2.0.1 • Published 9 months ago
react-native-ts-wheel-picker v2.0.1
Welcome to the RN sliding selection component, which is already compatible with iOS, Android, and HarmonyOS Next. It is a pure tsx component and does not require native dependency support
Parameter Introduction
interface THWheelPickerProps extends ViewStyle {
* wheelHeader参数
// 点击取消触发的方法
// Click to cancel the triggering method
onCancel?: () => void
// 点击确认触发的方法
// Click to confirm the triggering method
onConfirm?: (e: any) => void
// 标题 title
title?: string | undefined
// 返回标题 left title
leftTitle?: string | undefined
// 确认标题 rightTitle
rightTitle?: string | undefined
// 返回自定义 custom left view
leftHeaderView?: ReactNode | undefined
// 确认自定义 custom right view
rightHeaderView?: ReactNode | undefined
// 标题自定义 custom title view
titleHeaderView?: ReactNode | undefined
* wheelContainer参数, titleview 和滑动选择中间的部分
containerView?: ReactNode | Function | undefined
* wheelPicker参数
// 展示 is show ?
visible: boolean
// 数据源格式 data Source
dataSource: Array<THWheelPickerDataSource>
// 需要展示的行列数 cols
cols: number
// line为模拟iOS原生选择的样式,block为两行线的模式
// Line is a style that simulates iOS native selection, while block is a two line pattern
lineType?: 'line' | 'block'
// 默认的数组,例如树形结构想选择某个初始化的值,需要先defaultValue中传入这一组初始化的值
// A default array, such as a tree structure, to select an initialized value, you need to first pass in this set of initialized values from the defaultValue
defaultValue?: Array<string>
// 字体样式
fontStyle?: StyleProp<TextStyle> | undefined
// item的高度
itemHeight?: number | undefined
// 滚动区域的高度
wheelHeight?: number | undefined
// ref
wheelRef?: Ref<IRefs | undefined>
- The above are optional parameters
- onCancel is Cancel button method
- onConfirm is Confirm button method
- title is title view text
- leftTitle is custom left title text
- rightTitle is custom right title text
- leftHeaderView is custom left title view
- rightHeaderView is custom right title view
- titleHeaderView is custom main title view
- containerView The part located in the middle of the title and sliding area, which does not exist if not set
- visible is show?
- dataSource Data sources that match label, value, and children
- cols num cols
- lineType The type of sliding area mask, where line represents the style of simulating iOS, and block represents the horizontal line style
- defaultValue Default data requires passing in the default selected value value value
- itemHeight height of item
- wheelRef ref of wheel, can get state
style={{ height: 40, justifyContent: 'center', alignItems: 'center' }}
<Text>{'container view'}</Text>
position: 'absolute',
top: '50%',
width: '100%',
height: 400,
borderWidth: 1,
borderColor: 'red',
defaultValue={['a', 'mala']}
{ label: 'a', value: 'a', children: [{ label: 'b', value: 'b' }] },
{ label: 'a1', value: 'a1', children: [{ label: 'b1', value: 'b1' }] },
{ label: 'aa', value: 'aa', children: [{ label: 'ba', value: 'ba' }] },
label: 'aaa',
value: 'aaaa',
children: [{ label: 'baa', value: 'baa' }],
value: 'mala',
label: 'aaa',
children: [
value: 'asda',
label: 2222,
children: [{ value: 'a', label: 'b' }],