1.0.1 • Published 1 year ago

react-native-tinder-cards-view v1.0.1

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Last release
1 year ago


A high performance, beautiful and fully customizable Animated swipe card list for React Native without any third party library and support pagination.

Getting started

npm install react-native-tinder-cards-view --save


yarn add react-native-tinder-cards-view

Important Note

For the best experience in your app we prefer adding images with FastImage plugin.

React Native FastImage is a quick way to load images in React Native. All loaded pictures are aggressively cached by FastImage. You may add your own auth headers and preload pictures to your requests. GIF caching is also supported by react-native-fast-image.

To get started with React Native FastImage, first, add the FastImage component to your project:

yarn add react-native-fast-image


npm install –save react-native-fast-image

Platforms Supported

  • iOS
  • Android



dataArrayYesFor simplicity, data is a plain array. If you want to use something else, like an immutable list
renderItem({ item: any }) => JSX.ElementYesFunction that returns a React element to display as Card.
onSwipeRight(item: any) => voidNo-Function that fire when a card swiped in the right direction.
onSwipeLeft(item: any) => voidNo-Function that fire when a card swiped in the left direction.
actionOffsetNumberNo100The value that when the card swipe over it will fire an action.
cardWidthNumberNo96% from screen widthCard width
cardHeightNumberNo90% from screen heightCard height
renderRightElement() => JSX.ElementNoTinder Nope ImageRender right element
renderLeftElement() => JSX.ElementNoTinder Like ImageRender left element
renderEmptyComponent() => JSX.ElementNoNo more people text viewRender custom empty list component view
animationDurationNumberNo200Swipe animation duration
centerCardsBooleanNotrueCenter view
cardsLeftToCallLoadMoreNumberNo3Number of cards left to call onEndReached function for pagination
onEndReached() => voidNo-On end reached function (Pagination support)
onListIsEmpty() => voidNo-An optional function fired when no more cards to show

Style props

containerStyleViewStyleNo{}An optional param to set Container custom style
emptyViewContainerStyleViewStyleNo{}An optional param to set Empty view Container custom style
cardViewStyleViewStyleNo{}An optional param to set Card view custom style
rightElementStyleViewStyleNo{}An optional param to set right element style
leftElementStyleViewStyleNo{}An optional param to set left element style


You can use Reference to swipe cards programmatically.

  • swipeCardRight
  • swipeCardLeft

Swipe Card Right

Swipe current card to the right programmatically using reference:


Swipe Card Left

Swipe current card to the left programmatically using reference:



import React, {useRef, useState} from 'react';
import {Button, SafeAreaView, Text, View} from 'react-native';
import {AnimatedSwiper, AnimatedSwiperRef} from 'react-native-tinder-cards-view';
import {staticData} from './static/data';

const App = () => {
     * Swiper reference to make swipe programmatically.
    const swiperRef = useRef<AnimatedSwiperRef>(null);
    const [data, setData] = useState(staticData);

     * Load more data.
    const loadMore = () => {
        setData(prev => [...prev, ...staticData]);

    return (
                renderEmptyComponent={() => (
                    <View style={{height: '100%', justifyContent: 'center', alignItems: 'center'}}>
                        <Text style={{color: 'red'}}>Test empty</Text>
                renderItem={({item}) => (
                    <CardItem image={item.image} name={item.name}/>
                onEndReached={() => loadMore()}
                onSwipeRight={item => console.log('swipe right', item)}
                onSwipeLeft={item => console.log('swipe left', item)}
                title={'Swipe right programmatically'}
                onPress={() => swiperRef.current?.swipeCardRight()}
                title={'Swipe left programmatically'}
                onPress={() => swiperRef.current?.swipeCardLeft()}

Card Item template:

import React from 'react';
import {Text, View} from 'react-native';
import FastImage from 'react-native-fast-image';
import {styles} from './styles';

const CardItem = ({image, name}: {image: string; name: string}) => {
  return (
    <View style={styles.card}>
      <FastImage style={styles.image} source={{uri: image, priority: FastImage.priority.high}} />
      <Text style={styles.text}>{name}</Text>

export default CardItem;

Demo App

For full working example you can check it on github from here.


This package created by Louay Sleman.