0.1.1 • Published 9 years ago

react-native-sqlite3 v0.1.1

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Last release
9 years ago


React native wrapper for sqlite3 using FMDB. Currently only limited FMDB commands are exposed.

Thread safety:

All sql commands are executed using FMDatabaseQueue, so thread safety comes for free(FMDB rocks!).

Getting Started

  1. First, cd to your RN project directory
  2. Run the command npm install react-native-sqlite3 --save.
  3. Go to Build Phases tab -> Expand the Link Binary With Libraries and click the + button to add libsqlite3.tbd(for newer xcode version) or libsqlite3.dylib(for older version of xcode).

iOS: Using CocoaPods

Assuming you have CocoaPods installed, create a PodFile like this in your app's project directory. You can leave out the modules you don't need.

xcodeproj 'path/to/YourProject.xcodeproj/'

pod 'React', :subspecs => ['Core', 'RCTText', 'RCTWebSocket'], :path => 'node_modules/react-native'
pod 'react-native-sqlite3', :path => 'node_modules/react-native-sqlite3'

post_install do |installer|
  target = installer.pods_project.targets.select{|t| 'React' == t.name}.first
  phase = target.new_shell_script_build_phase('Run Script')
  phase.shell_script = "if nc -w 5 -z localhost 8081 ; then\n  if ! curl -s \"http://localhost:8081/status\" | grep -q \"packager-status:running\" ; then\n    echo \"Port 8081 already in use, packager is either not running or not running correctly\"\n    exit 2\n  fi\nelse\n  open $SRCROOT/../node_modules/react-native/packager/launchPackager.command || echo \"Can't start packager automatically\"\nfi"

Now run pod install. This will create an Xcode workspace containing all necessary native files, including react-native-sqlite3. From now on open YourProject.xcworkspace instead of YourProject.xcodeproject in Xcode. Because React Native's iOS code is now pulled in via CocoaPods, you also need to remove the React, RCTImage, etc. subprojects from your app's Xcode project, in case they were added previously.

iOS: Manual install(not tested yet- please let me know if you run into any issues)

  1. Add FMDB to your project as describe here http://stackoverflow.com/a/11441518/3371160
  2. Open up your project in xcode and right click the package.
  3. Click Add files to 'Your project name'
  4. Navigate to /node_modules/react-native-sqlite3/iOS/RNSqlite
  5. Click 'Add'

Example Usage:

var db = require('react-native-sqlite3');

////you don't have to open the db explicitly. When you execute a sql, db is opened if not already open.
var openPromise = db.open(dbName);

var insertEmpSql = "insert into Employee (id, name) values (:id, :name)";
var insertEmpParams = {id: "11111", name: "John Doe"};
var insertPromise = db.executeInsert("employee.db", insertEmpSql, insertEmpParams);

var updateEmpSql = "update Employee set name = :newName where id = :empId";
var updateEmpParams = {empId: "11111", newName: "John DoeChanged"};
var updatePromise = this.db.executeUpdate("employee.db", updateEmpSql, updateEmpParams);
var myEmpId = "11111"; 
var sqlStmt = 'SELECT * from Employees where id = :employeeId';
var paramMap = {employeeId: myEmpId};  
var getEmployeePromise = this.db.executeQuery("employee.db", sqlStmt, params);
   console.log("employee data is"+ data);

Known limitations:

  1. No batch statements support.(this should be trivial though)
  2. No transaction support yet.
  3. No built in migration support yet.

Android support:

I saw this RN plugin https://github.com/jbrodriguez/react-native-android-sqlite based on SqliteOpenHelper. Will be reusing it or create a wrapper directly against SqliteOpenHelper in the next few weeks. Any PR's are welcome :)