric and Text inputs, it is the entire Option object as specified in your JSON for a SelectionGroup.

As an example, from the sample JSON up above, if the user selected Dogs, onQuestionAnswered would receive

  optionText: "Dogs",
  value: "dog"


Must return a component. Renders input component for questions of type TextInput.

onChangeCallback (string)Must be called for every character input by the user
valueStringCurrent value of this field
placeHolderStringPlaceholder text as indicated in the JSON, will be null if not specified in the JSON
onBlurCallback (void)Function to be called when the text input field is blurred, used for auto-advancing, not needed if you are not enabling autoadvance.


const renderTextInput = (onChange, value, placeholder, onBlur) {
  return (<TextInput
    onChangeText={text => onChange(text)}

See the ExampleApp for a better styled, more functional, example.


Must return a component. Renders input component for questions of type NumericInput.

onChangeCallback (string)Must be called for every character input by the user
valuestringCurrent value of this field, empty string if the field is empty
placeholderStringPlaceholder text as indicated in the JSON, will be null if not specified in the JSON
onBlurCallback (void)Function to be called when the numeric input field is blurred, used for auto-advancing, not needed if you are not using autoadvance.


const renderNumericInput = (onChange, value, placeholder, onBlur) {
  return (<TextInput 
    onChangeText={text => { onChange(text); }}


Must return a component. Renders text on questionType: 'Info' Screens.

infoTextString as passed in the JSON field questionText for questionType: "Info"


const renderInfoText = (infoText) {
  return (<Text style={styles.infoText}>{infoText}</Text>);

JSON Schema

(in Typescript)

survey : Array<Info|TextInput|NumericInput|SelectionGroup|MultipleSelectionGroup>

interface Info: {
    questionType: "Info",
    questionText: string || object

interface TextInput: {
    questionType: "TextInput",
    questionText: string || object,
    questionId: string,
    placeholderText?: string,
    defaultValue?: string

interface NumericInput: {
    questionType: "NumericInput",
    questionText: string || object,
    questionId: string,
    placeholderText?: string || number,
    defaultValue?: string || number

interface SelectionGroupOption: {
    optionText: string,
    value: any

interface SelectionGroup: {
    questionType: "SelectionGroup",
    questionText: string || object,
    questionId: string,
    questionSettings: {
        autoAdvance: boolean,
        allowDeselection: boolean,
        defaultSelection: number,
    options: SelectionGroupOption[]

interface MultipleSelectionGroup: {
    questionType: "MultipleSelectionGroup",
    questionText: string || object,
    questionId: string,
    questionSettings: {
        autoAdvance: boolean,
        allowDeselection: boolean,
        maxMultiSelect: number,
        minMultiSelect?: number,
        defaultSelection: Array<number>,
    options: SelectionGroupOption[]

