1.1.0 • Published 6 years ago

react-native-test-utility v1.1.0

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Last release
6 years ago


Utility package for testing react-native applications


import React from 'react'
import renderer from 'react-test-renderer'
import ComponentName from 'path/to/component'
import { query } from 'react-native-test-utility'

describe('<ComponentName />', () => {
  test('updates colors on press', () => {
    const component = renderer.create(<ComponentName />)
    const beforeStyle = query(component.toJSON()).hasTestID('goals').getStyle()
    expect(beforeStyle.backgroundColor).toBe('rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.35)')

    component.getInstance().scrollToSelected = () => undefined
    const afterStyle = query(component.toJSON()).hasTestID('goals').getStyle()
    expect(afterStyle.backgroundColor).toBe('rgb(255, 255, 255)')


The package exports three functions, note that one of the get functions needs to be called to access the data from the query:

clone - takes an object and deep copies it, beware of Date objects since it uses JSON.stringify to acomplish this.

getWrappedComponent - takes a JSON version of a component rendered by react-test-renderer and returns the nested component. Should be used to access functions on a component nested in a HOC.

query - takes a JSON version of a component rendered by react-test-renderer and returns a query object used to traverse the tree.

###query() The query function returns an object containing the following functions:

hasProp (propertyName, value?) Finds a node where node.propertyName === value. if value is omitted simply returns a node that contains the property.

hasStyle (propertyName, value?) Same as hasProp but for styles, can handle array-based styles.

hasTestID (testID) Finds a node that has the provided testID.

isType (type) Finds a node of the provided type.

hasManyChildren () Finds the first node with more than 1 child.

byCallback (callback) Finds a node depending on a callback. The callback will be passed a node.

getText () Returns the first instance of text.

getNode () Returns the current node found by the query.

getFullJSON () Returns a full JSON representation of the tree from the current node found by query and downwards.

getStyle () Returns the style object from the current node found by the query.


The query object can be chained to dig deeper into the same search.

Assume you get this object when you run const component = renderer.create(<MyComponent />)

  children: [
      children: [
        { type="Text" testID="firstChild"},
        { type="Text" testID="secondChild"}
      children: [
        { type="Text" testID="firstChild"},
        { type="Text" testID="secondChild"}

To access the second child in the second top-level View you could use query like this:
