1.1.0 • Published 6 years ago

react-native-smart-carousel v1.1.0

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Last release
6 years ago

React Native Smart Carousel

npm version

Get started


Run: $ npm install react-native-smart-carousel --save


import Carousel from 'react-native-smart-carousel';
import SnowmanImage from './images/snowman1';

// imagePath can get images URL or imported images.

const datacarousel = [
      "id": 339964,
      "title": "This is snowman first title",
      "imagePath": "https://cdn.pixabay.com/photo/2017/12/09/16/41/snow-man-3008179_1280.jpg", // URL
      "id": 339403,
      "title": "Snowman",
      "subtitle": "The guy you want",
      "imagePath": SnowmanImage, // imported



dataAn array with all your items. Read bellow about Data array structure.NoneYes
alignTitle alignment. Could be left, right or center.leftNo
autoStartStart auto scrolling of the carousel. Boolean true or false.falseNo
playTimeOnly works when autoStart is activated. It is the interval between each slide in ms.5000No
titleColorColor title.#ffffffNo
navigationDisplay a navigation bar or not. Boolean true or false.trueNo
navigationColorColor of the current item in the navigation bar.#ffffffNo
navigationTypeNavigation bar type. 3 types available: dots, bars or squares. See navigationType examples for illustrations.dotsNo
heightCarousel height.200No
widthCarousel width.400No
parallaxParallax effect while scrolling. Boolean true or false.trueNo
overlayPathImage ressource to overlay item image. For example: {require('../assets/images/itemGradient.png')}NoneNo
onPressA function called when an item is pressedNoneNo
parentScrollViewRefReference of the parent ScrollView. Read bellow about Make your carousel ScrollView friendlyNoneNo

Data array structure

Your data array must be an array of objects with at least an id and an imagePath key.

idItem ID.Yes
titleItem title. Omit this prop if you don't want a title.No
subtitleItem subtitle. Omit this prop if you don't want a subtitle.No
imagePathItem image path.Yes
const datacarousel = [
      "id": 339964,
      "title": "This is snowman first title",
      "imagePath": "https://cdn.pixabay.com/photo/2017/12/09/16/41/snow-man-3008179_1280.jpg",
      "id": 339403,
      "title": "Snowman",
      "subtitle": "The guy you want",
      "imagePath": "https://cdn.pixabay.com/photo/2015/12/12/22/35/snowman-1090261_1280.jpg",

navigationType examples

You can easily customize your navigation bar with navigationType: use dots, barsor squares to give a different look at your navigation items. Remember you can also use navigationColor to change the color of the current item in your navigation bar.

Navigation types

Dots, bars and squares navigation

Make your carousel ScrollView friendly

In order to use your carousel component inside a ScrollView and avoid any conflicts while scrolling, you need to use parentScrollViewRef prop.

  ref={(c) => { this.parentScrollView = c; }}






This project is licenced under the MIT License.