0.2.5 • Published 5 years ago

react-native-video-player-hp v0.2.5

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5 years ago


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A customisable React Native video player for Android and IOS



  • Fullscreen support for Android and iOS!
  • Works with react-navigation
  • Optional action button for custom use
  • Add your own logo and/or placeholder
  • Customise theme


npm i react-native-video-player-hp

Then link

react-native link react-native-video
react-native link react-native-keep-awake
react-native link react-native-vector-icons
react-native link react-native-orientation
react-native link react-native-linear-gradient

Simple Usage

import React from 'react'
import { AppRegistry, StyleSheet, View } from 'react-native'
import Video from 'react-native-video-player-hp'

const styles = StyleSheet.create({
  container: {
    flex: 1,
    justifyContent: 'center'

const url = 'https://your-url.com/video.mp4'

class VideoExample extends React.Component {

  render() {
    return (
      <View style={styles.container}>
        <Video url={url} />

AppRegistry.registerComponent('VideoExample', () => VideoExample)


urlstring, numberYesA URL string (or number for local) is required.
autoPlayboolNofalseAutoplays the video as soon as it's loaded
loopboolNofalseAllows the video to continuously loop
titlestringNo''Adds a title of your video at the top of the player
placeholderstringNoundefinedAdds an image placeholder while it's loading and stopped at the beginning
logostringNoundefinedAdds an image logo at the top left corner of the video
themestringNo'white'Adds an optional theme colour to the players controls
hideFullScreenControlboolNofalseThis hides the full screen control
stylenumber, objectNo{}Apply styles directly to the Video player (ignored in fullscreen mode)
resizeModestringNo'contain'Fills the whole screen at aspect ratio. contain, cover etc
rotateToFullScreenboolNofalseTapping the fullscreen button will rotate the screen. Also rotating the screen will automatically switch to fullscreen mode
fullScreenOnlyboolNofalseThis will play only in fullscreen mode
inlineOnlyboolNofalseThis hides the fullscreen button and only plays the video in inline mode
playInBackgroundboolNofalseAudio continues to play when app enters background.
playWhenInactiveboolNofalseiOS Video continues to play when control or notification center are shown.
ratenumberNo1Adjusts the speed of the video. 0 = stopped, 1.0 = normal
volumenumberNo1Adjusts the volume of the video. 0 = mute, 1.0 = full volume
onMorePressfunctionNoundefinedAdds an action button at the top right of the player. Use this callback function for your own use. e.g share link
onFullScreenfunctionNo(value) => {}Returns the fullscreen status whenever it toggles. Useful for situations like react navigation.
onTimedMetadatafunctionNoundefinedCallback when the stream receives metadata
scrollBounceboolNofalseEnables the bounce effect for the ScrollView
lockPortraitOnFsExitboolNofalseKeep Portrait mode locked after Exiting from Fullscreen mode
lockRationumberNoundefinedForce a specific ratio to the Video player. e.g. lockRatio={16 / 9}
onLoadfunctionNo(data) => {}Returns data once video is loaded
onProgressfunctionNo(progress) => {}Returns progress data
onEndfunctionNo() => {}Invoked when video finishes playing
onErrorfunctionNo(error) => {}Returns an error message argument
onPlayfunctionNo(playing) => {}Returns a boolean during playback
errorboolean, objectNotruePass in an object to Alert. See https://facebook.github.io/react-native/docs/alert.html
themeobjectNoall whitePass in an object to theme. (See example below to see the full list of available settings)
controlDurationnumberNo3Set the visibility time of the pause button and the progress bar after the video was started


To toggle play/pause manually, you can do it like so:

  const theme = {
    title: '#FFF',
    more: '#446984',
    center: '#7B8F99',
    fullscreen: '#446984',
    volume: '#A5957B',
    scrubberThumb: '#234458',
    scrubberBar: '#DBD5C7',
    seconds: '#DBD5C7',
    duration: '#DBD5C7',
    progress: '#446984',
    loading: '#DBD5C7'

  class MyComponent extends Component {

    play() {

    pause() {

    render() {
      return (
            ref={(ref) => { this.video = ref }}
          <Button onPress={() => this.play()}>Play</Button>
          <Button onPress={() => this.pause()}>Pause</Button>



Avoid adding alignItems: 'center' to the container, it can cause fullscreen mode to disappear :D

React Navigation

If you’re using react-navigation you need to manually hide the headers / tab bars to take advantage of fullscreen videos.


import React, { Component } from 'react'
import { StyleSheet, View, ScrollView, Alert, Text } from 'react-native'

import Video from 'react-native-af-video-player'

const styles = StyleSheet.create({
  container: {
    flex: 1

class ReactNavigationExample extends Component {

  static navigationOptions = ({ navigation }) => {
    const { state } = navigation
    // Setup the header and tabBarVisible status
    const header = state.params && (state.params.fullscreen ? undefined : null)
    const tabBarVisible = state.params ? state.params.fullscreen : true
    return {
      // For stack navigators, you can hide the header bar like so
      // For the tab navigators, you can hide the tab bar like so

  onFullScreen(status) {
    // Set the params to pass in fullscreen status to navigationOptions
      fullscreen: !status

  onMorePress() {
      'This is an action call!',
      [{ text: 'Aw yeah!' }]

  render() {

    const url = 'https://your-url.com/video.mp4'
    const logo = 'https://your-url.com/logo.png'
    const placeholder = 'https://your-url.com/placeholder.png'
    const title = 'My video title'

    return (
      <View style={styles.container}>
          onMorePress={() => this.onMorePress()}
          onFullScreen={status => this.onFullScreen(status)}
          <Text>Some content here...</Text>

export default ReactNavigationExample

http vs https

For your sanity you should use https especially if you’re planning to use this for iOS. Using http will not work due to App Transport Security Settings will result in AppStore rejection.

Fullscreen videos inside a ScrollView

If you need the video inside a ScrollView, use our ScrollView instead: The reason for this is because we need to hide all of it's content due to ScrollView styling challenges when enabling fullscreen mode. We wouldn't want you deal with that headache, instead let this component handle it :) You can also apply styles to the video by wrapping our Container around it. Note: wrapping the video with your own element can cause fullscreen defects. Also having multiple videos in a ScrollView isn't perfect, so use at your own risk.


  import Video, { ScrollView, Container } from 'react-native-af-video-player'

  const styles = StyleSheet.create({
    container: {
      flex: 1
    videoContainer: {
      margin: 10

  class VideoInScrollView extends React.Component {

    render() {
      return (
        <ScrollView style={styles.container}>

          <Text>Some content above</Text>

          <Container style={styles.videoContainer}>

          {/* Or use without the Container */}

          <Text>Some content below</Text>


To Do

  • Option to use custom icons
  • Support Immersive mode for Android
  • improve multiple videos fullscreen support within a ScrollView
  • investigate subtitle support
  • Improve scrubber controls for iOS
  • Provide fullscreen support within a ScrollView
  • Customise specific components for better theming

MIT Licensed